Does it bother you that ACNH has less updates & content than ACPC?

Does it bother you that ACNH has less updates & content than ACPC?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 86 54.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 46 29.3%
  • I don't care either way.

    Votes: 17 10.8%
  • Other opinion.

    Votes: 8 5.1%

  • Total voters
I'm not bothered by PC getting more frequent updates. I think we're lucky to be getting any updates at all.

It does bother me that NH wasn't more complete at the start and could have included some interactive items from PC or at least included more item sets. The holiday items could be better, too. It seems like a lost opportunity that the amenities from PC weren't included in NH as public works (the carousel, hot air balloon, pool, etc.) I feel like PC outshines NH both in quantity and quality of items many times.

I play both. I quit PC when NH came out, but I went back some time ago. In PC I have so much stuff, I can't even display all my favorite items (never put any money into it, though I know others spend too much). NH is a much better game overall, no comparison, but if I could replace my inventory in NH with my PC inventory, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Even compared to NL, NH is missing a lot of themes and sets (food items, modern/sleek/gothic/scifi furniture.)

Just my opinion, but I feel PC items are more creative and fun and have stayed more true to the original series. NH feels like I'm playing House and Garden magazine than a fun setting for cute animals sometimes.
I understand that PC is higher priority since people are still handing money out but it's more the fact of how empty NH is is what bothers me. I don't typically compare the two games.
I'm disappointed in NH, but that's totally separate from PC.

As has been mentioned repeatedly, PC has more items but less to do. Every month, the same 3 events - fishing, flowers, scavenger hunt. And they've made them harder so you either have to be devoted to the game or pay for the assistant subscription.

Riveting gameplay - Then you can give animals items every three hours. You can put items on a boat to maybe get back what you want (but it's really just gatcha and they want you to pay money). Then theres the items, most of which cost money. Or the fortune cookies, which cost money and you arent even guaranteed to get the one you want.

Yeah, paying money is optional but they almost never release items for bells anymore. The event items are usually ok...but then theres a cookie that is similar to the event items but better.

NH is a disappointment but PC is harassment. Everytime I boot it up I'm bombarded with requests for money. I have to clear so many notifications - buy this, buy me, did you see this thing you can get?
I see people bringing up pocket camp items and micro transactions but I feel like Pocket camp also gets better treatment with the FREE updates such as free events and tasks where you don't need to spend any money. Pocket camp has way more daily game play to keep you coming back than new horizons. Pocket camp constantly gives you a decent amount of daily and weekly goals of things to do with rewards, along with keeping things fresh with new events every week or every few weeks. I'm not saying I would ever expect a game like New Horizons to have the same type of updates as an app game, it's just there is a massive difference with the amount of daily things to do and new content. New Horizons has some daily tasks but they are so repetitive and eventually wind up not being worth the trouble because the rewards (Nook miles) don't have much use later in the game when you've bought all the nook miles items you want and have way too many NMT than you know what to do with. I remember thinking surely over time more Nook miles+ tasks would be added to the daily rotation to keep things fresh but we still haven't gotten any update to that.

I despise a lot of things about pocket camp and think new horizons is superior in many, many ways but New Horizons would definitely benefit by doing more to bring players back to wanting to play daily like Pocket camp does whether it's adding/extending events here and there or just new daily tasks with new rewards.
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It doesn't bother me because games like Pocket Camp are designed to constantly pull you in. If they didn't constantly have updates, it wouldn't be a very successful gatcha game. They have it designed perfectly for what its intent and purpose is. All of the nice pieces of furniture and clothing require a hefty amount of leaf tickets, which aren't easy to come by in large quantities without buying them with RLC.

There are parts that make me a little less inclined to play Pocket Camp. There are constantly events, which makes me feel like I'm missing out on actual game play because there are multiple "clocks running" with countdowns until the events end. Also, because I don't spend RLC on leaf tickets, I miss out on a lot of the good pieces of furniture and clothing from these events.

I do enjoy playing it every so often, but I don't expect it to be anything like New Horizons, because it isn't New Horizons. I also don't expect NH to get all of the same updates and content because it is a more longevity based game. i like both games for what they are. :)
If NH were actually getting updates at a decent pace filling in new content, I wouldn't mind the discrepancy!

It's just so glaring because the updates NH is getting currently are literally worse than even just the pocket camp items being released monthly. Kinda insulting for all the people who bought the game under the impression updates would be frequent.
No, it doesn't. There are more items, sure, but I don't see how that translates to more "content". And you can't play PC at your own pace, you can get some really cool items from the events for free, but it's a pain if you have a job or can't get on the app regularly to complete the tasks.

Don't get me wrong, I love PC for what it is and I wouldn't complain if they added some of those items to NH, but it's nothing like an actual Animal Crossing game.
It makes me a little jealous. Unless Nintendo decides to monetize new updates and features in New Horizons, we will likely never see the same treatment as it will come at no monetary benefit to Nintendo to maintain a game everyone already owns. At some point, the team will move their fulltime attention to Splatoons 3
yeah, i envy the items that the pocket camp have... (so many detailed pretty items...) ;-; ... i don't think that Nintendo will make these items for New Horizon... ;-; (i am still playing the pocket camp game for these items too) ;-;
it is kind of disappointing, i'd really like the items PC has! i'm hoping for some more new leaf features in new horizons as well.
As a person who played Pocket Camp a lot back when it first was released, it does bother me a bit that there are so many more (note: BETTER) furniture options in PC than there are in New Horizons. Of course most of it was paid content but also... I paid for New Horizons and I still only have 5 sofa options over a year in... :unsure:
there's a lot of items i would love to have in new horizons but i know pocket camp is designed that way to encourage you to spend real money. that being said, new horizons was the price of a full game so i do expect more there too lol.

i just hope they don't start shoving stuff behind a paywall in acnh...
No, it doesn't bother me. Although Pocket Camp has more items/furniture/clothing etc, New Horizons makes up for it in its playability. Pocket Camp, to me, really doesn't have a lot of playability. So I can't compare the two.
yes and no. i’m definitely bothered by the fact that new horizons’ items always fall short compared to pocket camp’s (i realize why this happens, though) but i‘m not really upset that new horizons gets updated at a slower rate as despite how content starved i am most of the time, new stuff being introduced at pocket camp’s speed would overwhelm me (and likely others) a bit. i just wish that new horizons would get actual new content instead of updates that only add new seasonal and event items.
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i'm not disappointed because i never expected it to be like that. but i do wish we had more content and at least a few pocket camp items in new horizons. i understand that pocket camp needs those constant updates for people to keep spending money on tickets, and that it's unreasonable to expect the abundance of objects in pc to be in nh. we don't have enough normal items in new horizons is my biggest problem, honestly i would be okay with just getting some new leaf item sets and series back.
No it doesn't bother me, because it's really comparing apples and oranges. PC is a stress-inducing gatcha game while NH is a laid-back sim. I burnt out very quickly on PC, whereas I have no problem logging into my island each day and playing for an hour or so. Guess I prefer quality over quantity. 🤷‍♀️
I play PC and NH. While PC has a ton (!) of items, you have to go through events to get them, or take a chance buying a cookie, for the most part. You also have to decide what you'd rather have - items, clothing, or campsite backgrounds. There is no way to get them all. I want one of the stuffed animals that I've seen people carry around, but when they were available, I was not willing to spend the tickets. I love some of the clothes, but again, not willing to spend 100+ tickets.

I think people want the PC items in NH, but do they think they should just be given the items? Or do you want the same system PC has to get them? And, to be honest, there are a lot of good items, but there are just as many I couldn't care less about. Who decides which ones are ported over to the game?

All this to say, no, I don't care about getting the PC items in NH. I would like more items in NH, but not from PC. A compromise might be paid DLC, but I don't see that happening.
I work full time so playing Pocket Camp is pretty nice for my commute on the bus and down time at work. The gameplay is absolutely boring but I love the items and I prefer the graphics/look of NL/PC over NH. I've never spent any money on the game but I play so often that I'm able to save up enough LT to get everything that I want. Honestly, I would be happy if they just added more items we had in NL and previous games. At this point, I'm not even going to compare it to massive amount of new content PC gets every month.
Considering I spent £350 on the AC special edition console and game and I play PC for free - yes it does bother me. It bothers me very much!:mad:
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PC is a gacha game whose charm is literally in the furniture they put out monthly. If you really like many of the items or you like collecting, you have to pay for them. Be addicted enough to gacha and you’ll eventually be spending just as much as you would purchasing ACNH.
I do want new and improved items in ACNH, but ACPC is not the reason why. I don’t really care what ACPC puts out, it doesn’t affect my opinion and criticism of ACNH. These are two separate games with separate mechanics so I can’t understand why people like comparing them so much.
But based on experience, ACPC to me became boring after I started playing ACNH. I realized what little I could do on ACPC beyond decorating the same small areas and the repetitive events. At least in ACNH I can terraform and be creative in a large area. Plus, I honestly don’t think there are a lot of ACPC players anymore, so I can’t really flaunt my campsite to a lot of people. ; (