Do you think we will ever get more villager spots? (even as DLC)

Hasn't there already being a thread about this?

I personally don't think it's going to happen. It never happened in any of the previous games. (Although I don't know about the games before New Leaf, because I never played them.)
I also don't know if I would want this. I have most likely said I would want it in the past, but now that I'm thinking about it, I don't think I would have enough room on my island for more villager houses. 10 takes up enough space as it is.
It would be really nice if we were able to have more villagers, because there are so many cuties but space would be an issue for me so no thanks. 😂
Totally get that, but it should be a choice imo. You chose to fill your island and that's cool and all, but having the choice to use that space for extra villagers if we want them should be as much a thing a shaving the choice to use it for player housing. I know a lot of people fill their Islands up but that shouldn't be a factor since what you do with the space is ultimately up to you.
I agree and disagree.
Where's the line? Say we get 2 more. What if someone wants 3? Should they not get a choice? 20 more? 50 more?

And choices are nice. But I don't think the choice should ever be "tear down your island and redesign it or miss out on the current full experience". That would be pretty insulting of nintendo to do.
True. I was just hoping for an island expansion or letting us swap characters that I'll never use for villager spots.
This made me think, in addition to the camp, villagers could come to your village to shop and look around your island! Like a day trip!
I agree and disagree.
Where's the line? Say we get 2 more. What if someone wants 3? Should they not get a choice? 20 more? 50 more?

And choices are nice. But I don't think the choice should ever be "tear down your island and redesign it or miss out on the current full experience". That would be pretty insulting of nintendo to do.
This is why we really need the option to make a 2nd island. The one island per switch was such a massive disappointment. I refuse to delete my old island and tear it down for like the 3rd time just to make a new one.
I would love to have at least two more villagers (Rod and Gigi) for my island, but I think the island we currently have is too small even with the current villagers. :( Not gonna lie though, if there was a DLC to expand our island or have additional islanders, I'd do it in a heart beat.
I agree and disagree.
Where's the line? Say we get 2 more. What if someone wants 3? Should they not get a choice? 20 more? 50 more?

And choices are nice. But I don't think the choice should ever be "tear down your island and redesign it or miss out on the current full experience". That would be pretty insulting of nintendo to do.

Now that you have mentioned it, I will not be satisfied until I have 50 villager spots. Let’s start drafting the online campaign! 😋

but seriously, though I am opposed to the game moving toward a paid DLC expansion pack system, and island expansion/ additional villager spots might be the only one I would happily pay for.
Now that you have mentioned it, I will not be satisfied until I have 50 villager spots. Let’s start drafting the online campaign! 😋

but seriously, though I am opposed to the game moving toward a paid DLC expansion pack system, and island expansion/ additional villager spots might be the only one I would happily pay for.

I agree with this. I personally am unsure if I will even buy another AC game if it ends up leaving much to be desired like this one. That isn’t to say this one is bad. Far from it; after all I have clocked over 1k hours playing it.

I am quite peeved with Nintendo (as well as Target) atm. I would be livid if they turn content that should have been in the game from the start or for free, into paid dlc. If it is collab stuff like maybe (this is just an example) Rilakkuma, then sure that is acceptable dlc since not everyone may want that kind of furniture or clothes.

Back to the original question, personally I don’t see the villager limit being changed with the game being out for this long. I am not sure how easy it would be for them to make adjustments to the game to enable us to have more and enough room. Would I like it? Most definitely!
I wish, but it's probably really unlikely. I don't think the game can take it. The game already lags when you have to much decoration on your island so having more villagers might make the game lag a lot more. At least you can buy an amiibo card of your favorite character. Then you can bring them least i think that's how they work?