Do you think this upcoming Wedding Season will feature Pete/Pelly/Phyllis?

I'd love that, but honestly, I assume we won't get much more for each event besides small changes like we got for Bunny Day (improved mechanics, a handful of new items).
I want it to, but I don't think it will. Perhaps Harriet might come back instead and you get to plan a date night for her and Harvey maybe?
breaking news, cj and flick get married, more at 11.

lol that'd be awesome, but probs not. while i never cared much for the whole pelly/phyllis/pete thing, that would be cute. i really hope they don't just repeat the cyrus and reese event.
How would that even work though, Pelly loves Pete, but Pete loves Phyllis, Phyllis only likes herself.

The answer is instead of a wedding event we just let Phyllis take a nice long spa vacation by herself. Pelly & Pete can solve the rest out by themselves.​
I would prefer to see Flick/C.J. or another non-heterosexual couple to get married. Y'know, to have a little diversity going on. We are most likely getting a repeat of Reese/Cyrus, in order to provide access to the corresponding items.

My ideal setting would be to have two alternate couples going on so we can get two different sets of furniture (like, a Flick/C.J. thing can have a dual dark/gloomy+sunny/joyful wedding set featuring bugs/fish).
I don't foresee them messing up the Pelly/Pete/Phyllis relationship dynamic by having Pete getting together with either of them, and I find it even less likely that they'd go along with all three together. It would be fun to have them show back up somehow in this game, though.

More likely than not, it will just be a repeat of last year with Reese and Cyrus. That said, if they did eventually add an alternative couple in the future, I think it would be pretty neat if they had Kapp'n and Leilani. Their daughter Leila could be the flower girl. I mean, if Kapp'n gets added eventually for anything like Club Tortimer or some other gameplay feature, it seems like it would be a natural fit.

I find the suggestion posted earlier in the thread of Dr. Shrunk and his wife fun too, but honestly I think I'd rather they keep his wife's identity ambiguous.
I also think it will be the exact same event as last year, nothing new. Though it would be nice if they rotated in Pelly/Phyllis/Pete! Or even Kapp'n + Leilani
It would be lovely if they would pick other characters this time, I like the idea with Pete/Pelly/Phyllis or Kapp'n and his wife. I think however it will be Reese and Cyrus again, while the event itself is just a repeat from the last year with maybe some new items or customizing options.

this wedding season we are helping with shrunk’s divorce
I love this idea.
LOL this made me laugh so hard for whatever reason...Who would be the third wheel in this marriage stemmed from this unresolved, messy love triangle?

I would actually be so interested to see who made it to the end game. My bet is on Phyllis.