Do you share cups with people?

I cannot drink after anyone except my husband, and even then I very rarely share a drink with him. It's less of a germ issue, although that does play a part, and more about the fact that if I'm not willing to kiss a person on the lips, I'm not going to put my mouth where their mouth has been. Turning the cup or the straw around doesn't make it acceptable for me either because there's still backwash to consider. The thought just completely grosses me out.
i dont rhave a problem sharing with ppl i know but i wouldnt share a cup or a straw with a complete stranger
Not really, unless it'd be a close friend or such so I know they aren't sick or anything.
I don't mind. I don't think sharing food or drinks is that weird honestly... I mean, it's kinda gross if someone asked for a sip of my drink bottle and they put their whole mouth over it and tongued it or whatever but if it's just a few sips it's fine. Many times I go to the cinema and split a big soda with a friend, we just use a straw each. Those things don't really bother me. I wouldn't do it with a complete stranger or someone who I knew is really gross when they share. Then again... I rarely ask others if I can "have a sip" but I find myself asking "do you want a sip?" lol. But maybe I'm less weirded out by it because I was raised in a culture where side dishes, stews, hotpot, whatever... food and drink basically, are shared among everyone on the table... I actually didn't think about this too deeply until now lol.
Nope, I always watch those videos where people taste test stuff and they eat from the same bowls or drink from the same cups and I don't get how you can do that and not immediately want to brush your teeth.
I don't really care that much. I share drinks with my boyfriend all the time, it's cheaper to buy one fountain drink at a restaurant and I just have a few sips of his because I'm only going to want water once I start eating anyway. I used to never share drinks or food with people (When I was still pretty young I can remember having an absolute meltdown because my uncle bit off part of my banana) but as I've gotten older I've become more relaxed about it. Yeah it's nasty but I don't really care anymore.
Lol this is a funny one, I personally don't mind drinking after someone. I have done it all the time before. Ofc it has to be people I am fond of but yeah it never really has bothered me.
Wow I must be kind of gross LOL, I will take a sip of my friends coffee often & I share entire drinks with my boyfriend. I share utensils like forks and spoons with my boyfriend, too. And I believe I?ve also used someone else?s toothbrush once before...
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Sure, I'm not much of a germaphobe. Unless someone is sick, then I will avoid them like the plague. Even my girlfriend. lol
No I hate It. Generally I leave cups everywhere because I start using one, and then if I think it has been tampered with I grab a new cup, and then another new cup lol
My little cousins and family members always grab my cups and drink from them. I think it?s the grossest thing ever and then I have to go get another cup.
My best friend does this too. She will grab my drink or cup and drink from it ( I haven?t found a way to tell her it?s gross though lol)
It doesn't really bother me too much. Only with good friends or family though, not a person I don't know too well. I'd prefer to have two straws to a cup though, or have a side each that we sip from.
I am always disgusted to share a cup / bottle with someone..
even if it's my boyfriend. Well, there is a very very rare time
that I would allow it, but that's only if he didn't eat anything
for a long time, lol...
Not really, no. We share dishes but not after we wash them if you catch my drift.
No, I only share my drink with my boyfriend and I really dislike it especially when people ask me for a sip. It's gross not knowing how often they brush their teeth, or what they might pass to me for that matter. I've known people who have gotten herpes from accidentally drinking from someone else's cup.. why would I do it to myself on purpose. I always feel pressured to comply whenever someone asks because of my anxiety. But then it's a double edged sword since either way, I get triggered. I wish people would stop asking. It's just rude..