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Do you time travel?

I did the first couple of days, but I stopped doing it.

I totally see where you are coming from, the first days are TERRIBLE! "Here's all this stuff you're gonna be able to do, but you have to wait til tomorrow suckah!"
I totally see where you are coming from, the first days are TERRIBLE! "Here's all this stuff you're gonna be able to do, but you have to wait til tomorrow suckah!"

Ugh. Started a new character and was less than excited to learn that you get to repeat that process minus the mayoral duties. >.<; Seems mighty silly to me.
In my Wondrlnd game I time travel. Mostly to get more stuff done. In Fiore I haven't time traveled but I might get bored waiting for stuff and end up TT after awhile.
A lot of people are TT'ing nowadays; im stubborn so no.
To me, time travelling feels like cheating(not judging those who do TT, though). I just play normally, and if I get bored, its a sign that I need to close the game and perhaps do something productive for once. :D
I don't have the time to play during the day- so I'll TT from the evening to the afternoon just to see some sun & to acquire any bugs/fish that are only available during daylight hours.
Nope. Never felt the need to in new leaf. Quite happy with taking it slow.
I don?t consider myself a Time traveler, but I did TT a few times because I woke up too late to get the daily emotion.
I don't, I really like taking the new leaf experience one day at a time, and if I make mistakes I just can't fix them like magic. That's just me though,it's mostly because I want to stretch out my experience without getting bored for a LONG time xD
I totally respect those who do though,I feel like the community wouldn't be the same without them(even though they play a "non-traditional way." :p) people can help you find your dreamies on the Villager Giveaway thread, or get their shops and islands early and be kind enough to let non-tt'ers visit! That actually happened to me a bit after release :)
I TT after I've done everything I feel like doing and get bored. But I don't do extreme "let's TT 5 years ahead!" TTing, I just TT to the next day at about 10 AM.
I don't TT. Well I did once, I missed a day and so I went back a few hours to only water my plants and then put it back to normal time. I don't do it to skip ahead months as I love playing it through naturally and discovering things as they come rather than skipping ahead just to get new things.
I try not to TT because I don't like what effects it can cause, but I have TTed a few days to get a villager I'm excited about to move in sooner. In the mornings I don't have time to reset for plots so I'll often do that if I know a villager is moving in.
I like TT, the only thing I'm experiencing right now is my game's loss of speed and pauses right before I read the Premium Items on the Re-Tail board.
(In the manual, it says 'Changing the game's time to something different than the 3DS's regular time may cause side-effects in the game' or something along those lines)
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I TT for all kinds of reasons. Villager trading, more stuff to do, fruit growing, events, etc. I think it is lots of fun. I understand non TTers prefer to take it one day at a time, I just can't. I'm too impatient and I have too much free time.
Too paranoid about messing something up so never have and never will. Having said that, I don't mind if others do - to each their own. :3
I TT if I get really bored on a day, but I started my game in February because I didn't want to be on the proper date when I got it, so I'm only in April now and bored of it, so am TTing to get to around mid May.