Do you think there's ANY hope at all....


Oct 19, 2020
.....that Nintendo will allow us to have more than one island per switch one day? :rolleyes:

Like, is it even a possibility?
I don't want to buy another switch just to have another island, thats crazy (no offense to those who do).

I'm currently done with my island, collected all DIYS, completed my museum, and got my dreamies.
I don't want to erase all of that effort just to reset my island.
I'd appreciate being able to create a new one.
Honestly? No, I can't imagine them doing that. They'd need to completely rework how save files function and I don't see them having any motivation to do that. There are, like, a thousand other features that would make more sense for them to put effort into, and more islands per Switch seems like it'd take A LOT of effort and manpower that could be put toward more interesting things.

Personally, I'm not planning to buy a new Switch for an island... but when a better Switch model is out (like, one that'll never get drift, which I've heard they're working on) I'll probably get that. And then I'll be able to have an extra island.
I don't think they'll budge on that, unfortunately. Multiple save files would be a pretty major update, and I don't necessarily see Nintendo being motivated to put the effort into that when it would result in people buying fewer Switches.
I think they will not allow that, because i guess its more of a economic advantage or just business decision that anything else, if you want another island get a new switch get the game again and then you have your second island and they will profit from this
If I'm honest, I'd say no. They make their money off selling copies of the game, they'd definitely not cut off their profits like that. We barely got them to give us save files, I don't think this is even on their radar. That being said, I'd definitely be all for it. I upgraded from my Switch lite this summer but I definitely wouldn't have bought a new Switch just for a second island. I'd love to play both on my current Switch, I just don't see it happening tbh.
tbh i don't think they will because of the amount of space it would take up and stuff

however it would be cool if when opening the game on a different profile, it would say "create new island or join current one"
so u can choose to either make another character or another island ♡
tbh i don't think they will because of the amount of space it would take up and stuff
That's another thing I was thinking of- how much MEMORY that'd suck up. I can't even wrap my brain around it.

I just really can't see how it'd make sense.

That being said- they are releasing updates, and they've said they have a couple of years worth planned, at least. So even if you've completed everything there is to complete -now-, pretty soon they'll be more stuff to do. And there's always the option to just completely makeover your island or your house or whatever. Or add in new player characters (unless you have the max). So I'm not personally worried about running out of stuff to do on one island.
yeah unfortunately I can't see it happening - it's never happened in the past, and like others have said it'd require huge amounts of storage to have all the data saved for multiple islands on one device. although it would be nice to be able to have different islands for different accounts, or just multiple save files in general. if we want to start fresh looks like we've gotta stick to resetting
I doubt it.

Seems outside the scope of a standard patch, and too much work for them to bother with. You really would have thought they would have done it right from the beginning. But...knowing Nintendo and their Japanese sensibilities, they probably want players to be forced to "work through" the challenges of their original island, and make it the way they want it. If we could have multiple saves, I definitely would have started a parallel save and been working towards deleting my original entirely, tbh. There's just so much I would have done differently from the start. But...I can't bring myself to lose all the progress I've made if I only have one file.
In agreement with everyone else, I don't see it happening.

Putting aside the financial incentive people have mentioned, I think Nintendo's intention is for families to play the game together - which is why they allowed up to 8 players to be created for one island island.

Other games (Mario, Zelda, etc) allow for multiple game saves, so I see more as an intentional part of the game design, and Nintendo is famously stubborn in that regard.
No, because capitalism.
I wish they would allow it. I don’t want to spend $480 plus tax to have an additional island. And I don’t want to buy a Switch Lite instead (which would cut down the cost a bit) because I’m a TV mode player 80% of the time. My eyes aren’t great enough to design an island on a small screen anyway.
This would be a major overhaul to the way things are. So I don't see it happening. Unless they set it up so that you can own like 2-4 Islands per Switch, and keep things the same as now where all profiles share those islands. Then you start the game under your profile and the game will just ask you to select an island.

I'm not bothered by that though.

I'm more pissed that I can't trade using an alt character without buying a second NO account.

Wtf? :(

I'm not bothered by that though.

I'm more pissed that I can't trade using an alt character without buying a second NO account.

Wtf? :(

Can you link the alt character to your Nintendo Online account or is that only allowed on one profile per Switch?
Can you link the alt character to your Nintendo Online account or is that only allowed on one profile per Switch?
It wouldn't let me link it as my main character is linked.

I won't be renewing my account in april anyway.

There's nothing worth trading for.
I honestly hope they do because if you may remember before the game even came out there was a lot of worry that you would have only island per switch and it was a "rumor" at the time. Then when the game came out it was confirmed that the rumor that island was only one per switch was true. I remember when the game was getting SO MANY review bombs because people were outraged that it was a one island per switch.

I can see why people were upset because when its only one island per switch there is no way to share with your families. Which is bad because suppose if someone comes on your switch and messes up your island without you noticing. Also You can add users to your island but you only get their homes on their island yet you cannot do most things that the main user can do like Move Buildings around. Even the co-op is still poorly developed because the leader has all the control but the follower doesn't

This is probably the biggest issue with this game and probably the main reasons why its been heavily criticized for the longest time. I am not sure what Nintendo would do to fix this but they would have to really listen to the community because many people don't want to have to restart their island just to make a new one. The best thing I can say is we will have to wait and see what happens because knowing Nintendo they have their own plans of what the game is going to be like in the future and the chances if they will listen is very unlikely. I hope I'm wrong but only time will tell.
I do not see it happening sadly. It was set a long time ago that there would only be one island per switch.:(
definitely not ;;u;; I mean, the game is already plenty glitchy and laggy at times with one island save file, so I can't imagine how it would work with two