Do ypu guys think The Legend of Zelda Items and Villagers will come back too at some point?

i think they could eventually. we may even get new villagers too. i dont think it will be for a while though, i think they'll space them out and try to keep people interested in the game longer
I hope. Same with the Splatoon stuff. Since the sanrio stuff returned, it only makes sense to bring those characters and items back.
Hard to say. The game data since launch had blank database entry points for the Sanrio villagers. The same is not true of villagers like Wolf Link, who do not have an empty photo spot, for example.
I would love the Zelda stuff to come back. I have a Wolf Link amiibo from the HD remaster, but I never got to use it in NL cuz I don't have a new 3ds or a reader. Also, Medli is like my favorite character ever, so if they came back I'd for sure secure whatever amiibo allows her to move in.
It looks promising. They have been adding Sanrio, Mario, etc. it looks like they are prioritizing Collabs instead of the regular non Collab in game sets ( rococo, princess, gorgeous, etc).

I wouldn't be surprised if they added those, or the 7- eleven set or others if I’m missing any.
I got the Zelda amiibos after I had pretty much gotten out of the swing of NL, and actually had a Switch because I knew the Zelda amiibos had interactions in BotW; though I had every Zelda-themed object in it (except the fairy bottle, which I never knew existed until now but now wish I had). I really hope they bring it back soon! Never been a huge mario fan, so unfortunately I am pretty uninterested in this set.

Kind of reconsidering getting back into New Leaf just to use them now... plus the new amiibos of AC villagers I've gotten recently...
No way in hell they put in Sanrio themed **** which has nothing to do with Nintendo's IP, but ignore Zelda stuff. I'm sure we'll get a lot more Nintendo IP related items down the line. Whether it's releasing them in celebration of an upcoming game, anniversary, announcement, or w.e.
i have high hopes that they’ll be back hopefully sometime this year! seeing as this this year was zelda’s 35th anniversary, they can’t NOT add them in sometime this year, that would be disappointing especially for those of us who are really excited for all the old zelda items from NL, and the new selection of items they have to offer. since they already released the mario update it probably won’t be for a while until we see it, but im fairly confident they’ll be back.
If you asked me before the Sanrio announcement, I would have said no. Now, I would be shocked if they brought back third party villagers but not their own content. It would be a nice excuse to release some more Amiibo figures, too.
As others have speculated, I would assume if they're bringing the other villagers back, it'll coincide with a game release. Since Splatoon/Zelda/Monster Hunter all have games coming down the pipeline I'd say it's a good bet.

We may never see Filly or Holden again though...
I doubted Sanrio villagers will make a return, but here they are. Surely the others will follow. Also, many fans will definitely buy amiibo for the heck of it.
i'd be more surprised if they didn't, along with the splatoon and monhun villagers. i hope they add more villagers for the botw and splat2 amiibos too, but i'll be pretty bummed if we end up having to wait until next year when the next games in their series come out :( also please make viche uchi instead of normal, it would suit her so much better!
i'd be more surprised if they didn't, along with the splatoon and monhun villagers. i hope they add more villagers for the botw and splat2 amiibos too, but i'll be pretty bummed if we end up having to wait until next year when the next games in their series come out :( also please make viche uchi instead of normal, it would suit her so much better!
I feel like the Splatoon ones might be next year and Zelda this year but who knows! Of course I'd like Zelda first though haha
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No way in hell they put in Sanrio themed **** which has nothing to do with Nintendo's IP, but ignore Zelda stuff. I'm sure we'll get a lot more Nintendo IP related items down the line. Whether it's releasing them in celebration of an upcoming game, anniversary, announcement, or w.e.
Well they did Zelda in New Leaf but they just have to import them into New Horizons like they did with Sanrio~
i really hope so! wolf link is one of my favorite villagers and it would be a shame if i could never have him in new horizons. with the sanrio stuff making a comeback, it would shock me if they ignored the other crossover villagers/items.
The Zelda items were some of the best crossover items in NL. Among my favs were the Medli and Epona items because I had their amiibos. I loved the Cucco, Fairy and Hero of Time scroll. They were perfect for my medieval home (exterior was a castle). I also loved how the Rupee could be customised in different colours, so yes they need to return! I would love for W. Link, Medli and Epona (plz, plz!) to come back again as villagers again.
The Zelda items were some of the best crossover items in NL. Among my favs were the Medli and Epona items because I had their amiibos. I loved the Cucco, Fairy and Hero of Time scroll. They were perfect for my medieval home (exterior was a castle). I also loved how the Rupee could be customised in different colours, so yes they need to return! I would love for W. Link, Medli and Epona (plz, plz!) to come back again as villagers again.
Wait, wait, wait. Hold the phone.

You could customize... Rupees.

And I never knew.


My life is a lie. I had all the items and never thought about customizing them.
Wait, wait, wait. Hold the phone.

You could customize... Rupees.

And I never knew.


My life is a lie. I had all the items and never thought about customizing them.

Yes, you could. Other than green, you could customise the Rupee into red, blue, purple, white, and yellow (which is bigger)
I used them for my treasure room.
Considering that the Sanrio comeback was pretty successful, Nintendo would be crazy if they not bring back the other amiibo villagers & items.