Do you timetravel? Why/why not?

Do you timetravel

  • Yes, reguarly

    Votes: 47 34.8%
  • Yes, sometimes

    Votes: 23 17.0%
  • Yes, occasionally

    Votes: 27 20.0%
  • I have done so in the past, but I don't do it anymore

    Votes: 16 11.9%
  • I have never timetravelled

    Votes: 22 16.3%

  • Total voters
I've always been against time travelling (for myself, anyway-- how other people play doesn't concern me) because of a bad experience I had with it back in New Leaf. Several, actually. I'd get so attached to my villagers just for them to leave without a word because I happened to skip a few days.

But with New Horizons, I've found that time travelling is actually easier and has less consequences... which is funny to me, because I feel like the developers tried to discourage it as much as possible. I don't time travel to switch the actual seasons/time of day-- it's more immersive to me if my island is in sync with the real world-- but I definitely time travel quite a bit when working on landscaping/interior decorating so that I can have my ordered items shipped to me as quick as possible. If I need 20+ items for a build, I don't really feel like waiting days and days for all the pieces to come. Other than that, I never time travel!
All the time. I generally like to play the game early since it’s easier to decorate. From 11am-5pm. However I get off work after 5pm. Normally I just time travel to an earlier time in game. Also if I’m decorating and I hit the catalog limit I do travel to the next day. It’s just more convenient. I’ve always time traveled, even with the previous games.
I don't really time travel anymore even if I want to build something and a building is standing in my way or if I need to order more than 5 items.
I have time traveled in the past on my other islands but this time around I just want things to flow naturally and I am not in any rush. However I don't have anything against time traveling since everyone has a different play style
I don't time-travel, except for the now two times where I forgot to sync the time again after playing Pokémon Sword. Personally, I enjoy the pace of day-to-day playing because I can do as much or as little as I'm in the mood for. I don't wake up in time for my favourite time of day in the game (5 AM), but I suppose that makes any moment when I have to opportunity to experience that time of day even more special.

However, I could definitely see myself getting bored if ACNH was the only game I was playing on the Switch. I don't know if time-traveling would solve that problem for me, though, because I would end up finishing up my to-do list even more quickly and get bored again. 🤣
I time travel a lot, I understand why some people don't want to though.
I play a lot of rogue-like games so I'm used to fast paced games and the game already feels ludicrously slow for me.
Plus I don't like artificial time walls on things like your house upgrades and getting stuff from gullivar, redd ect.
I don’t but mainly because I don’t want to rush the game but enjoy it. I also find a huge sense of accomplishment when finish Some, I mean I have all but art done in museum.
I've never time travelled in New Horizons. I did sometimes in past games and while it was fun at first, it got old really fast. I prefer just to play normally.
I used to time travel a lot more because I was impatient and I really just wanted to get my Island up and running.
Now that since I am pretty much a developed Island and I have all the necessities, I really only time travel in order to get specific items that are seasonal that I might have missed.

Otherwise I really just time travel and order to get flowers or other crafting materials.
I didn’t and then I did 🙊 At the beginning I wanted to let the game develop and play day by day to enjoy it as it was meant to be played. I was very guilty of redoing my town in new leaf and I think that did stop me from enjoying playing. I regretted losing my first game save.

The slow pace of the game was perfect during lockdown. A new exciting game with so much to discover 😍 It was only when winter was coming up I was desperately waiting for snow. I waited and waited while others were actively having fun and enjoying the game and for the first time I wasn’t.

I was actually scared the first time I ttd 😂 it has helped me enjoy the game again and has given fresh interest. I know it’s not for everyone and I respect that 💜
I personally timetravel sometimes for things like missing a holiday. I have bad mental health so getting to play when I want isn't always a choice.

I tried doing bunny day yesterday, but my brain was just too exhausted to play, so I plan to tt and do bunny day later today.

I'm not a hardcore timetraveler due to that same reason, and the fact that I did it soooooo much in new leaf. Back then, my mental health wasn't as tiring but yeah.

I've done it to move in amiibo villagers otherwise. Besides those reasons, I enjoy the slow pace of day to day.
I tried TTing in New Leaf once and screwed it up badly. I murdered every flower - EVEN HYBRIDS - in my town but 1. (That day will forever be known as The Great Cutetown Flower Massacre. I still honor the flowers lost on the anniversary. No, I'm not kidding.) I lost all my hybrids and have been scared to TT since. I have mustered up the courage twice to TT back an hour or two within the same day in NH (mostly to catch Able Sisters open) but other than that I can't bring myself to TT. I scarred myself so badly in NL that even thinking of TTing gives me anxiety. Plus I really do love playing every day in real time.
I time-travel but infrequently. I go through periods where I don't play the game for weeks and then I get really into it for a few days. That's when I do the most time-traveling- to catch up on what I missed when I wasn't playing. It doesn't "ruin" the game for me, even if I get bored of playing for a while. I know I'll always come back eventually just to check on things.

Not to mention I have a busy schedule and I don't always have time to play everyday. Sometimes time-traveling is necessary when I only have a few hours over the weekend to devote myself to playing the game. If I don't time-travel, I'm not making the most of my time.
I used to time travel but then i decided not to for new horizons and i found the game to be more enjoyable and less stressful
I have been playing since GameCube and didn’t time travel until NL. Even in NL I didn’t time travel much. I’m NH I waited to time travel since I liked the beginning of the game. I started time traveling in the fall mostly due to not having much time to play. When I do time travel it is because of:

Events: I usually don’t have time to play a lot the day of events. I usually time travel back to them so I can enjoy them, I will be time traveling back to bunny day tomorrow since I have it off and didn’t get all the DIY’s for my second island.

Island hopping: I like island hopping and don’t always have time for it. If someone moves out and I know I don’t ave the time I will time travel this way I can take my time island hopping.

terraforming: I will time travel to move buildings and place inclines and bridges.
I will TT for things I don't want to make time for, like terraforming, building moves, house moves, or emptying a plot. I always do what I need to do then TT back to current day. I don't see why there is such a huge negative response to time travel. I work full time and when I get time to really dig in and decorate and terraform there is no joy in spreading it out over a span of days. When I want to do something, I do it.

I also am planning on TTing back to fall soon as I took a break from the game back in the fall and missed a lot of it. I think people are going to play how they want to play and there's nothing wrong with that.
Sometimes I do! I find I don't time travel nearly as much in New Horizons as I did in New Leaf mainly because it's more of a hassle. I don't like having to go all the way into my system settings to change the time, I'm lazy 😅 So if I do time travel I usually do a bunch of days at once and it'll generally be with a set goal in mind.

For example when the new Bunny Day furniture released I time traveled ahead a few days to make sure I got all the furniture in advance to decorate my island with, I switched my cedar trees to regular ones to get ready for the cherry blossoms, and then I went back to the actual date. During the winter time I time travelled a couple of days trying to make snowboys for DIYs and I planted a bunch of cedar trees to get ready for Toy Day, then last year I spent a day time travelling back to the cherry blossom season to try and get more of those DIYs.

I find I'm a lot less likely to time travel just a single day ahead to get packages or whatever now, though. I have to be trying to accomplish a few things and then the effort of time travelling feels a little more worth it. I don't see time travelling as cheating or anything, though. I don't really think you can "cheat" at animal crossing lol since there isn't really a way to win? It's all about building up your town/island the way you want and if time travelling makes that more enjoyable for you then go for it. I just can't be bothered to time travel as much anymore. If Isabelle still confirmed the date like she did in New Leaf I think I'd time travel more!
I don’t. When I first started playing with Wild World I didn’t even know time travelling was a thing, I guess I was too young. When I discovered it later, while playing New Leif I didn’t feel the need anyway and I was too scared to mess up things because I have never done it.
And then New Horizon came out. Probably because of all the hype and the fact that it became so popular on YouTube as well I watched a lot of videos before the game was launched and when I had my hands on it I felt this need of progressing fast because I was so curious.
So I time travelled like crazy for the first week and that killed the vibe of the game for me to the point where I wouldn’t want to play and I hated my island. So I restarted and I made myself promise I would not time travel again because it’s obvious it’s not my thing. I have nothing against going back a couple of hours if I logged in late at night and I want to shop or yesterday I was with family the whole day for Easter so I pushed back the clock to play Bunny day at night. But other than that, I never time travel and I have no desire to do so.
I didn’t TT for the first couple of months of playing NH as I enjoyed playing it through at the normal pace and as I never TTd in the older games I didn’t really have any desire for it. Nowadays though I TT quite frequently, especially when I want to kick out a villager and go island hopping for someone new as it can take a really long time for the right villager to request to leave when playing at the normal pace. Also when I’ve been decorating the island I’ve TTd in order to move buildings around and build things quickly. I haven’t really had any problems with TTing and have found it’s helped me to enjoy the game more but I generally try not to TT too far ahead and often go back to playing at a normal pace if I’m just doing the ordinary activities in the game.
I haven't time traveled to get seasonal items or critters, except specifically to get a year's worth of Mom's items. I time traveled to winter last summer because it was so hot and I was hoping the snow in game would take my mind off of how hot it was (it did) and then at the beginning of December, I time traveled to later in the month because I love the snow and was super impatient for it. But I don't have any plans to time travel beyond that, other than to move villagers out if someone offers me a villager I want.

I (mostly) don't time travel because I feel like it's not a race, I want things to do in game for as long as possible. I'm not really a completionist in games and it wouldn't to not have my museum full when I eventually put this game down for good.