Do you think there's ANY hope at all....

I can see them adding an expansion in the future, perhaps a second island gets discovered and you'd have to sail there and you can decorate it on a smaller scale. Something like that. But reworking how save files work will be much too major for a free update. I really would prefer an extension honestly so I don't have to start fresh. I have zero motivation to do that.
I'm hoping I'm wrong but I don't think it will happen though because something like that will require having to rework how the saves work, and not to mention Nintendo won't make as much money if they did that. Also, it might take up a lot of space too but I could be wrong on this.
I can see them adding an expansion in the future, perhaps a second island gets discovered and you'd have to sail there and you can decorate it on a smaller scale. Something like that. But reworking how save files work will be much too major for a free update. I really would prefer an extension honestly so I don't have to start fresh. I have zero motivation to do that.
Maybe if they do that way I can see people having an issue with that. If you may remember in the original GameCube it was possible to have 2 towns when you have them on different memory cards. Sadly those have become irrelevant as the years went on. I mean maybe that would be them saying "Hey we heard you want to have another island so pay us more money to make another one" I know many people may not like this but if Nintendo wanted to then it would be possible.

Its complicated because knowing how this game still has a lot of stuff missing and how we are like almost 2 months away from the 1 year anniversary of the game being out they will have to figure out a way to keep people playing because my friends barely play the game anymore because they got so bored of it.
I can see them adding an expansion in the future, perhaps a second island gets discovered and you'd have to sail there and you can decorate it on a smaller scale. Something like that. But reworking how save files work will be much too major for a free update. I really would prefer an extension honestly so I don't have to start fresh. I have zero motivation to do that.

Now, as an update in the future, this is an idea that would get me excited, TBH with you all i truly have to much spare time with COVID now and even now that i have all this time just the thought of having two island gives me a major headache heheh 😅 , but a small extension of another island or like a "sea Francisco" style bridge to have a second island connected to ours or just a smaller piece of land which we can also decorate and terraform would really get me excited
Nah, for two main reasons: it's too much work, and also an easy way for Nintendo to make bank off of the hardcore AC fans. I'd rather have their time spent on quality of life updates/better events, honestly
Maybe if they do that way I can see people having an issue with that. If you may remember in the original GameCube it was possible to have 2 towns when you have them on different memory cards. Sadly those have become irrelevant as the years went on. I mean maybe that would be them saying "Hey we heard you want to have another island so pay us more money to make another one" I know many people may not like this but if Nintendo wanted to then it would be possible.

Its complicated because knowing how this game still has a lot of stuff missing and how we are like almost 2 months away from the 1 year anniversary of the game being out they will have to figure out a way to keep people playing because my friends barely play the game anymore because they got so bored of it.
I didn't mean as a DLC, I just meant as an update :) it's just the only way I see it being possible to have "two" islands. Hehe
I honestly hope they do because if you may remember before the game even came out there was a lot of worry that you would have only island per switch and it was a "rumor" at the time. Then when the game came out it was confirmed that the rumor that island was only one per switch was true. I remember when the game was getting SO MANY review bombs because people were outraged that it was a one island per switch.

I can see why people were upset because when its only one island per switch there is no way to share with your families. Which is bad because suppose if someone comes on your switch and messes up your island without you noticing. Also You can add users to your island but you only get their homes on their island yet you cannot do most things that the main user can do like Move Buildings around. Even the co-op is still poorly developed because the leader has all the control but the follower doesn't

This is probably the biggest issue with this game and probably the main reasons why its been heavily criticized for the longest time. I am not sure what Nintendo would do to fix this but they would have to really listen to the community because many people don't want to have to restart their island just to make a new one. The best thing I can say is we will have to wait and see what happens because knowing Nintendo they have their own plans of what the game is going to be like in the future and the chances if they will listen is very unlikely. I hope I'm wrong but only time will tell.
The game sold 26M+ units. If anything, it shows people aren't bothered at all by this. Nintendo sees these numbers as a sign of approval, as any other company would.
At this point, no probably not. Perhaps an update will have a smaller island we can decorate the exterior of, like the private club tortimer in NL, but I can't see a whole new proper island. As nice as it would be, it'd make people who already bought an additional switch gutted they spent the money on it, and more importantly make Nintendo lose out on money which at the end of the day is what they care about most.
I hope not because I already gave in and bought a second switch just so I could have another island. I don't want all that money to be wasted. I guess I could always sell my switch if this happened. But I also like trading stuff between my islands which wouldn't be possible if they were on the same switch. So yeah the way it is now works for me, but I would feel dumb if an update happened and I could've had a second island without it being so expensive.
The game sold 26M+ units. If anything, it shows people aren't bothered at all by this. Nintendo sees these numbers as a sign of approval, as any other company would.
Oh yeah then again people are not bothered by this at first. Its only when enough time has passed is when the issues start to get noticed.
Animal Crossing has always been strange with its size and saves. The first one on the GameCube took up 59 memory on the memory card, I think, and you weren't able to transfer that data to a different memory card, meaning that there was no way to back up the file. It's been one town and one save in each game since day one, so because of memory and space, I don't ever see this happening unless they downgrade the game, amp up their consoles to hold more memory, or wait a long time until a future console comes out to hold more data.
as with many others, i also highly doubt that they will change on this stance. i do see them figuring out a middle-ground of some kind in the future, though - maybe in a couple of years. no idea what it could be, but i really hope they do. i had two new leaf towns and i know many had several as well, so i'd be interested in that in the future.
No, I don't think so. They have the "workaround" of sharing your island with 8 people, and they'll fully commit to that.

If anything, we're getting paid DLC to allow us to build/travel/connect to a second island on our pre-existing island.
I don’t think that’s happening. I think for sure if another island is added, or would mostly be a separate island to play games. Already, most people have issues with the graphics on one island I don’t think they can easily implement a second island on the switch without having things crash.
I don't think so. If we could only get some insight from Nintendo themselves as to why save files function as of now, that would be great and at least understandable.
Not a chance! Don't get me wrong, I REALLY want it too BUT they won't give up money and £200+ for a new Switch (which is basically the only way to do it... I think) is too much to pass up. Money makes the world spin, sadly.
I'd really like it but...I do agree that I really don't see it happening with the switch. If anything I hope and see them realizing it was a mistake and avoiding repeating again with the next game/console. Though I also wouldn't be surprised if it's their hill to die on and they stick to it too.
im glad this thread was made because ive never considered the size issues of having two islands on one switch. mine lags whenever i get up high with minimal stuff in the background, i dont even want to know how two islands would fare

i do wish it was possible, but honestly i agree with someone else said, i want their focus on adding features and updates to the game