I curse like a sailor, but I can carry on conversations without a single vulgar utterance. There are times when "meaniehead" & "buttface" just don't work for me. I curse online only on certain forums where it's allowed. I don't have problem with my son cursing when he's hanging with his friends, but I'd rather he not do it in front of me...
A lot but I'm not in the top 1% I shouldn't think. Although I notice when I hang out with certain people in particular it goes crazy. If we see someone, instead of LOOK AT HER/HIM, it's LOOK AT THAT B****. HEY B****!!! Or even if we're trying to calm someone down or console them "b**** it's okay"
But I'm probably one of the top 5 swearers in my family. We're not horribly conservative either if at all...
Online I barely swear. Dunno why, I just don't. I usually still use 'f***ing' after words like 'very' if I feel that 'very' isn't going to get across how much I like/dislike something on its own.
When I'm with friends, I'll basically be swearing with every sentence.
With family it depends. I let it slip out somewhat regularly with my Mum or Dad because they're pretty laid back about it and they swear themselves. I've never sworn in front of my grandparents and I've never heard them swear.
At work, it depends where I work. In a super formal environment or a customer facing role, I don't. If it's something like a warehouse where everybody there is a 'manly man' then you won't fit in unless your vocabulary consists mostly of vulgarities.
I am usually very kind and sweet and don't swear on a regular basis but if you mess with me and make me really upset or something else makes me upset enough I will end up cursing, it's a bad habit but if I don't people seem to think I'm not really angry.
I swear at my teachers a lot, behind their back. I feel comfortable swearing around only one of my best friends. My other best friend doesn't like swearing, so I don't do it around her. Online I don't swear a lot. I stick my finger up and swear at people I hate when their backs are turned.
Yeah. I do it to be rude sometimes and sometimes it just slips, oh well, no one seems to really mind when I use it normal conversations. I use bad words to describe my day, whether it's good or bad, "Man this food is sooo f**king good."
Sometimes. Someone once said that "Excessive swearing is for people that have a small vocabulary, or have anger management issues". I've found that to be very true.
I only swear when I'm emotional or trying to express emotion, but lack better words. I try not to do it too often, even though after all they're just words.
Sometimes. Someone once said that "Excessive swearing is for people that have a small vocabulary, or have anger management issues". I've found that to be very true.
It depends. In public, never. In private, if I'm angry or enjoying a good rant with a friend, then yes I do and its not bothersome. I don't feel right cussing in front of strangers, family, etc unless its a very close or understanding friend.