It doesn't prove anything, updates could be free / paid or just contain patches.
It's irrelevant. Would you like to say, we can easily accept living in tent, because it's just 8 months from launch and proper house will come after 18 months?
It's just an assumption. I could say, at some point pier will be extended giving us access to another island, but not now, just in the future.
We may use this explanation for Label, where her functionality is sufficient, but with her luggage she looks like homeless. Why we should have Club LOL when K.K. is happily performing in "the plaza" etc.
Some does, some not. AC Wild World hasn't much. AC City Folk offers more buildings than AC Wild World.
Doesn't prove anything. With this assumption one may say, why we don't have 40 villagers, because we don't need so much trees. Another one will say, why we have 10 villagers, as 5 will be enough because want some more trees.
Just like above, proves nothing. We may fill all empty spaces with bags of bells, but we can have bells in the bank. We may have flowers everywhere, but nothing will stop us from removing all flowers from our island.
The map on nookphone could be changed, altered by developers in any way.
This is "wishful thinking" - why not to change entrance door in city hall, changing into elevator door? Add unlimited floors with all possible and impossible type of of buildings... why not? How many floors? What about additional 10? No... why stop at 10? Another 100? Why not to have highest building, what about 1000 floors?
Why just 2? Why not one, or not 3?
Everyone is different and I understand, whatever updates will come or not, not everyone will be pleased as expectations may differ.
So just for clarity and context, outside of seeing an update trailer, no one has real evidence, aside from datamining which is still quite subjective. All we have is what developers have said, what's happened so far, and the hints and datamines that have already been discovered.
I'm happy to share my opinions and thoughts, to also provide some people on these forums a counter argument for anyone saying we won't get this or that. All our opinions are valid and should be welcome and all in good spirit of a game we love.
As you have taken the time to reply to my thoughts in such detail, I'll gladly respond in the same spirit.
- Of course it does'nt prove anything, it's educated speculation, they could just spend the next 2-3 years tweaking the game. I don't "believe" they will because they would not be either in the spirit of the development team that built AC:NW and Splatoon 2, nor the strategic choice for nintendo in supporting this game. You need to understand the spirit of my arguments not the irrefutable proof which does not exist. Animal Crossing will not have an intended sequel like other Nintendo big franchises in this console lifecycle so the strategic plan to continue support makes sound business sense, as it's the same plan they used with Splatoon 2. BOTW, Mario Kart etc will probably have sequels in the Switch lifecycle, BOTW already does.
- Your argument here feels like a far looser interpretation than mine. It's a fair assumption to look at time from Launch for a game that's planned to have a long lifecycle and say don't worry if we've not had everything people expect by now, as we are probably only a quarter of the way through the AC intended update lifecycle. Your point about living in tents, is a little mute, because well, we don't live in tents, unless we are new players ofc.
- So we argee on this point? FYI the actual code for Redd's Trawler is the same as an external building.
- Again feel you are just agreeing with my point here, which is great. Not all NPC's need a building, so expect more NPC's without a building, it's just that it does'nt equal; no new buildings because NPC's can be in the plaza. The "experience" has to merit a new building. Leif did'nt really have enough stock to match Ables or Nooks (yet anyway). It's entirely possible they are building out the stock / item rotations or functions so a new building feels relevant and not just a shell for 20 items or so. while as dailys grow they can eventually move into an upgraded building.
- Wild World had 8 buildings, so not sure that's the best argument for a small number of buildings. NH has 6, so.....
- I could be wrong but every mainline AC game has had 10 villagers, does'nt prove anything so not sure you argument that is super relevant here. My point is you can't say *no* new buildngs because some players have filled up their islands and don't have space...because that space can be edited. Maybe we'll get more villagers, anything is possible, but based on past games, 10 looks likely, same as only 6 buildings feels like more might come, as the avg is a lot higher and the other lowest amount would be 8.
- I don't see how your point here counteracts my point, if anything it re-inforces it. We can make space on our island, and Nintendo has already shown via past updates, they will release content that requires space on our islands. It does'nt equal x but it's not an arugment against it.
- Again so if the map can be edited, it also only supports there could be more things added to it
- Again you've used a false equivalency here. The aguement that 100 floors on RS equate to having a new fixed feature on our island does'nt hold up. The idea they could use the pier or outcrop already has precident as they used the secret beach for Redd. So they did put in universal features of our islands so they could use them in a future update. Not 100% Proof but the best indication here is Precident
- Your right why not 3, but then I said "my guess", so well the explanation is clealy in the wording there.
- Of course, over 25 million people have bought the game, it's just good strategy to continue to support the sales of fairweather titles that do not have a sequel planned for the consoles lifecycle.
I sure you can read my response in the spirit they are intended, and I love the discussion regardless. We'll find out in years to come whether we have more buildings or not. I hope everyone gets what they want.
Some last supporting arguments which can be taken in a variety of ways, from Ninji the dataminer who found the code for Redd, Leif, Dreamsuites etc before they were announced and from what players have discovered via dialogue in the game
I've spoiler tagged in case anyone does'nt want to see datamined stuff
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