Does anyone you know in real life play Animal Crossing?

I used to babysit 3 kids and they found Animal Crossing CF because of me lol. I took it over one day for them to play, cause I was hooked on it, and it was the one game they played together that they didn't fight eachother over. Next thing I know, their mom sends me to Wal-Mart to buy a copy for them.
But I don't know anybody else that plays Animal Crossing :(
Sadly not, plenty of pokemon players but alas no fellow animal crossers T__T (yet!)
Only one friend now. :( A few years ago I had quite a few but they're dropping like flies!
I never tried it but From what i remember there is a money cheat where you put some money in your savings at the post office.
And like saving accounts in real life it has interest.
My boyfriend but we kind of share the 2DS and game^^'
When I played Wild World there were 2-3 persons I played with irl, with the wireless connection.
It was kinda funny since one of them used to live 2 floors above my apartment so we used to try to connect from our apartments but as you can guess it crashed pretty often. :p
O New Leaf I have no irl friends to play with
My brother doesn't have ACNL but he does have a 3DS while my friend Robert has ACNL.
Two of my sisters, two of my cousins, and several of my friends play. Plus I used to streetpass a bunch of people on campus who were playing it. Plus my niece, but she's 5.
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Does it count if I only met him once irl and am possibly meeting up again in the next month? <.<

I don't think any of the friends I am currently in close contact with are really into this kind of game, though. I'm sure my best friend from elementary school plays, but I haven't had contact with her for a good year now.
I have a few friends in real life that play. One of them I'm pretty close with but the only time we meet up is for choir or musical so we don't really have time to whip out our 3DS and play with each other.
My two coworkers play as well but we're not really close on the level where we would go to each others house and play Animal Crossing with each other :c

The one person I play with the most is my online friend. We talk a lot and she's like my bestie and we always play together, in her town at least.
I know a few people but we don't play together or they stopped playing. I know a few girls from my college play it because I've streetpassed them before.
My sister owns acnl, but I haven't been able to play with her yet since she's in Korea right now... there are a lot of players where I live that plays acnl, but I haven't actually met them formally, except if I bump into them at the convention lol
My sister and my cousin play, too. There are some kids at my school that bring their 3ds with them and we streetpass every day.

I actually got my cousin to play, and it was love at first sight. ;) She loves to dive, and it's nice to be able to play with her because she lives far away.
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Nope. I don't know a single person. None of my friends are as into gaming as much as I am. Out of my handful of friends I'm literally the only one who plays MMOs and the ones who do play games only play Pok?mon and not much else.