Cycling Dream Drop Dreamies - Currently: OFFLINE

Alright. I am going to leave Ruby in Barkthin for a bit and continue cycling VAGRANT in case LookingforAnkha shows up.

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Ohh thnx u .. is kyle in ur town or to other cyclers?

Kyle is currently living in Barkthin, my old town. C: He has yet to ping me though.
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Will you be cycling Clay out? :)

I will be! I just remembered you PMed me. I apologize that I haven't replied. Been cycling! But since you are right here~ Since in my sig it states to PM me about the guys in my sig, I can hold onto Clay for your friend as an exception! C:
Kyle has not moved out yet. But when he is in boxes I will post here~

Alright. I am going to leave Ruby in Barkthin for a bit and continue cycling VAGRANT in case LookingforAnkha shows up.

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Kyle is currently living in Barkthin, my old town. C: He has yet to ping me though.

R u working on cycling him out or .. someone is in boxes on that town waiting to be picked up?
R u working on cycling him out or .. someone is in boxes on that town waiting to be picked up?

At the moment I am not working on cycling the town Kyle lives in. I will resume in a few minutes if I don't see the person who wanted Ruby~ I'd just hate to void Ruby knowing someone really wanted her!
Kyle has not moved out yet. But when he is in boxes I will post here~

Alright. I am going to leave Ruby in Barkthin for a bit and continue cycling VAGRANT in case LookingforAnkha shows up.

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Kyle is currently living in Barkthin, my old town. C: He has yet to ping me though.

At the moment I am not working on cycling the town Kyle lives in. I will resume in a few minutes if I don't see the person who wanted Ruby~ I'd just hate to void Ruby knowing someone really wanted her!

Ok :)
I will be! I just remembered you PMed me. I apologize that I haven't replied. Been cycling! But since you are right here~ Since in my sig it states to PM me about the guys in my sig, I can hold onto Clay for your friend as an exception! C:

Thank you so much! This will make her so happy to finally have another chance to get him! :')
Ruby has been adopted from Barkthin!

MUFFY has moved into Vagrant!

random side note as i sit here lurking, i am so jealous your husband plays new leaf with you! my fiance bought the game, played an hour and hasnt picked it up since :c
random side note as i sit here lurking, i am so jealous your husband plays new leaf with you! my fiance bought the game, played an hour and hasnt picked it up since :c

Awww. I'm sorry! My husband likes to play super slow (like the game was made to play).So he plays once a day for a few minutes. XD I'm a mad TTer! D:

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Just a notice that I will cycle until one more villager moves out and then I will be heading off for the night. C: I'm so glad to see people interested in my cycling thread and thank everyone who has been lurking and adopting so far. <3

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CHEVRE is moving into Vagrant!

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MERRY from Vagrant is in BOXES!


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Will leave Merry up for 10 minutes or so before she goes to the void.

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Alright! I'm heading off to bed now~ Thank you everyone who stuck around for my cycling. I am hoping to return tomorrow for a bit. :) I will leave Merry up for grabs until I return tomorrow. Remember that it is first come, first serve! And that if she is a dreamie you get first priority.

Good night all. <3
Quick post before bed--

Charlise is moving into Barkthin~

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~lurking for Lopez~
Imma try anyway, I'm in the UK time zone and always seem to miss him on these cycling threads :(
Oh, you have a cycling thread now. Neat. ^.^
I hope someone wants Merry. She is real cute. I'd pick her up but my town is full as always and I need to decide which of my (male) villagers should leave next. D:
I'm hoping my daughter will go down for a nap soon so I can start cycling... xD