Do you swear?

Do you swear?

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i never swear in real life. i’ll occasionally swear online though. it’s usually more for humorous effect though, never in a mean way :lemon:
To elaborate on my last answer, yeah, I definitely swear, but I try not to do it too often. I even swear on this site sometimes, but I try to do it way less often than in real life. I also only ever swear at school, never at home. I’m smart enough to know better. Even though my mom definitely swears sometimes, my parents have gotten really mad at me for swearing when I just said something that sounded like a swear. It’s been getting slowly harder to balance not swearing at all at home and actually swearing at school. I mean, what am I supposed to say if I get three stocked in online Smash? That’s why I try to limit my swearing to somewhere between sometimes and usually.

I also tend to use swearing more for emphasis or as a substitute for a clean word than in anger. But it’s still funny when I drop an f bomb at school and people are shocked. For some reason people don’t realize that I’ve been swearing for this entire school year and half of last year.

But I can’t believe there was a time when I thought swearing was one of the worst things you could do. 8 year old me would be horrified to see what I’ve become lmao.
sometimes I do. at home, usually every day since Jewels knocks stuff down from my shelf (she has gone after video games, anime figures) to get my attention when I’m trying to sleep. 😅 I love her but she can be so naughty
I don't swear super often, no. I can swear and when i do it usually catches people off guard if they havent heard me do it before because swearing isn't something in my immediate vocabulary. I usually only swear when I'm really upset. I work with little kids and I find it's better to not be used to swearing - that way it won't slip out when I stub my toe, or drop something, or whatever else.

I would like to ammend this answer because I do swear A Lot when playing Splatoon 😪 when I posted in this thread initially I didn't own the game but now... I sound like a sailor when I play 😪