Does it bother you that ACNH has less updates & content than ACPC?

Does it bother you that ACNH has less updates & content than ACPC?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 86 54.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 46 29.3%
  • I don't care either way.

    Votes: 17 10.8%
  • Other opinion.

    Votes: 8 5.1%

  • Total voters
yes but i'm not mad at pc tho. i feel like it would make more sense if nh was updated more because it's one of their biggest titles atm for their main console.
No, it doesn’t bother me. I don’t view PC as an Animal Crossing game. It’s a money-grabbing micro-transaction-filled app and I don’t enjoy or play. In my opinion, the central “thesis” of Animal Crossing is all about appreciating the simple things in life, whereas PC has a very “more more more” attitude that is just intended to keep players coming back and spending more money. So whatever PC doesn’t really concern me at all, I just ignore it.
No because I don’t like games that have constant events like pocket camp. It stresses me out and I feel like I can never relax and just enjoy the game. I would hate it and stop playing if New horizons was like pocket camp with events.
Pocket camp has some really nice items, but most are from fortune cookies and I have terrible luck trying to get the items I want.
Yes. It seems like they care more about their cash grab mobile game than their main series video game which is pretty frustrating. I wish they invested more time into making ACNH more lively with features from pocket camp (interactable furniture for residents and villagers, cool/unique furniture, frequent update, etc.)
No because I don’t like games that have constant events like pocket camp. It stresses me out and I feel like I can never relax and just enjoy the game. I would hate it and stop playing if New horizons was like pocket camp with events.
Pocket camp has some really nice items, but most are from fortune cookies and I have terrible luck trying to get the items I want.

While I feel underwhelmed by the updates, I do agree with you still and think you make good points. I play a couple gacha games and the nonstop events burns me out. I am thankful events aren’t like that at least. And i definitely don’t want it to have a gacha mechanic introduced; my luck is terrible too.
Pocket Camp has low quality updates. The items don't look anywhere near as good, both in their 3D models and art design. The "gameplay" itself uses the same recycled gameplay mechanics they introduced in 2017-2018.

I love New Horizons' updates, and the fact they are giving us more reason to participate in events each year with new content, however, I would like to see bigger things, offering gameplay longevity. If I have to pay for it, then fine, I have no issue doing that. I just don't want to have to wait another 7 years to have a game that stays relevant for some people for one year.
I don’t find pocket camp that appealing. I’ve tried it (mostly to link it to my switch) and honestly I just don’t see the appeal. I thought the game spent most of its time lagging for me, but then again it could be my device’s age.

I feel like whenever I see people compare pocket camp and New horizon’s together, it’s always the part of pocket camp which costs money. The furniture. They always leave out the features that New Horizon’s leaves out. Such as:
• customising your island’s design with rivers and cliffs.
• in-depth custom design features with a portal pad to search designs.
• An Npc everyday which gives you something to do.
• More variety in plant types
• Seasonal craft recipes that match the season.
• The storage being massive.

Just to name a few.

I don’t think New Horizon’s is perfect, there is a lot more they could add and I’m hoping they add to it. But I don’t think ‘furniture’ will solve the issue, neither will putting that furniture behind a paywall or implementing the system from pocket camp. It’s just a lot of quality of life updates...
I'm not really sure how one could compare PC to ACNH in the first place. ACNH has literally 10x the content that PC has... considering it's an actual AC game. As someone said before, the gameplay of PC is... limited at best. PC has it's charm, and it's cool that it has a lot of furniture sets etc, but it's barely even an AC game when all is said and done.
No, I don’t. I’m glad NH doesn’t have that kind of content where we have to grind the same events over and over again to get new furniture items. Imagine doing Egg Day every month to get new items, that’s essentially what the PC content is. The furniture is cute but the cost is too high in either the monetary value or the monumental grind. I see how some people complain about how PC is superior to NH but then they also never actually want to play PC despite it being free which does makes you wonder.
As someone who plays both, although PC has more items it has much less content and much less ability to access the items that are available.

the game play is extremely simplified and never changing. There are constant events but they are the same events in different clothes, so to speak. Outside of the events there is not much to do that really holds my interest, since there’s no goals and villager interactions are essentially non-existent. (That’s why you need the events of course)

As for the items, yes there are a lot and they constantly come in and out of availability or new items are released. However, there is no feasible way to access a vast majority of the items even with one (or both) of the 2 paid subscriptions without making micro transactions. (And both subscriptions would cost about 130 usd/year)

in addition the decorating space is much more limited and the areas you can decorate have little to no game play happening there. You also are not able to interact with any items in game. Villagers will in a way interact, in that each time you load your campsite they will be in a set spot doing one specific preset ‘action’ with the item. But it is more like a repeated clip show that plays.

so yes, while I do see items in pocket camp which would be fun to have in new horizons, I don’t feel bothered by update disparities - because each new horizons update adds much much more content to my game than any pc update. And I would never want to make nh more like pc just to access the items because it would not be worth it. In a pc update about 1-10 new items may reasonably be within my reach, maybe up to 20 if I really grind. so when it comes down to it it is just not many items.

I enjoy pc for what it is, it is cute and I am very obsessed with animal crossing and so it can be a nice mindless way to pass the time. but it is nothing to the much fuller experience of playing Nh.
Honestly? yeah a lil' bit - although I agree with what some other folks are saying - ACPC is full of items but not content in the sense that it has loads of unique holiday events like ACNH. Most of the time it seems to be a lot of the same (fishing tourneys, gyroid hunting, collecting of some sort).

What I am jealous of is all the cool items like hand-held bags/drinks/cuddly toys, and extra character customisation choices like earrings and wigs (so. many. wigs in ACPC). Also some of the furniture items are awesome - I'd love to see a few of the pieces in NH but for the love of all that is good and righteous please Nintendo, never introduce micro-transactions to the mainline games.

So I'm bothered we don't have access to some of the cool items, but I'm not to bothered about missing out on ACPC-style events.
No. Pocket Camp is a mobile game so of course it has frequent item updates. Most console games don’t get updates at all so I’m glad we’re getting anything. I’ve already put over 1,000 hours into new horizons. It was money well spent.
Nope. Being frustrated at New Horizons over Pocket Camp would be like being frustrated at New Leaf because Happy Home Designer lets you design villager homes and New Leaf doesn't.

It is a stand alone, spin off mobile phone title that became popular. Other than getting some fun promotional items in New Horizons, it doesn't affect the main series at all. It just has more and fancier items to pull in money from the big spenders.
a live service game is gonna always get more new content, because they need to constantly specifically entice people to spend their real-life money on it

if you want new horizons to get even half as much constant new content as is, you need to start begging for microtransactions to spend your money on
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I understand why Pocket Camp gets more stuff. And the average player doesn't even get to access those things unless they pay money.

But I just wish New Horizons got some more attention. I want more things to do once we are "finished" with our island.
Honestly idk, on one part you pay constantly to get the items from the updates in PC, and there is also a gacha element. I guess I don't mind, but I would love if some items from PC made their way into NH.

Also I don't feel a lot of achievement, since my island storyline was completed almost 1 year ago, so is I just feel is a waiting game to finish the last parts of my island with items I like.
The only way for pocket camp to stay relevant is to churn out more and more stuff for people to covet and spend money on.. its the nature of mobile games. Do I wish some of the items came to new horizons? Absolutely. But at the same time, id rather have the shallow pool of acnh than the puddle of pc any day of the week. I hope acnh gets deeper gameplay wise; while pc is just there to be a skinners box basically with very little interactions with anything. Theres a reason I am not playing mobile games anymore, I used to spend a lot on gacha and it never made me happy or fullfilled in the long run, just more depressed when I didnt get that new shiny thing. I dont want that feeling in acnh or in animal crossing at all really.
Idc because all I want is better online/multiplayer gameplay and as long as acpc doesn't add that I'm not bothered
Nope. I have never cared about that if i'm honest. I like that new horizons gets different content to pocket camp. Makes it more interesting.

Yes there is less content and updates coming out for new horizons, but that's because it's a console game, so the updates are going to be coming in a lot slower than a mobile game.

I enjoy new horizons and pocket camp as two separate games and I don't think I would want the exact same stuff in both games.
PC is a different experience that never clicked with me. I downloaded it when it came out, but I never got into it. I downloaded it again when NH got released, but just to get the special items. There's no way I would ever want NH (or the main AC series in general) to become more like PC.

That being said, I'm really disappointed with Nintendo in regards to how differently they treat the games. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and bought NH on day one, knowing the game was incomplete. But as far as pure gameplay is concerened, they simply didn't deliver over the past year. I mean, granted - there was the delay because of "work-life balance". Then the delayed/smaller updates because of the pandemic and such and such, and I support that - I paid the full price because I wanted to support them. But the thing is, I really dislike waiting for the next update, hoping that they'll finally release basic stuff that should've been in the game on day one in the first place. For me it's "lesson learnt": I'm never going to buy a game from Nintendo again that lacks basic features, even if they promise that they'll be added later.

I'm not against add-ons per se. They've existed for PC-games long before the term "dlc" was even a thing. Add-ons provide an expanded experience to an already complete game. But with NH it feels like they don't want to give us those lacking features. They already have the money, and now it's just a burden for them, pleasing the annoying customers. PC (for reasons that evade me) provides a continuous influx of revenue, and that's the only reason they keep updating it. With NH it's the other way around, and to be honest, I feared that that might happen. And I know that some of you will disagree with me on the "lacking basic features" argument - but there are several dedicated threads for that discussion.