Do you think we will ever get more villager spots? (even as DLC)

Unless they made out islands slightly bigger I would say it’s not likely to happen, especially this late after release. That said, I’d definitely make use of a few extra slots if they did!
I really doubt they will add more villager spots. I'd be quite surprised if we get anymore buildings since we didn't get any in the first year. Who knows though, maybe they'll listen to people and give at least 2 or so more villager spots.
I used to really want more than 10 villagers because I was so indecisive! But now, I'm happy with the 10 slots we do have and think any more would take up valuable real estate (props to anyone who has more than two players because I don't know how you make the space to fit all those houses). If more slots were added and the size of the island also increased, that would be a welcome update, indeed!
If they do, I hope they don't make it mandatory to have them - The way my island is designed I wouldn't have any space for them. Already struggling as is (what even is forward planning? never heard of her.)

That being said, I can't see it being a thing 'tendo would think to add anyway
Yes, there are villagers I love and wish I could move in (my 10 are permanent and not going to get kicked), but I don't know where I'd put them. I have open space, but it's specifically designated as such, and the areas for my villagers are just big enough for them to live with small, shared yards. I think that if they had planned to increase the slots, that would have been hinted at (so people could plan) or already done by now, since it would be a big thing to get in before having to completely redesign islands.
I don't think they'll ever do that, it'd be cool though but I doubt it.
Coincidentally I was thinking about this yesterday. I used to speculate about the islander limit in a discord server quite often since people were in a bit of a frenzy about preparation for their islands (pre-release spec) lmao

Originally I was hoping for 12 islander plots but I feel that 10 is just fine, the only thing I would use those two extra spaces for would be trying out different villagers and then letting them leave in a rotational pattern.

Do I think a future update will add any more plots? No, not really. Do I think it's possible? Yep! A lot of things are possible, apparently 2021 is meant to be pretty big in terms of updates for this game according to some sources...let's hope they're right! :blush:
No but they might change the frequency of when villagers ask to leave? Very few of my villagers ask to leave and when they do, they tend to be the 'normal' personality. Weird.
Hmm I would not think so. As a time traveler it takes like about 15 days for the villager on your island to start thinking about moving out. It doesn't matter what their personality is the thought bubble will go on a random villager. It usually depends on the friendship. A lot of times if you have a high friendship the thought bubble can be harder to detect because your villager was thinking about a nickname or a gift they wanted to give you.

So the thought bubble process is RNG so the only way to do is to not talk to the villager you see that has the move out thought bubble, time travel the next day and the thought bubble should change to another villager. Its a complicated process so yeah.
Honestly I don’t see it happening. Heavily decorated islands already make the game stutter and chug plus we have limited space to work with. The game is pushing the limits of the Switch as it is.

You also have to remember there is room in the game for up to 8 player characters. I only have 5 and I feel like those 5 plus my 10 villagers is more than crowded enough. I don’t know how people with 8 villagers fit everything in honestly.
I'm hoping, as this is one of the things i'd love to see most. I must not be very creative or something because i still have tons of room on my island to the point where i'm having to fill areas with random stuff i don't really care about. I could probably fit at least 5 more houses/villagers on my island (i do have a second account character on my island).
I sincerely doubt it. Considering that in New Leaf you could only have ten villagers as well, I'm guessing that will be the cap for this game too. In addition, they haven't even added anymore building to New Horizons for your island yet, so I doubt we would get more plots for villagers.
I don't expect it to happen but you honestly don't know at this point.
If Nintendo is reading this, I would pay so much money for more spots. Take them out of the available 8 user spots and make it optional so people can not add more if they want to keep it at ten and literally everyone wins!
if they don't I'll be highly disappointed but I won't be surprised since they haven't let us have a bunch of villagers like that since AC:GCN with 15 in one town.

I think adding in extra villager slots would be enough to drag me back into the game for a little while. if they don't then I won't be tempted to play the game anymore unless they make some other super cool huge update which adds more re-playability.
Honestly I don't think so. 10 seems to be a good amount IMO, and the island is a bit small.

I think ACNH has the biggest map of all games. I could be wrong though.

That said, I would think it would be reasonable to raise the cap to 12 at the very least. Like someone else said, we get 18 slots total - we SHOULD at least have the option of being able to use those for villagers if we don't want to have extra players.

I'd also love for some sort of flight to a shopping district like in City Folk, with your past residents wandering around from time to time. To have Leif, Kicks, etc, all there. Maybe even Harriett with limited hairstyles and colors you can only get from her. I feel like there is so much they could do with a shopping island specifically that players would love.
I think ACNH has the biggest map of all games. I could be wrong though.
It probably is but this is the first game we can actually do stuff with the space.
Outside of flowers and public works projects, it was all bland empty space.

My island couldn't fit another house on it at all. And I don't even have any other profiles on it. Its just me.

I think at its current size and point since the game came out, the island is too small for more personally.
It probably is but this is the first game we can actually do stuff with the space.
Outside of flowers and public works projects, it was all bland empty space.

My island couldn't fit another house on it at all. And I don't even have any other profiles on it. Its just me.

I think at its current size and point since the game came out, the island is too small for more personally.

Totally get that, but it should be a choice imo. You chose to fill your island and that's cool and all, but having the choice to use that space for extra villagers if we want them should be as much a thing a shaving the choice to use it for player housing. I know a lot of people fill their Islands up but that shouldn't be a factor since what you do with the space is ultimately up to you.