Does anyone you know in real life play Animal Crossing?

Yup. There was a girl in my dorm who played New Leaf with me, and I used to have a ton of friends who played Wild World. :)
My brother does. He got it after watching me play for a bit, and he pays a surprising amount of attention to it, considering his age and attention span.
my younger brother gave it to me as a gift with a 3ds when i was rehab. so he knows i play.
My husband plays and he introduced to me to a friend of his that plays as well, but most of the people I know don't play and think AC is for children. Their loss, I suppose.
None of my friends have New Leaf. They all envy me for having the game, but they can't afford it along with a 3ds themselves. :/ We used to play WW though together.
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A girl in my year randomly slipped it into a conversation once so her
Also my cousin and my younger brother lol
I've met a few girls in my grade that I've streetpassed a few times.. But we never really actually talk or anything.
In my school, I get a few streetpass people but I don't talk to them. I just know who they are. My younger sister plays too, and her town is like 100x better than mine, lol.
my best friend plays acnl and my ex-boyfriend plays it. my other best friend is saving up for a 3ds + acnl.
Some ex-friends of mine used to play it, they're the ones that got me into it with the GC version, we played the Wii version a bit together as well, but as for New Leaf I don't even know if they have it.
Yup! My friends Luke, Charlotte, and Lauren play it, and my friends Louisa and Db play Wild World :D no one at my old school did as far as I know so im lucky!
My 2 best friends used to play it! However, one of them sold the game after only having it for a week (she's so silly ;~; ) and the other just doesn't play anymore.
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Haha, when I tell my friends and coworkers about my 3DS it's like a strange thing to them.... Most of them haven't played a handheld since the GBC!! I'm not even *that* old, I'm only 22. My boyfriend at least has a 3DS but he thinks animal crossing is the dumbest game in the entire world lol.
I know 4 people at my school who play it! Which is surprising, since I go to a women's college so there aren't a whole lot of gamers here. I've also streetpassed a lot of people who play (I live in a big city!) and that makes me happy. :)
My sister played WW and GC, and I have a friend who also plays New Leaf. We've visited each other's town a few times, it's nice. ^^
A couple of my friends know. I don't see whats wrong about it...
And I commonly make Nintendo-related jokes in class. A couple are about Animal Crossing so I guess my class knows.