Nope! When I was still in school, people used to try & get me to swear as I never did & still never do. I just don't see the need in swearing when there's an entire vocabulary of words to say instead.
Way too much. Probably because my mother swears like a sailor and that's who I grew up with so hey. If I get really agitated it's worse, just like one long rant of cursing loudly usually.
I never picked up the habit. I don't know how my mind remained uncorrupted throughout highschool, but I simply use other words to express my displeasure. I never swear even in my mind.
Yea, sometimes when there's a heated argument at school, when i'm not at home..or when i'm at home but mum is not here, hanging out with friends or when I'm just angry.. used to swear a lot more like a year ago, but now i rarely talk so i don't swear as much .
Very rarely around people I know, if I swear then you know that you've made me quite angry. I don't really see the need to swear casually, if I need to emphasise what I'm saying I can adjust the tone of my voice. I do swear online slightly more often, again though it's usually if somebody does something to make me angry(usually if someone does or says something really stupid) but then I probably won't ever meet anyone that I talk with online so I care less.
Actually, I saw a science project in which people got hit with hammers on the fingers, where the person swearing got over the pain faster then the one steering clear of swearing.
Although you could argue being in pain a few seconds/minutes longer still is no real point to speak of. I mean a minute of pain in a lifetime is merely the blink of an eye.