chocoholic ☕🍫
I'm not bothered by PC getting more frequent updates. I think we're lucky to be getting any updates at all.
It does bother me that NH wasn't more complete at the start and could have included some interactive items from PC or at least included more item sets. The holiday items could be better, too. It seems like a lost opportunity that the amenities from PC weren't included in NH as public works (the carousel, hot air balloon, pool, etc.) I feel like PC outshines NH both in quantity and quality of items many times.
I play both. I quit PC when NH came out, but I went back some time ago. In PC I have so much stuff, I can't even display all my favorite items (never put any money into it, though I know others spend too much). NH is a much better game overall, no comparison, but if I could replace my inventory in NH with my PC inventory, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Even compared to NL, NH is missing a lot of themes and sets (food items, modern/sleek/gothic/scifi furniture.)
Just my opinion, but I feel PC items are more creative and fun and have stayed more true to the original series. NH feels like I'm playing House and Garden magazine than a fun setting for cute animals sometimes.
It does bother me that NH wasn't more complete at the start and could have included some interactive items from PC or at least included more item sets. The holiday items could be better, too. It seems like a lost opportunity that the amenities from PC weren't included in NH as public works (the carousel, hot air balloon, pool, etc.) I feel like PC outshines NH both in quantity and quality of items many times.
I play both. I quit PC when NH came out, but I went back some time ago. In PC I have so much stuff, I can't even display all my favorite items (never put any money into it, though I know others spend too much). NH is a much better game overall, no comparison, but if I could replace my inventory in NH with my PC inventory, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Even compared to NL, NH is missing a lot of themes and sets (food items, modern/sleek/gothic/scifi furniture.)
Just my opinion, but I feel PC items are more creative and fun and have stayed more true to the original series. NH feels like I'm playing House and Garden magazine than a fun setting for cute animals sometimes.