Cycling Dream Drop Dreamies - Currently: OFFLINE

Also, I'll try to remember to add this in the main post, but if anyone comes over for a villager that they get, I don't care if you run off without me. XD Just look for them on the map and go go go. <3 Let me know if they said yes and I will end session. C:

- - - Post Merge - - -

Savanna has been adopted and saved from the void~ Thank you!
RUBY from Barkthin is in BOXES~!
I'll wait 8 minutes or so for any interest!

Someone has to want this cute albino bunny~

- - - Post Merge - - -

Please add me. I will add you and open the gates!
What's your FC? :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Actually, SearchingforAnkha was looking for Ruby, mind if I PM her really quick to let her know Ruby's up? :)
Oh no, Ruby's not one of my dreamies. I don't have a list or anything for them. XD Just reread first post. D:
Oh no, Ruby's not one of my dreamies. I don't have a list or anything for them. XD Just reread first post. D:

It's okay! Since no one that wanted her as a dreamie showed up you can have her. C: I'll add you here.
Oh, okay. I posted about PM'ing SearchingforAnkha, because that's one of her/his dreamies, a couple minutes ago. D:
Gates will be open in one minute for you to come in~

I PMed them but not sure if they are online. :0
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Okay. XD I'm sorry. I just didn't want to take her if someone else was actually looking for her. T~T
Awww darn, my wifi went out. >.> I'm having issues with my router. I'm not going to be able to pick her up. T~T

I'm sorry. T~T
Okay, NP! I will leave Ruby up in boxes for a little while longer since I need a 5 minute break. XD