Does anyone you know in real life play Animal Crossing?

My sister only.. None of my friends even have 3ds D: It sucks, cause it would be cool to streetpass someone :/
My brother does, and so are a couple of other people I'm close to, but no one really local.
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I don't have many friends but I did get my best friend Abby into AC and she bought New Leaf. I've had lots of fun playing with her.
Nope. And I'd be too embarrassed to tell anyone I actually play it anyway.
My two younger brothers have been playing it for a long time now since they used to watch me play the GameCube version. And I have a really good friend who plays too :)
Like 99.99% of people I know I play (no shame here), but no one I know plays, which is kind of sad.
2 of my friends, but they both stopped playing months ago. One of them even sold their game -.-
I don't know anybody in rl who plays animal crossing, or pokemon x/y, or even has a 3ds. /:
My best friend does (she actually introduced it to me) and some other people because i play it at school haha :p
there's 1 or 2 irl friends who play it, but I don't have them on 3ds and haven't added them ;w;
I have one friend who plays it, the others don't really get the point in it but that's ok :3 I don't mind if they do or don't~