Senior Member
Yes, climate change is real and unfortunately we're not going to do anything substantial enough to stop it. Even the Paris Agreement is thought to be insufficient, and with the imminent gutting of the EPA the US is going in the opposite direction of where it should be.
Although global warming is actually an accurate term, it is unfortunate that it is the term that people were introduced to first. People see "global warming" and think "It snowed a lot here today! Hoax!" They hear about a 1 or 2 degree increase in global temperature and don't think anything of it because they see their local temperatures fluctuate all the time. Many have no concept of positive feedback loops and how one action can lead to a chain reaction.
As for "bullying" people who deny its existence, when you see a looming threat to the continued existence of our and numerous other species it is difficult not to get frustrated. Plus, I'm sure their wounded fee-fees will hurt a lot more than the hunger pangs people will feel when we can't adequately grow crops for our population size or the anguish of having to leave the only home you've ever known because the sea level rise is destroying it.
Although global warming is actually an accurate term, it is unfortunate that it is the term that people were introduced to first. People see "global warming" and think "It snowed a lot here today! Hoax!" They hear about a 1 or 2 degree increase in global temperature and don't think anything of it because they see their local temperatures fluctuate all the time. Many have no concept of positive feedback loops and how one action can lead to a chain reaction.
As for "bullying" people who deny its existence, when you see a looming threat to the continued existence of our and numerous other species it is difficult not to get frustrated. Plus, I'm sure their wounded fee-fees will hurt a lot more than the hunger pangs people will feel when we can't adequately grow crops for our population size or the anguish of having to leave the only home you've ever known because the sea level rise is destroying it.