Do you set-up your TP over or under?

Do you set-up your TP over or under?

  • Over

  • Under

  • Other (Please explain...)

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Over, it looks better + sometimes I have trouble finding the end of the TP when its under. The end likes to stick to the roll :mad: i think I also like knowing the edge is right in front of my face, whereas under i would have to roll the TP to find it or stick my hand behind the roll
Over. It is annoying when house guests come in and change it.

My pets do not have access to the bathroom unless I am already in there (impossible to take a bath without one of them scratching at the door to come in, so I leave it open) so they can't misbehave.
I always do over as well because I think it is more sanitary (in case there is anything on the wall) and it also is somewhat more accessible compared to under.
On the sink next to the holder, empty roll still on the holder because I’m literally the antichrist, here to destroy civilization

I try to avoid doing this but sometimes I still do, my boyfriend hates me for it and I don’t really blame him.
Either I guess.. honestly I don't get why people make such a big deal out of it as long as you can pull it? lol
This is probably going to be taken wrong, but I don’t use a lot of toilet paper. I don’t really pay attention to which way it goes lol.
Depends on how my toilet paper is feeling that day. Does it want to be want to be a rock star or a superhero? Obviously setting it over.
Over looks better so that's what I've always done. Seeing it another way doesn't put me on the warpath though.

Power to both (and other) 👌

just as Lord Seth Wheeler intended
My grandparents do under and it’s so inconvenient I’ve never known anyone else who does that
Finally somebody brave enough to ask the important questions! Of course over, that's the correct way, and nobody can convince me otherwise :mad: