Do you think IF2.0 will be done before winter ends

Copper said:
Uhh I think this does belong here! CON
what I'm saying is, it is off topic from anything animal crossing or directly with the site. But I guess admin knows best...

don't reply to this.
Bulerias said:
Cup Of Noodles said:
Bulerias said:
I agree with Valoo, Spring sounds more reasonable.

they said quater 1 of this year.
Nope, they said that was an estimate.
Yeah, but HOPEFULLY, it'll be here Q1... But, knowing IF, it could take until 2007.

People, you gotta remember thats just an "estimate".

Its not an official release date.
hmmmm....i don't know much about all of rhis, but I'm going to say mid-2007.
heh heh
I don't really understand why everyone is crazy about IF 2.0.
I like number 1.

But everything else seems useless.