Do you timetravel? Why/why not?

Do you timetravel

  • Yes, reguarly

    Votes: 47 34.8%
  • Yes, sometimes

    Votes: 23 17.0%
  • Yes, occasionally

    Votes: 27 20.0%
  • I have done so in the past, but I don't do it anymore

    Votes: 16 11.9%
  • I have never timetravelled

    Votes: 22 16.3%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Aug 21, 2020
I'm just curious, I sometimes feel like I'm in a minority for not doing so.

I don't TT because one of the things I like about AC is going with the flow, and taking everything as it comes, and I don't think it would work the same way with TT for me (I'm not saying it's not possible to go with the flow with TT, I just don't see how it would work for me). On the other hand, I do play every day, so I can get everything when they are available, and not everyone wants/ is able to play every single day, so I am in a fortunate position in that sense.
Never. Quote from the back of the box: "Enjoy the passing of each day and the changing seasons in real time, all year round." That's the way the developers have always intended the game to be played. I was in hospital a couple of weeks ago and missed 4 days of play. I didn't TT back, if I miss a day I miss a day. That's it.
I time travel because I don't want to wait for items that I order from the Nook Shopping to be delivered by tomorrow in real time. So I time travel a day ahead just to get the items delivered to my home in the mailbox. The 5 day limit was driving me crazy and I wanted to get the items. I also time travel to kick out villagers easily so that way I can go Nook Mile hunting just to fill in the plot, because it takes 15 days for a villager to have a move out thought bubble.

Sometimes I would want to replay an event that I played last year, so I time travel backwards just to replay that the event, when the game doesn't have much going on in it. It makes me feel a lot more relaxed having to have something to do during that time. Also whenever I need to demolish bridges and inclines, or move buildings I time travel because these things take days to even do and it helps speed up the process.

I am still time traveling to this day and will only do it when I want to play an event early so that way I don't have to worry about my real life stuff getting in the way.
At the beginning of the game I told myself I wasn't going to tt any more (I was a pretty heavy tter back in NL) but old habits die hard lol, so that combined with my impatience mean I did a fair bit back at the beginning of the game. I usually do it if I'm trying to move around a bunch of houses at one time, or order a large amount of items from the catalogue. or alternatively when I have the energy I'll cycle NPCs (namely gulliver and redd) just for convenience sake.
I haven't done it so much lately, but that's not so much more because i've become more relaxed and am going with the flow more, it's more just because on a good day i might have the energy to talk to a few villagers and definitely don't have the motivation to keep adjusting the time and logging back in!
I’ve always TT’d but I haven’t with this island. It’s hard to resist but it also feels good waiting. :) But, I also firmly believe that people can play however they please.
I have started time traveling this year. I like to stay on the correct day because otherwise it is disorienting. I wanted to finish my museum collections and it was helpful. I got Gulliver stuff and DIYs to trade people so I could get items I wanted for my town. I went back to Nov to get mushroom stuff for my island. I come back to the present eventually 😂 I don't think it has affected my enjoyment. It is fun if you have tons of time. Otherwise, day to day is plenty!!
I am okay with time travelling for stuff like moving houses for terraforming projects. I dont want to wait 4 days to get into something that will take forever to complete. If I have an evening I want to terraform on, I will.

The other day I went back to winter to get more snowflakes as I ran out. That I'm okay with as I was not going to wait 9 months to finish a half made area.

I would never go back for holidays and events I missed, or to get seasonal DIYs I did not get because that's just me stealing the longevity of the game. I missed some DIYs in autumn and the Christmas ones. I have content waiting for me in 6 months now. Why ruin it for myself?

When I am time travelling I only do the one task I'm doing it for, being careful not to do stuff that would take away from my daily game play. Although I might try for a photo if I really want them off my island ASAP.
I like for things to progress naturally, however I do timetravel to catch up on events I have missed. I have just recently TT'd my way all through October and I might go back again to experience the Turkey event. In the past I have also TT'd to cycle out villagers or do some trading, but mostly I like to play the days as they come.
I have only TT'd heavily when I restarted my island and started back on March 20, 2020. I am glad I caught up to present time because I found keeping track of dates stressful.

I'm only really TT now when I want to villager hunt. And that only really means I'm letting myself stay on the same date until I find the villager I want to move in.

Other than that, I don't really TT. I like playing in the present time, even if I miss things.
I time traveled at the start of the game in order to advance my island since the start is so slow, and to move my amiibo villagers in fast, I eventually set it back to the normal date. I don’t time travel anymore though, I don’t really have a need or want to do it.

Totally understand why people do it though.
I TT back when I don't feel like playing for a day or two, and sometimes within a day if I only have time after the stores are closed or if I want to check for Celeste.
I'm almost never on the correct day or time these days. The first months I didn't time travel at all because I was pretty busy and had a lot to do and enjoyed the slow pace, but now it seems everything I want to do requires some time travel. I usually am within a week of real time, though.
I didn't ever TT ahead or back to catch up on missed days for the longest time - I wanted to get the goal for 300 played days without messing up that count.

Thing is though, I'm a night owl and more often than not I play between 10pm and 4am, when the shops are closed and most villagers inside/asleep. And since I would like to see my island in daylight too, I do change the clock pretty regularly, although I've never put it to a different week or month yet.
I never time travelled but I'm really tempted lately.
I'm trying to finish my fish and bug collections but they are taking forever....
But then I just kinda get lazy lol
The only time I've TTed was setting the game back a few minutes because I was with a small group of family and friends on New Year's Eve and didn't want to be tacky by having my Switch with me. I get that the only part of NYE that matters is the countdown, but it just seemed way too stupid to me to limit the Miles task to playing within a certain 60 second timeframe. Other events and holidays can be completed at your leisure over a large timeframe, usually the whole day.
Never. I like that the game mirrors real time, and am content to let things happen in their own time. I'm not in any hurry.
All. The. Time.

I don't play daily cause sometimes I don't have time too, or I just have other more important things to do. So the chances I do play, I TT alot so I can finish up island renovations, get seasonal items, have plants fully grown, ect... The events getting added in real time typically keeps me in a set time, but I go back and forth constantly. I've actually been meaning to go back to July to spend the rest of my wedding crystals but I keep forgetting.
I time travel because of that 5 item order limit. It is so annoying especially when I’m trying to redo a room in my house. Recently I redecorated my bedroom and I had to tt for like 5-6 days just to get all the items.
I have time traveled since the GameCube game back in 2002. I've played both ways and time travel has always been my preferred style of play.

While other people enjoy the flow of day-to-day playing, I've always found it to be too restrictive. I love Animal Crossing, but I don't want to be beholden to it and forced to play it daily like some kind of chore even if I don't feel like it. Granted, this was more of a factor in the previous games because your villagers could move out without your consent or approval, flowers could die if you didn't have the Beautiful Town ordinance in New Leaf, weeds could overrun your town and cockroaches could infest your home. Regardless, it's still something I do in New Horizons. For example, I tend not to want to actually play Animal Crossing on actual holidays because I'd rather be enjoying the day in real life, so if my game is even in the same month as the real world at a given time, I'd rather play the event on my own time. This can even apply to smaller scale things like the Bug-Off or Fishing Tourney. Time travel is very liberating for me.