Do you timetravel? Why/why not?

Do you timetravel

  • Yes, reguarly

    Votes: 47 34.8%
  • Yes, sometimes

    Votes: 23 17.0%
  • Yes, occasionally

    Votes: 27 20.0%
  • I have done so in the past, but I don't do it anymore

    Votes: 16 11.9%
  • I have never timetravelled

    Votes: 22 16.3%

  • Total voters
i only really time travel if i wanna kick someone out to go character hunting or when i'm moving in an amiibo character. i did a lot of TTing when i wanted to replace all my bridges/inclines but i typically just play day by day tbh.
I haven’t been doing it as much lately and usually only by one day increments (forward and back), but I enjoy doing it to get more stuff from redd and speed up my orders since the five item limit sucks.
I am now a regular TT'er. When the game first came out I didn't TT for the first 4 months and enjoyed the natural progression of the game and organic discovery of mechanics/items. Once I started growing tired of the game, I no longer played every day and began TT'ing in bursts when I did play to move out villagers, move buildings & decorate faster, etc. This way I'm able to sit down and play whenever I want and TT when I need to. This works out perfect for me since my main goal right now is to finish decorating my island so I can make a public DA.
Only really did in the beginning, while trying to unlock things.

Now I really don't, but might if I really want to get a villager out.
I regularly time travel, and I’ve done it regularly on past games. It’s more entertaining and fun for me, as it keeps things moving along quickly.
I have time traveled since New Leaf and have never seen a problem with it. I don't do it as much in New Horizons but from time to time I do usually to get items I order from mail and basically thats it. =)
I always pay off the loan first in my AC games, without TT. After that, I tend to be a bit less bothered about it, especially since I enjoy cycling through villagers (so many villagers, so little time - there are very, very few villagers I actually hate, probably under 10 out of the near-400 ones in NH).
I'm with you! I don't think I ever will. I never did on the GameCube, and I've always loved the real time aspect - even more so now with the beautiful sunsets. It also makes wishing on stars more special and I feel like it makes the game last longer for me, because if I had everything at once, I wouldn't appreciate any one thing as much.

But I like what you said about going with the flow too, like that Harvest Moon type relaxing feel where time is slowed down.

And of course, I don't think any one way is better - everyone has their own way of playing. The purpose of a game is to have fun/relax/whatever the individual wants to get out of it! If someone enjoys it more with TT, they should TT. I enjoy it more without.

The only time it's been frustrating is when no one could trade the day I had an open plot, and it auto-filled the next day. But, that also made me appreciate my new villager even more when it did work out that I could trade my next open plot months later just in time!

It was also a bit ingrained in me due to an old forum where we used to trade code items on GC. No one there was allowed to TT or talk about it, haha. I was just a kid back then and KK Slider and the ghost both messed with my bed time! But it was kinda fun trying to do a holiday event quickly before IRL holiday celebrations. Even though I didn't TT, I must have done something I wasn't supposed to because I remember encountering Resetti…🤔

Edit: This is probably why I never complete any collections though haha. I wish my museum had more butterflies and bugs. But I do like having something to look forward to when I play in real time.
Even though I didn't TT, I must have done something I wasn't supposed to because I remember encountering Resetti…
He would appear if you didn't save.
So if you forgot, or had a power cut, or just messed up and wanted it to forget, he would appear.

If you time travelled correctly you might never see him.