Does anyone have visual snow?


Dec 21, 2015
Tasty Cake
White Pansy
White Pansy
White Pansy
Tasty Cake
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Red Cosmos
Red Cosmos
White Cosmos
Visual snow syndrome is a neurological condition where you see a sort of static-y looking haze over your vision, continuously- sort of imagine the way that a TV that isn't set to any proper channels looks, with thousands of tiny colourful dots all over the place.

I learned that I have this a few years ago. It isn't extremely severe for me and doesn't really impact my ability to function, although I think it can be worse for some people- for me, I mostly just will sometimes get overwhelmed by the constant movement because I get overwhelmed easily in general, and I also often get frustrated when I look at an object I know is supposed to be one solid colour, like a wall, but it looks almost like it's glittery to me.
I have it slightly from probably playing too many phone games, doing too much digital art and studying off .pdfs. :x

Nowadays I curb my phone usage by going out more, draw more traditionally, and print out my pdfs to read/annotate. xD
That is very interesting. I am quite curious if I have that myself honestly. Whenever I look, (more noticeably in the dark) it appears slightly as if you were seeing noise in a picture? I also may be confusing it as just the blood vessels moving in my eyes too, but that is far more distinguishable in focused light.
I have this and only recently discovered that it isn't normal. It's only really noticeable if I'm in the dark or staring at something like a wall, so it doesn't impair me in the slightest. Apparently some people have it a lot worse to the point it interferes with their ability to read, so I'm glad I don't have to deal with that. I could have easily gone my entire life assuming that everyone had it. Right now we really don't seem to know what exactly causes it, so hopefully it doesn't indicate another more serious issue.
Yup. At night time the most. My vision gets all film grainy at night especially if the room is dark or outside if its too dark out.
Not sure if this qualifies, but I do get that static-y look in the dark, but only in the dark. I do have times were my eyes won't focus on words on a screen, they appear more blurry then they should with my glasses on. But I might have astigmatism. The colorful dots thou I only experience when I'm looking at a screen for a very long time, then get up fast and do somethin like walk. My vision breifly blackouts too when I do that.
I think wearing glasses can help lessen some of the vision effect. But I do think that staring at the screen (PC monitor or Phone) does contribute to it. Since that tends to dry out your eyes. I also think having a bad case of untreated Blepharitis can cause it. In my case at least. I heard that leaving Blepharitis untreated can lead to Vitreous Gel detachment which causes all kinds of vision effects like flashes and floaters increase.

Who really knows though.
Jesus idek what Blepharitis is but the detaching part sounds so bad omg.

I just remembered I get that vision blackout/colorful dots thing when I very first wake up in the morning and get out of bed fast.
Jesus idek what Blepharitis is but the detaching part sounds so bad omg.

I just remembered I get that vision blackout/colorful dots thing when I very first wake up in the morning and get out of bed fast.

Well I read that Vitreous Gel detachment is not that dangerous but should be checked out by a eye doctor. They need to perform a dilated eye examination to determine if its just the Vitreous gel or Retina (More serious) that was detached.
I do to an extent, it’s more noticeable when looking out into the light (like sunlight through a window). It’s never bothersome but it’s there and I’ve always wondered if it’s connected to my bad eyesight.
Well I read that Vitreous Gel detachment is not that dangerous but should be checked out by a eye doctor. They need to perform a dilated eye examination to determine if its just the Vitreous gel or Retina (More serious) that was detached.

Jeezes, the ReTiNa.

Is that somethin an optometrist checks for in an eyeglasses exam or no? I had my pupils dilated when I got my new glasses.
Jeezes, the ReTiNa.

Is that somethin an optometrist checks for in an eyeglasses exam or no? I had my pupils dilated when I got my new glasses.

Well if they didn't find anything wrong with the retina, than you should be okay. If it was a Vitreous Gel detachment, which I heard can happen at any time over age, than the visual effects should get better in 6 months or more. Flashes and floaters become less frequent from what I experienced and read.
I do. I always had it and always thought everybody else did too. When I was a kid I used to pretend it was TV static or little atoms in the air. I remember having sleepovers and telling people about the static after the lights went out, but nobody really understood what I was talking about. It makes sense now.

It can be connected to tinnitus (ringing in ears), which is something that really bothers me.
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Yes. I thought it was normal before seeing this thread though. It's only irritating when dizzy/nauseated as that just seems to ramp up the severity.
wow I thought "visual snow" meant "do you have snow on the ground where you live right now"
but woah didn't know this existed, but now I think I might have it? when I look at a wall it looks slightly staticy like you said...
Yes. I thought it was normal before seeing this thread though. It's only irritating when dizzy/nauseated as that just seems to ramp up the severity.

You're absolutely right! I always forget about this until it happens and it's so awful that it's all I can think about.
I have it, and I had no idea this existed up until now, actually. I just thought it was something everyone had....