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Does gender matter to you?


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2020
Sautéed Mushrooms
I notice that Marshal/Raymond is very popular and I can never understand it. I notice that there are more girls that like those two than us guys. Though I don't know the percentage of female to male that play AC in general, I would venture there are more girls.

However I think if Marshal and Raymond were Marsha and Ramona, I totally would be on the train! I grativate toward girls in real life and in game. The only male on my dreamy list is Beau because he look like a girl. I thought he was a girl for the longest time, disappointed to find out otherwise.

What about you guys?
I have both male and female favorites, I'm mostly interested in the animal designs, not their gender. Although, when I was a kid I had an animal crush (Queenie) and I still have her in my town now so. :)
Not really, I don't care about their genders since as long as I like them, I'll like them I guess? I think for me it largely depends on interactions with the villagers.
No, I don't like or dislike villagers (or anyone) because of their gender. I wouldn't care if my dreamies were genderswapped either.
I have both male and female favorites, I'm mostly interested in the animal designs, not their gender. Although, when I was a kid I had an animal crush (Queenie) and I still have her in my town now so. :)

I don't have anymore female friends in life because of my illness. Prior to my illness, I have several that were real sweetheart. The female in this game remind me of them. Uchi like Fuchsia remind me of my ex friend Kat who was sweet and pretty. Though I never had any good male friends so it probably why I don't care for male friends in this game.

3 AC games so far and I never had a cat villager in my town. I want Ankha as badly as people wanting Raymond. Though what if Raymond was a girl? Would I want her just as badly? A Ramona would be wearing a dress and not a suit. Would people who want Raymond want Ramona as badly as they do now?

Its so interesting to think
Well Ramona could still wear a suit or a business costume. I think that would fit a gender swapped Raymond. :)
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...A Ramona would be wearing a dress and not a suit. ...
people already put Raymond in a dress as it is, but I think Raymond is very popular because of his smug personality (and aesthetic), not just because of his gender

as for me: i think most of my faves are male because most of my faves are lazy
Well Ramona could still wear a suit or a business costume. I think that would fit a gender swapped Raymond. :)

LOL but what about the hair? He has Marshal like Bieber hair. Get rid of that hair then we'll see.

Oh lastly can you take off their glasses? I have yet to see Raymond without glasses. Like can you get rid of Raymond glasses pernamently? I am not a fan of glasses.
Well, i catch myself to have mostly more male villagers than female ones, but that’s only, because I like some designs of the male ones more, like for the Deer or the Kangaroos. Other than that I’m fine with everyone I find interesting. It’s more that there is not enough space to invite every villager, so it’s harder to choose. Like if want to invite Butch or Bones, I also want to invite Cherry or Goldie, but than I would have too many Dog Villagers and I like variety in my Village. So I’m more of a one Animal of each species Type.
i don't care about gender, i just like to have all the personalities, and i like what i consider cute / cool / funny characters, i'm looking forward to my vladimir amiibo arriving so i can have a cranky villager, i think he looks funny and cute 😄

edit: if i had extra room for extra villagers, i would want cookie because she looks so adorable, and i would want pietro because i think he looks very cool, gender isn't something i think about really only the characters appearances / personalities
I don't really care much about gender. I'm more about the design but I what I don't like is having more of one gender than the other. My towns in new leaf were balanced but my island I only have 3 females :/

It's not surprising that more females like Raymond and Marshal. I think there's only one male player that has both and seems to really love them. I recently found out yesterday that Zack Scott @ yt has Marshal and said he was keeping the little dude.
Gender doesn't matter one bit...but, I will say...most of the villagers I end up liking do tend to be male, simply because a lot of those designs and personalities appeal more to me. However, one of the first villagers I grabbed from a Nook ticket island was Merengue. I guess it just cracked me up that she had horns made of strawberries and cream. I'm a simple man. Lol.
i prefer my villagers to be a variety of personalities and genders, and beyond that, i don't really care!

there was a thread recently discussing why raymond might be so popular and i found that an interesting read.
I don't think I've ever cared about the genders of the villagers. But I'd like to have some of each :)
I don't think about gender at all normally, it really doesn't matter to me one way or another, as long as I like their design.
However, the only time I ever really reacted to a villager's gender was with Dom.

When I saw all the new villager images, I thought Dom was a girl. When I got him as a starter I was like "Oh, I got a new villager. She looks creepy." Then I talk to him for the first time and see that his name is pink (this was before I knew their names were now based off their coloring instead of their gender). Then I thought, "That's a weird name for a girl."

Then he hit me with the "ABS, MUSCLES, WEIGHT LIFTING, *FLEXFLEXFLEX* 6,5049549495 SQUAT THRUSTS A DAY!1 I LOVE SWEATING!1!1!!!" And I was like "Holy sh!t, it's a boy!" Lmao

It floored me. And kinda put me off. It's not that I was disappointed, cuz that would imply I had hopes and expectations for his character to begin with, but idk, he's just a weird mix with his design & personality that I didn't see coming. I thought from the image it'd be like a Normal female sheep or something, so every time I look at him, I think it's so weird he's a jock guy lol.
Tbh I gravitate more torwards liking male villagers and the only female villager i really like a ton is Kiki. A whole lot of my all time favorites are males such as Sherb, Marshal, Static, O'Hare, Tom, ect
Personally I care more about design & mannerism. Most if not all of the villagers I like or dislike are based on their design & correlating personality type.