DS Games Suggestions?!

Mimi Cheems

always forever ♡
Sep 14, 2015
Zodiac Snake Figurine
Pink Love Letter
Pink Love Potion
Pink Candy
Heartstamp Mushroom Lamp
I recently purchased a second-hand NDSL in pretty good condition. And of course, it had to be in my favorite color. Pink!

I only have 4 DS games since I lost most of them when I moved to my fathers. I have Animal Crossing: Wild World, Pokémon White, Pokémon White 2, and Mario Party DS. I think I have Pokémon: Soul Silver somewhere, but I'd really have to look... I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions! I plan on getting Cooking Mama because it was one of my favorite DS games as a kid. I miss the Pokémon: Explorers of Sky/Darkness too, so I might buy that second-hand somewhere as well.

Also, feel free to leave GBA game suggestions as well, since I know the NDS(L) can run GBA games too c:
Beyond Pokemon games I think the only DS games I had was a zoo tycoon game which was ok, I wouldn't really suggest it honestly but I also had a Viva Pinata: Pocket Paradise that was fun at the time. I do suggest it if you like games where you take care of and breed animals. I actually forgot about that game. It was a game I bought with birthday money one year. I thought the cover looked fun. Turns out there use to be a show called Viva Pinata too.

GBA games, WarioLand4 for sure. I also had a Spyro Season of Ice which I found hard. It isn't like the other Spyro games. Hamtaro Ham Ham Heart Breakers is a weird cute game if you happen to find a copy and like hamsters.
drawn to life: the next chapter. oh my god, i cannot recommend this game enough. i wish more people had heard of/played it. the music is gorgeous, and the ending will make you cry. (if you get the right version.) one of my favorite games of all time.

new super mario bros. is also good. if you're into puzzles, there's puzzler collection. super mario world and yoshi's island are my favorite GBA games.
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Dragon Quest Heroes Rocket Slime! I freaking loooved this game! It was so fun to control and explore and the tank battles were a blast (pun intended). I knew nothing (still don't) about the Dragon Quest Heroes series but I still enjoyed it a lot.

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum are great as well. Loved the dancing contest minigames with the touchscreen!

Seconding Hamtaro Ham Ham Heartbreak for GBA. It was surprisingly challenging and deep for a kids game. Really enjoyed it and still do.
Super Princess Peach! It is THE BEST! I think its my favorite DS game! It is sadly pretty expensive nowadays :(
I found one on eBay for about $25! Just the cartridge though. Looking into buying it here shortly!
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Dragon Quest Heroes Rocket Slime! I freaking loooved this game! It was so fun to control and explore and the tank battles were a blast (pun intended). I knew nothing (still don't) about the Dragon Quest Heroes series but I still enjoyed it a lot.

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum are great as well. Loved the dancing contest minigames with the touchscreen!

Seconding Hamtaro Ham Ham Heartbreak for GBA. It was surprisingly challenging and deep for a kids game. Really enjoyed it and still do.
Man. I looked up Hamtaro Ham Ham Heartbreak for GBA on eBay and sheeesh! It costs a pretty penny! About $45 for the game. I'll add this to my list though! :> Thanks for all the suggestions so far you guys! ^_^
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Super Princess Peach! It is THE BEST! I think its my favorite DS game! It is sadly pretty expensive nowadays :(
Fun fact, my dad got me this game for free :) (meaning, he found it randomly in a waiting room on the floor)

Spirit Tracks! Cool trains! Awesome battles! Yeah!!!
ghost trick: phantom detective. if you like good stories and puzzle games i really really recommend ghost trick, it's fantastic.

if you can find a copy of pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky (like you considered doing in the OP post) i 100000% recommend that one i think it's one of The best pokemon games of all time, if not The best. sky has extra content compared to time / darkness so i definitely recommend sky. if you can find your copy of soul silver then i also recommend HGSS; if you can't, i don't recommend looking into buying it lol HGSS are super expensive.

ALSO if you can find them (and they're not too pricey) + you're interested in life sims and RPGs i recommend the rune factory games. that's my favourite series so i have to plug it when given the opportunity lol out of the DS ones 3 is the most streamlined and has the most QoL upgrades, 1 is the most simplistic (it was originally designed as a 10th anniversary game for another series) and 2 has the best story. but they're all fun games if you can get your hands on them!
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Pokemon platinum
Pokemon soul silver/heart gold
Pokemon explorers of sky
Pokemon ranger: shadows of almia (you don't need to play the original and I played this game several times)

The Ds was the best generation for pokemon in my opinion.
Super Mario 64 DS is a great option, even if it is inferior to the N64 version it's still fun to play :)
May I ask how inferior? I do not play much of those platformy 3d or 3d mario games but I played 64 for a while on my ds? Thanks!
May I ask how inferior? I do not play much of those platformy 3d or 3d mario games but I played 64 for a while on my ds? Thanks!
the controls on the DS are barely improved from the N64 version, and the walking/running mechanic is actually worse. plus the graphics are pitiful considering it's supposed to be a "remake". I think they should've waited for the Wii to remake it.
the controls on the DS are barely improved from the N64 version, and the walking/running mechanic is actually worse. plus the graphics are pitiful considering it's supposed to be a "remake". I think they should've waited for the Wii to remake it.
Oh okay! I thought the graphics look better but the controls are fine to me probably because I never touched an N64 ever still! I did not know that! I agree that it would have been way better with Wii graphics and the Wii remote/classic controller.
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Oh okay! I thought the graphics look better but the controls are fine to me probably because I never touched an N64 ever still! I did not know that! I agree that it would have been way better with Wii graphics and the Wii remote/classic controller.
Edit: Its more of a port than anything. (I think it had a few bonus stars though.)
Another vouch for Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, it's one of my favorite games of all time (if you are buying the actual game, even pre-owned it can be very... pricey)

Also Touch Detective and Touch Detective 2 1/2! It's a point-and-click mystery game, it's really funny and has lots of charm. Also one of my favorite games of all time :]
"Elite Beat Agents" and "Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure" come to mind. Henry Hatsworth is a platformer with a "Puzzle League" on the bottom screen. If the defeated enemies get to the top of the bottom screen, they will be revived on the top screen.

If you want a JRPG with lots to do, Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels of The Starry Skies is a pretty good choice! (The other Dragon Quest DS games are great too, but the prices have gotten ridiculously high). You can create a custom character, explore a large world (by DS standards), and fight a wide range of monsters. It starts off pretty slow, but the story gets interesting later on.

The original Professor Layton trilogy is still pretty affordable! In it you solve lots of logic puzzles while uncovering various mysteries. The third game in particular is well known for its emotional story.

The Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney series has tons of games on the DS. From the original trilogy to the criminally underrated Miles Edgeworth Investigations games, there's plenty to choose from! Just make sure to play them in order. Otherwise the plot will get confusing.
small question. which genres/themes/styles/etc do you tend to gravitate towards as well as tend to avoid?
Well! I love games like Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing (obviously), My Time at Portia, etc. Classic farming sims, bonus points if there's a marriage option involved :3
I also love party based games. I used to play Mario Party DS ALLLL THE TIME as a kid and beat it like 4 times with 4 different characters. Yoshi, Wario, Peach, and Luigi, I think. I was never very good at the actual Mario games. I, to be completely honest, suck at them a lot. I always had my brothers play the main Mario games for me, because I'd always die. This goes for Super Mario Bros on the Wii, the DS, etc. I also suck at Mario Kart, no matter how fun I find it.
I tend to stray away from the ones I find difficult (the main Mario games, Mario Kart, etc). As a kid I also had those brain age games, which I also sucked at, probably because I was not the wisest or smartest kid xD

Pokémon games will always have my heart, even though growing up I never played them the way they were supposed to be played, I had a ton of fun playing them. I was fortunate enough to hold onto all of the Pokémon games I've ever owned. I still have Gold for the Gameboy somewhere. I have Soul Silver somewhere, and I remember my grandpa taking me to buy it at K-Mart when I was young. I also remember getting and still have two legitimate copies of Pokémon White. Along with it's 'sequel', Pokémon White 2. Those games are scalped quite often and it sucks. I wish I could've gotten to experience Platinum/Diamond/Pearl, but, I've never had that opportunity; I hope to find a legit copy someday.

ANYWAYS ANYWAYS, I'm getting off track. I love farming simulators (like the ones I've listed above in the beginning of my post), party-based games. I also love the Splatoon series although I'm not good at it. I'm also a sucker for gacha-based games, but stay away from them simultaneously because it's where I typically spend all of my money. I also remember there being a 3DS game for One Piece, I don't exactly remember the name but there were levels you'd have to beat with specific characters and I had a lot of fun playing that game, too (looking it up now, I think it was called One Piece: Romance Dawn).

Anyways! Hopefully this answers your question a bit! Sorry for rambling!
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If you want a JRPG with lots to do, Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels of The Starry Skies is a pretty good choice! (The other Dragon Quest DS games are great too, but the prices have gotten ridiculously high). You can create a custom character, explore a large world (by DS standards), and fight a wide range of monsters. It starts off pretty slow, but the story gets interesting later on.

The original Professor Layton trilogy is still pretty affordable! In it you solve lots of logic puzzles while uncovering various mysteries. The third game in particular is well known for its emotional story.

The Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney series has tons of games on the DS. From the original trilogy to the criminally underrated Miles Edgeworth Investigations games, there's plenty to choose from! Just make sure to play them in order. Otherwise the plot will get confusing.
I loved what I played of Phoenix Wright on my 3DS XL before I sold the console out of stupidity. The amount of entertainment I had gotten on the 3/DS is worth much more than what I sold it for and I regret it SO much. Especially because I did not wipe all the data, so they got ALL of the games and DLC I had on it before I sold it. -w-
Oh! I've heard of Professor Layton and I've been meaning to look into it! Thank you :>