Does anyone you know in real life play Animal Crossing?

like 10 of my friends own acnl and a 3ds but they barely play nowadays
i only have one active friend and she p much only plays when shes at school

her town name is hyrule smh​
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yeah, 3 of my friends do, we used to bring them in the morning and play them until we had to come inside.. :)
Yep! One of my very close friends plays AC as much as I do, and goes on AC forums and stuff. We visit each other's towns all the time and give each other items and things. And I see her lots, so I can get all the Street Pass items. : D
I actually learned about AC from a friend irl. We aren't friends anymore though. This was like 7 years ago.
My sister! And one old friend from grade school. We never learned to get the wifi settings right though :(
When I was still in high school (I say that like it was years ago, but it was just last month), I would street pass the same two people every day, one being my younger brother, and the other being some kid whose identity I never figured out. My best friend also plays, but he made me take him 3DS away due to intense finals he had to study for. Everyone else I play with are online friends!
My sister and my cousins all play~ It's kinda something we've been doing every time we see each other :)
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one of my closest friends used to play, but she found it boring (she's very impatient) and ended up giving me her copy on my birthday. c:
My boyfriend plays, our DM plays, as does his girlfriend, several acquaintances...but basically all the people I'm closest to in terms of friendship or romance are playing currently. Lol. It's practically a pre-requisite for building a friendship with me. (Okay, not really, but it looks that way.)
I'm trying to get my boyfriend into playing the game. He keeps saying he'll get it, but he hasn't yet. When he does, I'll probably end up playing it more than him.
Just my brother. I've tried getting my girlfriend to play but she doesn't like videogames. :(
I'm trying to get my boyfriend into playing the game. He keeps saying he'll get it, but he hasn't yet. When he does, I'll probably end up playing it more than him.

...I bought my boyfriend a copy. I just sort of sprung it on him. I made a deal to play one of his favorite games if he'd try one of mine, and now we're both happy and gaming together. So romantic, amirite?
Yep, my cousin and my good friend Alexa. I've been trying to exchange friend codes for a while but it just never seems to work out oo. I've also streetpassed some people from my school a few times, but i have no idea who they are!