Do your parents play animal crossing?

Just my mom :throwingrottenapples: :throwingrottenapples: :throwingrottenapples: :throwingrottenapples: :throwingrottenapples: :throwingrottenapples: :throwingrottenapples: :throwingrottenapples: :throwingrottenapples: :throwingrottenapples: :throwingrottenapples:
:gyroidcircle: :gyroidcircle: :gyroidcircle: :gyroidcircle: :gyroidcircle:
Nope, but one time my grandpa was over at my house and he saw me playing. He was really interested, lol!
My mom just watches me play AC:CF she likes K.K. Slider! She just playes Wii music...She even bought it cos; she wanted it.... My dad doesnt play...used to play Mario Kart but only sometimes...
archy1121 said:
No. The only video game my mom and play is Wii Fit.
haha same with me. They play all the generic wii games too like wii sports and suff.

No, my parents dont play. MY friends mom always us to play th GC version. I though t it weird, thats like the ONLY thing she would talk about lawl. When I first geard of AC I absolutley HATED it because I got it mixed up wuth moon harvest. The funny thing is now, my friend got me into it when I hated it, now I love it and he doesnt. :c He's "too old" he says. But my friend Tyler plays :D
My mom did play before when I was little and played the Gamecube Version, but according to her, she built things up, and I changed them. And... now, she doesn't wanna do it again...
My Dad only played it like...three times but a few months ago my Mam had a huge obsession!