Do you think we will ever get more design slots?

I'm really not expecting them to add any more. It would be cool if they did but I doubt it. I could *maybe highly theoretically* see them giving perhaps like 10 more? I don't think it would be much more than that though.

I have 4 free design slots still plus my flag if I deleted that but I'm still tweaking it. Ive been using those spaces for seasonal designs that I use for a while then delete later. As long as I don't find any designs that I love and need forever in a permanent spot then I think I can manage with my 4 slots for now 😅
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I would love more slots. However, from a technical standpoint, too many custom designs could really slow the game down, so I don't expect them to add many at all.

I'd like a way to store designs... we have the portal, but we can only store our own designs. Another alternative would be to allow us to change the design's direction without it needing to be a new design (like when placing custom paths, if you face east, the design will face east.) It'd also be great if we could save larger designs as pro designs for floors/walls... like a 3x3 floor tile design or 5x1 wallpaper. More default paths would be nice, too.
i really don't think they will. this is nintendo after all. don't hold your breath.
Really wish they would combine the design slots with the clothing design slots. I hardly ever wear any custom designs, so all that blank free space is going to waste. It's the same thing with the bridge and ramp limit. I use ramps more than I do bridges, just combine their limit slots please. 😔
Really wish they would combine the design slots with the clothing design slots. I hardly ever wear any custom designs, so all that blank free space is going to waste. It's the same thing with the bridge and ramp limit. I use ramps more than I do bridges, just combine their limit slots please. 😔
100% agree with you.

I never use the clothing slots.

I've also posted before that I only have four bridges, and wish that the remainder could rollover and be added to inclines, as I could always use more of those. :)
100% agree with you.

I never use the clothing slots.

I've also posted before that I only have four bridges, and wish that the remainder could rollover and be added to inclines, as I could always use more of those. :)

You both make good points. I have so many free clothing slots--would love to use them for paths etc. And the bridges and inclines idea would be so helpful. I wish the same were true with houses. So like 16 infrastructure and 18 houses max (villager or player). Or just roll it all together and let people choose up to 34 infrastructure/houses.
I would love another 50 design slots! I can't see why they wouldn't be able to add this, and just given the size of our islands (pathing) and the crazy amount of items that we can add custom designs to - I think it's needed!
I do think the storage increase was a good sign that we can hope for this too. I like a bunch of little ground details and already running low on slots - I don't even have a proper path yet! I would love to use one of those paths with a ton of slots, but it's a big commitment haha. Hopefully they see how popular those are and that will help push out more design slots.
I wish, but I doubt it considering they gave us a lot more than in NL, and they probably figure we can make it work
I really hope so, but I doubt it. I wish we could make extra characters to hold extra design slots, but unfortunately that's not the case.

Personally I've used all my design slots and they've been full basically since the beginning. Ugh, it is SO HARD to decide which ones to keep and which ones I should toss. I've had a really hard time with designs to the point where it majorly stresses me out, because there are so many things I want to do with my island yet hardly any design slots available. At the moment, mine are full of forest paths, path borders, sand drawings for the beach, some white planks, and fabric patterns for my house. I've got a pretty good setup but I could definitely make use of about 25 more slots, haha.
You both make good points. I have so many free clothing slots--would love to use them for paths etc. And the bridges and inclines idea would be so helpful. I wish the same were true with houses. So like 16 infrastructure and 18 houses max (villager or player). Or just roll it all together and let people choose up to 34 infrastructure/houses.

I completely forgot villager homes and player homes did the same thing. I also do not have 8 player profiles, so having the obtain to move in some more villagers to take up that possible space would be great. 😃
i don't think it's very likely to happen but i really want it nonetheless. i'd even happily give up some of my pro design slots in exchange for some regular custom design slots.
I really hope they will add an option to expand! I just restated my island and I'm in the process of making and downloading the patterns I will need. I am already at the limit and had to delete some things to make room for something else (and it made me really grumpy ^^'). My paths and path borders take up so much space that there isn't much room for the details I'd like to add.
I really hope they let other players on an island have seperate design slots (like in New Leaf). I was so confused when they removed this :[
I ran out of spaces way too fast - we need at least 20 more spots.
Some patterns people make are incredible but take a lot of place. That is too bad... so we definitely need more slots for more patterns. Even ten is good for all of us! I'm not sure they will allow us to get more however, as, I think, we already have a lot of slots, more than in the previous games I suppose.

But switching clothing slots for 'normal' ones is a really good idea! I really don't need all this clothing...
I really hope we do. I find it super frustrating how they've decided for us that a whole page of design slots will be dedicated towards clothes or general designs. I can see the thought process in theory but in practice it's frustrating.

I don't download a lot of clothing designs. Maybe a few sweaters but honestly I'm really happy with the clothing that's sold in stores this game and I feel like some of the dresses/longer coats look a bit odd on my character? I don't know what it is specifically but every now and then I'll save some outfits that look super cute but once I wear them I'm not a huge fan - the only exception being the sweaters really. So it sucks that I've got a page in my save slots that I'll essentially never use when I would love to have that space for paths, signs, flower patches, etc.

It also really bothers me that we have to share pattern designs between players? We should definitely be able to upgrade our design slot spaces with this being the case. I don't have enough slots as it is, I couldn't imagine having to share them with a sibling or partner. :/ It seems like such a silly thing to limit, too! Plus I miss being able to store designs with Mable. This made it super easy to make sure I'd never lose my favourite seasonal pathways and it made it super easy to redisplay them. I wish she would save designs in this game too because I'm always worried about creators taking down their designs and then I'll lose one of my favourites.
After getting "the path" my design slots are all used up. I had to sacrifice some of my previous designs like the fossil skeleton design that was on the ground in my dig area. Now it has less pizzazz.
I'm on the fence about the likelihood of Nintendo adding more design slots to each character to be honest... not that I don't want them, just that based on the track record of prior games it doesn't seem like something Nintendo would prioritize. NH already has a ton more slots than NL given that each character can hold 50 slots for path and another 50(?) slot for pro-designs (cloths). Probably in the future what could happen is that rather than have all the characters share the same patterns, they could open up the restriction and have each character have their own set of independent slots just like how it's set up in new leaf.
Honestly since we are like 19 days away from the Anniversary I don't know what Nintendo is even doing anymore. They seem not too bothered about the issues that are going on in the game.
Possibly. I mean, I sure hope so.

At the same time... I feel like this is very low on Nintendo's priority list. BUT I also feel like it wouldn't be TOO hard to add. So maybe they'll slip it into some update? It sure would be nice!

The other thing I'd love, but I doubt they'll do... I'd like a new category of custom design- path. Imagine if a. you'd have spots JUST for paths and b. WHAT IF WE COULD SELECT SOUNDS FOR CUSTOM PATHS. Like, you'd design the path, save it, then select a sound. Also, what if these custom paths could be set to ONLY be erased with the Island Designer app. NO MORE ACCIDENTALLY ERASING THEM! The majority of my custom designs are paths (though I use regular paths, too) and it'd be so nice if they had their own space and we had more customization options. I've seen a lot of people who say they would use them, but they like the sounds of the in-game paths. So I'm guessing a lot of people would appreciate the ability to set the sounds!
But, again, that's just a fantasy of mine- if more slots are low on their list, my super specific additions are probably not anywhere near their list 😝