• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!


Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Today I wanted to introduce some of the other human (in most cases) residents of Elysium. Once I make more progress on the actual houses of these characters, I might move some of these descriptions to the currently empty Island Residents post near the beginning. After them up a bit obviously.


Xenia is the innkeeper. Her style is kind of comfy-chic. Frumpy-chic? Lots of earthy tones. I think itā€™s lovely. Sheā€™s the first not-Lethe character to make an appearance in this journal. Here: Xeniaā€™s Debut.
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Thetis lives right on the beach and will be the owner of Elysiumā€™s Seafood restaurant.

While I freely pass funds and items around between all of my other characters, I decided against doing that with Thetis. Thetis earns all of her own money and her house is only filled with items she herself has bought/found. You know that period at the beginning of an Animal Crossing town when your house is full of stuff you shook out of a tree and your outfit is was just handed to you by a goat? That feels so cozy to me. Even though I also like when everything comes together after youā€™ve carefully collected the most fitting pieces available anywhere in the game to make your dream town, I always find myself missing it a bit. So, Iā€™m re-living it through Thetis.


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I posted Echoā€™s house the other day: Here.

When I first started playing, I chose the face Echo has for Lethe. I ended up changing it to the face Lethe is currently wearing but I still really liked the Echo face too, so I was conflicted. Originally Letheā€™s house was located in the spot where Echoā€™s house currently stands. Then I ambled over to the other side of the map and thought to myself: ā€œWow! This place is great. This is where I should put my house.ā€ But I still really liked the Echo location too, so I was conflicted. It was at this point that I had the brilliant idea of making a character who would use things that Iā€™ve tried on Lethe and really liked, but maybe just liked a tiny bit less than another idea I came up with later and switched to.

This is the process behind most of Echoā€™s development, making her, in my opinion, an excellent representation of either a second child who relies heavily on hand-me-downs or a tragic Greek mythological figure. After carefully weighing both of these options I decided to go with the name Echo since it fits in with the Elysium naming convention, the one aspect of design that Iā€™ve tackled with anything resembling consistency since starting my game.

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Am I just kidding myself here, or is this accidentally a totally decent sheep costume? I say accidentally, because I didnā€™t actually set out to make a sheep costume, I was just putting things with similar colors together that I thought were cute. Look, donā€™t those ankle boots kind of look like hooves? And the poofy hat? Just like what a real sheep would wear.


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One day the Able Sisters were selling a duck beak. I tried it on and realized that there wasnā€™t, nor would there ever be, a more wonderful accessory in this game. Or any game really. Rather than rejoicing in this find however, I was troubled. What if someday, by some one in a million chance, I found an outfit that somehow did not go well with the duck beak? What if there came a day where I was tempted to take it off? Thus: Penelope. Basically, Lethe but wearing a duck beak. Why not indeed?

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Penelope is a duck beak I sometimes dress up to take out for a walk.
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Bonus Pic: This is one of my favorite Lethe outfits:

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Your outfits are so stylish!! Mine is always the same LMFAO because I'm so lazy to set up a wand or carry a wand in my inventory... also, I love your display picture on here. It reminds me of like, a Victorian Era type of thing. And it's so cute! ;~; I love all the updates you give
They are all so stylish!!!

I would literally wear anything that Xenia wears, looks so comfy and classic.

And I appreciate your admiration for the duck beak, it is an amazing accessory, and Penelope is very cute. Also wandering if you named her after the very underrated Christina Ricci movie? She was really cute in that too.
Prepare yourself for a longer reply than you bargained for!

I dress like Xenia in real life, which would be fine if I didnā€™t live in an infamously hot place and do it year-round. Iā€™m glad you like Penelope, I think sheā€™s adorablešŸ˜Š I have so much fun picking out things for her to wear. I hadnā€™t heard of that movie, but I just looked it up and it sounds interesting!

All of my names originate from Greek mythology.

Elysium: Paradise

Lethe: Could be either oblivion personified, or a river the dead would drink from to forget their past. I always name my characters Lethe in games on a new game+ run. I used it here on my first playthrough because up until recently I was playing New Leaf, which is still Animal Crossing. In NL I had two towns, the seconds was also an Elysium with a Lethe mayor. Since I wanted to name my main Lethe, I chose the name Elysium again for the island and decided to go with a Greek theme for any future names.

Xenia: Rule of hospitality. It was really important to people at that time because they were always suspicious that the gods might sneak in to mingle.

Thetis: A sea nymph. Also, the mother who kind of famously botched the whole immortality experiment she tried on her son Achilles, but Iā€™m not sure that will come up at all in my version of Elysium.

Echo: A nymph cursed to only be able to repeat sounds (or in this case: animal crossing design choices) of others. I actually really like Echoā€™s myth, even though it is kind of a bummer. For some reason I keep dressing my Echo up in these really bright and cutesy outfits. So sheā€™s a vibrant bummer, which I like to think helps.

Penelope: This one is quite a stretch. Penelope is well known as the wife of Odysseus. There are also a few interpretations bouncing around saying that she was (possibly) given a different name at birth but at some point, for some reason, she fell or was thrown into an ocean or off a cliff and was saved by a group of duck-ish birds (penelops perhaps). After that she gained the name Penelope (maybe). The only other duck-shaped beak Greek myth I could think of is that one with Leda and the swan, but I didnā€™t pick that one for several reasons. A: do swans even have yellow beaks? And more importantly B: the story of Leda and the swan doesnā€™t really have the vibe I was going for with my cutesy town where I live among a bunch of things that look like animals. Not the right vibe at all.

*Edit: I just looked it up and swans do have yellow beaks. Yellow-ish anyways. Some of them. My second point still stands though!

"Penelope is a duck beak I sometimes dress up to take out for a walk" hahaha omg šŸ˜‚

super cute outfits, I especially like Xenia's looks! can't wait to try out all the cozy coats & sweaters in the fall!
I love cooler weather fashion. Iā€™m restraining myself on Lethe and limiting her to seasonally appropriate clothes, but on Xenia Iā€™ve thrown caution (common sense) to the wind!

Iā€™m still excited to try out some of the cute fall/winter clothes I have sitting in Letheā€™s storage after summer ends. All of the outfits I've seen you post are great. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the fall clothes!

Your outfits are so stylish!! Mine is always the same LMFAO because I'm so lazy to set up a wand or carry a wand in my inventory... also, I love your display picture on here. It reminds me of like, a Victorian Era type of thing. And it's so cute! ;~; I love all the updates you give
Thank you very much! Up until recently I was doing that too. Then I started changing my outfit every day just for fun.
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Prepare yourself for a longer reply than you bargained for!

:O I love it! I didn't know about most of those words, but when I was a kid we read the Iliad and the Odyssey at school and I became really obsessed with greek gods and myths so you really made me miss reading up on that!

I really liked the story behind Lethe, I always loved the concept of taking a boat ride to the underworld... And that 'oblivion' would be one of the ways there sounds very fitting. Also I'm just remembering that my literature teacher in high school loved the world 'aletheia', which would be the opposite of Lethe, the un-forgetfulness.

My favorite greek myth though, is of Orpheus and Eurydice. It's one of the only times I ever cried while reading a book.

And yeah it was a good call to stay away from the thing with Leda and the swan lol



It may not seem like it in this post, but I'm actually very fond of Sherb, who I consider to be endearing and frightening in equal measure.

When they released the new villager art, it was immediately apparent that the team had really pulled out all of the stops. I mean, Raymond and Judy? They definitely went down a list and checked off all of the traits necessary to make them the most popular villagers ever. Even if I wasnā€™t as impressed with the other new villagers as I was with Raymond, for the most part I still appreciated the work and thought that went into their designs. Then I saw Sherb and thought to myself: ā€œhuh. I guess they just ran out of ideasā€. Sherb is a blank goat template that they stuck a pair of googly eyes on before calling it a day.

Picking a lazy, I had a few options I would have been ok with. Sherb ended up on that list. Normally I donā€™t like having multiple villagers of the same species in my town and I already had Gruff, but I justified it by reminding myself that in addition to Gruff I had Diana: a deer. And really what is a goat, if not a droopy deer?


With that in mind, I actually had two deer villagers, thus had already broken my rule. So what was one more deer villager?

After a lot of island hopping and no luck, I added Prince to my town using an amiibo. Prince was a wonderful lazy. Every day with Prince was filled with bliss. We could have gone on like that forever-if it werenā€™t for the first random camper to visit after Prince moved inā€¦

It wasnā€™t until Sherb finished unpacking that I understood that Sherb was not the product of the laziest villager designer, but the most brilliant. Because Sherb somehow manages to simultaneously be almost offensively generic and truly terrifying.


I can consider Sherb cute while also acknowledging that there is something distinctly off about him.

When Prince used to tell me about his bug buddies, I would chuckle: ā€œAh Prince, you harmless eccentric.ā€ But there is nothing harmless about Sherb and the bugs. Whatever Sherb says about the bugs, I know it in my very soul to be true. He speaks to themā€¦ and they respond. After the dust has settled following the end, there will be only Sherb and the bugs. Just as it was before the beginning.


This is a creature who sees everything while seeing nothing at all.


This is a creature whose arrival will signal the moment when the sea will tip to flow into the sky and the sky will crumble and pour into Tom Nookā€™s recycling box.


This is a creature who looks rather adorable in a heart apron.


Some believe that to drink from the river of Lethe and lose all mortal memories is to lose the soul. Drink instead from the river of Mnemosyne, they counsel. Preservation of the mind is the salvation of the individual. But what are memories to a being that does not accumulate and retain knowledge, but rather is knowledge? Faced with these branching paths, an indifferent Sherb stands vigil.


Sherb bakes a cake.


Anyways, Iā€™ve been reading a lot (A LOT) of other journals here recently. Iā€™ve seen a few where people kind of give their villagers characteristics beyond the typical ā€œlazyā€ or ā€œsnootyā€ traits and I love it! So I decided to try it myself.

So far Iā€™ve got:

Stella: Doesnā€™t like chairs
Sherb: Lovecraftian horror

...Probably needs a bit more work...


Also, look at what came in the mail today:

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And really what is a goat, if not a droopy deer?

Omg lol
Put that on a t-shirt.

Loved reading this entry, An0nn! So funny and creative. Honestly, you write very well. Can't wait to read about your other villagers!

And I shall keep my eyes peeled for Sherb at the campsite now... May we never cross paths...
Stopping by to tell you that this is beautiful and I'm honored to share island names with you! <3
Omg lol
Put that on a t-shirt.
Maybe I will!

I'm really glad you liked it! To be honest I had a lot of fun writing it:)

When I first traded in Prince for Sherb I regretted it since Prince is a favorite of mine, but I've liked Sherb more and more since he's moved in. His mildly odd traits do seem particularly noticeable when he's crafting though. His eyes staring straight up while swinging the hammer.
Stopping by to tell you that this is beautiful and I'm honored to share island names with you! <3
Thank you and hello fellow Elysium dweller!

At first the plan was to have at least some Greek themed areas, but I got distracted. I was disappointed by the lack of columns in nh. There are plenty of other cool things to use, so even if my island doesn't fit the name as well as I originally thought it might, I'm enjoying putting it together:) Would still love to see them add the columns later though. I wonder if they will?




I got my bridal veil in the mail and had some fun trying it on with different outfits:


What would you call this look? Bride of Frankenstein Lolita? As I was mulling this over, I realized that I didnā€™t have a Frankenstein themed character in Elysium, which is crazy. Thankfully, the situation has been resolved. Elysium now has six residents (which is too many) rather than five (which was probably still too many). The newest addition is Promethea.

Even if I think that my town is becoming dangerously overpopulated, Iā€™m happy to have Promethea since sheā€™s finally given me a reason to create Elysiumā€™s graveyard:


Still very much a work in progress (note the tent), but Iā€™m excited about how itā€™s shaping up.



Companion in progress



I havenā€™t been able to play much recently. I moved, which was planned. This was followed by a series of frustrating and exhausting little events, which were not planned. Now that things have finally settled down and life has regained some semblance of normalcy, Iā€™m hoping to have time to do regular ac stuff again.

Now that Iā€™ve taken my first unexpected hiatus, can I just say that I love the new way they deal with animals moving? In New Leaf if I took a break I was scared to log back in and see the consequences. Itā€™s nice to only have the passive aggressive pointed remarks from my neglected animals to have to worry about.


Anyways! I donā€™t have much to show off since I havenā€™t been doing much, but I have made some progress with Penelopeā€™s house. Sheā€™s going to have a nature sprite sort of vibe. Her house is located in the heart of the eventual enchanted forest.

First up is the entryway. The garden lanterns are eventually going to be replaced by an item I donā€™t have access to yet. Iā€™ll put it under the spoiler just in case anyone else playing in the summer seasons is trying to avoid learning about items available later.

Mushroom lamps!
The garden lamps will be replaced by mushroom lampsšŸ˜Š



EcvaS60U4AAkeXN (1)_3.jpeg

There might be more changes to come. Iā€™m having a lot of fun with this room.


The second is a sort ofā€¦ fairy bakery?


Not much to say here. Obviously Iā€™m getting a lot of use out of these wedding items.




I havenā€™t been time traveling much, but I might change that just to go back for some wedding items, I didnā€™t get as many as I had planned to since I took a bit of a break in June.

EcvaZ-hUMAAcsCl (1).jpeg


By the way, this is Penelopeā€™s current outfit:


I think itā€™s pretty adorable.


An0nn! You were missed! Glad that everything is coming back to normal for you irl

Moving places can be such a drag... It truly is a situation that leaves you vulnerable to unexpected annoyances and headaches. But it is pretty great that at least we don't have to worry about our villagers moving away while we're gone anymore. It's really important that we allow ourselves to take breaks every now and then without stressing about missing them

As always, I love all Penelope related stuff. Love what you did with her house, the entryway is so gorgeous with the stones and the wallpaper... The mush lamps will complete the whole look, can't wait to see it!
And the bakery looks so dreamy... I love the way you layered all the cakes together, and (again!) great use of the sakura wallpaper!

When it comes to interior decorating I always love seeing creative rooms like these, because I have a tendency to go to a more basic, expected style indoors, so I never put my special wallpapers on display, which is unfortunate since this game has so many amazing options.

Happy to see you back! ā™„
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I havenā€™t been able to play much recently. I moved, which was planned. This was followed by a series of frustrating and exhausting little events, which were not planned. Now that things have finally settled down and life has regained some semblance of normalcy, Iā€™m hoping to have time to do regular ac stuff again.

Now that Iā€™ve taken my first unexpected hiatus, can I just say that I love the new way they deal with animals moving? In New Leaf if I took a break I was scared to log back in and see the consequences. Itā€™s nice to only have the passive aggressive pointed remarks from my neglected animals to have to worry about.


Anyways! I donā€™t have much to show off since I havenā€™t been doing much, but I have made some progress with Penelopeā€™s house. Sheā€™s going to have a nature sprite sort of vibe. Her house is located in the heart of the eventual enchanted forest.

First up is the entryway. The garden lanterns are eventually going to be replaced by an item I donā€™t have access to yet. Iā€™ll put it under the spoiler just in case anyone else playing in the summer seasons is trying to avoid learning about items available later.

Mushroom lamps!
The garden lamps will be replaced by mushroom lampsšŸ˜Š

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There might be more changes to come. Iā€™m having a lot of fun with this room.


The second is a sort ofā€¦ fairy bakery?

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Not much to say here. Obviously Iā€™m getting a lot of use out of these wedding items.

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I havenā€™t been time traveling much, but I might change that just to go back for some wedding items, I didnā€™t get as many as I had planned to since I took a bit of a break in June.

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By the way, this is Penelopeā€™s current outfit:

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I think itā€™s pretty adorable.


WOW I'm blown away by Penelope's entry way! I love your use of the stone archway inside to create a sort of cave effect! Plus with the water floor and stone paths inside- Absolutely amazing. Super creative, great job!!!

Glad to hear you're back and most of your moving woes are over :)



This is quite possibly my favorite acnh picture I have ever taken, so Iā€™m going to open with it.


Now that that's out of the way:

I havenā€™t been posting recently, but in-game Iā€™ve been very productive. Iā€™ve mostly finished Xeniaā€™s inn and have finally made some progress with my resident houses. I want to do a dedicated inn post before long, but for now hereā€™s a look at the coffee shop located in the main room. The other three ground floor rooms all have a distinct theme and are very nearly finished. Then the top floor is a studio apartment that Xenia lives in. The basement will beā€¦ I donā€™t know. Maybe a honey bar or something. Why not?





Next: Echoā€™s house. Echo is basically going to have witchy vibes for a bit. At least until I decide to go an entirely new direction with her. For now, here are a few witchy rooms from Echoā€™s house.


This would obviously be a much better picture without Lethe. I'll take a nicer one later. There's really no reason for her to be there. It isn't even her house.


I have no idea whatā€™s going on here and Iā€™m ok with that! I love this corner.



This is Echoā€™s witchy kitchen. You might notice the disappointing lack of golden wall gears here. Iā€™m doubt Iā€™ll ever again be able to look at a room without them and not feel like itā€™s missing something.


I say witchy, but really itā€™s just a kitchen, isnā€™t it? Still. Cozy!



A flattering snack choice; it brings out his ears.


I gave Audie a new outfit. She still wears her work-out gear 80% of the time, but she now very occasionally wears this instead of her other not-work-out outfit.

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I finally managed to fish two cans up to finish the left wing of the Elysium Inn! I posted the entryway/coffee shop yesterday, so Iā€™ll dive right into the guest rooms today. Guests can check in at the coffee shop. There are some keys hanging behind the counter. None of the rooms at our esteemed Elysium Inn have doors, but that doesn't mean we don't give each guest a handful of keys at check-in!


šŸŽ·Left Guest Room:



šŸŒžCenter Guest Room:


This is actually Letheā€™s old room repurposed. I decided to go with a more luxurious vibe for the bedroom of the Elysium founder, but I still liked this style, so I used it here.

šŸŒ¼Right Guest Room:

Eventually Celeste will give me the starry garland DIY and that will go the length of the wall above the dress over the bed.

šŸThe Honey Bar:


The Honey Bar is located in the basement. Unfortunately, the Elysium Inn doesnā€™t currently have a basement. So for now the Honey Bar is located in the basement of Harveyā€™s Photo Studio. Upgrading the Inn is my next in-game project.


I got a lovely shot of Hazel. Every time I see Hazel I mentally call her Agent S. Agent S was my peppy in New Leaf and Iā€™m having a hard time adjusting to a squirrel insisting on being called something other than Agent S.

Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll ever fully understand the fact that her name isnā€™t Agent Sā€¦


Gloomy weather suits him.

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A few days ago, I relocated the Inn to Elysiumā€™s trendy new hotspot. Originally, I was going to leave the spot open for Brewsterā€™s coffee shop-which I desperately hope is coming this fall-but I got impatient. I gave Xenia a bit of a makeover at the same time.


I think she looks nice.

I very pleased that this area actually has become a hotspot, since I was planning on calling it a hotspot regardless and that might have seemed weird if it was always deserted. I think the proximity to the plaza and the fact that the whole thing is covered in pathing both help. There's generally at least one villager wandering around; Iā€™ve gotten some cute pics out of it.



I spent all of my playtime today, on the other hand, remaking the residents of Elysiumā€™s passports. I think the photos look rather nice.

In Greek mythology, the dead drink from the river of forgetfulness (Lethe) and lose memories of their mortal lives and Echo is a nymph who repeats the last words spoken. So when Letheā€™s comment trails off (i.e., hits the character limit) itā€™s only halfway finished and Echoā€™s comment reflects the last words of it. Letheā€™s full comment is actually: ā€œDrink from the clear riversā€¦ unburden your mind.ā€ Admittedly, it seems less clever to me tonight than it did this afternoon when I first decided on it, but Iā€™m still secretly a little proud of it and want to mention it on the off chance that someone else might read this and think itā€™s kind of cool.



I couldnā€™t think of a meaningful comment to add to Penelopeā€™s passport. Is it terribly obvious?


By the way, Iā€™m incredibly excited about the fall update.

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I re-did Xeniaā€™s studio apartment on the second floor of the inn to better match the center coffee shop and honey bar in the basement (coming soon!).




This is my favorite part of the apartment. I used something similar in one of Letheā€™s rooms, but I think it fits Xeniaā€™s apartment better.


Iā€™ve also decided to bid a fond farewell to Diana-for now anyways; since I have her amiibo I can invite her back. Sheā€™s the first villager I added after the three villagers added during the house building phase that sort of serves as the last bit of the tutorial, so sheā€™s been with me for a long time. Ideally, I was hoping to eventually add another peppy or lazy villager. Elysium currently has one of each personality aside from normal and snooty of which there are two of each. This has led to a higher average level of villager maturity than I found I cared for, so I was hoping to knock it down a few notches with one of the quirkier personalities. Then Tasha showed up in the campsite and I thought to myself: ā€œoh, why not?ā€.


Iā€™ve seen Tasha posted on these forums before and I immediately fell in love with her color-scheme. Iā€™m not sure sheā€™s going to be a permanent resident, but for now Iā€™m happy to have her. Iā€™m planning on eventually moving her house to the center of my town that has a more ā€œdowntownā€ sort of vibe. I think Iā€™ll wait until the patch video comes out, since Iā€™m hoping for news of a possible Nookā€™s Cranny expansion or the Roost and I would rather not haphazardly toss shops around when I donā€™t know if the shop situation will have drastically changed within a week or so. So for now Tashaā€™s house has been shoved onto an out-of-the-way corner on the beach.



She will be missed.


For once my atrocious photo-timing skills have proven to be an asset instead of a detriment. I was trying to get a pic of Audie passing Teddy on the path, but she turned at the wrong (right?!) moment and now it looks like sheā€™s giving him a kiss on the forehead. Adorable.

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Yooo, just wanted to say Teddy and Stellaā€™s cabin area is fireeee. I love what you did with it. šŸ„°



Like a lot of people here Iā€™ve set aside some areas in my town to display seasonal decorations. Iā€™ve gotten a ton of use out of them with the new spooky pumpkin series. Hereā€™s some of what I have so far.


The pumpkin fence might be my favorite addition. Iā€™m keeping it up year-round. Here it is with my street flower shop:

The European town vibe has taken over the central areas of my island in a big way. I'm coming dangerously close to having an actual cohesive theme at this point.


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Like a lot of people here Iā€™ve set aside some areas in my town to display seasonal decorations. Iā€™ve gotten a ton of use out of them with the addition of the pumpkin series. Hereā€™s some of what I have so far.

The pumpkin fence might be my favorite addition. Iā€™m keeping it up year-round. Here it is with my street flower shop:
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The European town vibe has taken over the central areas of my island in a big way. I'm coming dangerously close to having an actual cohesive theme at this point.


Your interior design posts are amazing!! You are super creative with your item usage and its very inspiring :)
I also really love your seasonal area as well! I especially love how you layered the halloween items using cliffs (especially the arch!!)
Cant wait to see more <3


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Like a lot of people here Iā€™ve set aside some areas in my town to display seasonal decorations. Iā€™ve gotten a ton of use out of them with the new spooky pumpkin series. Hereā€™s some of what I have so far.

The pumpkin fence might be my favorite addition. Iā€™m keeping it up year-round. Here it is with my street flower shop:
View attachment 324250
The European town vibe has taken over the central areas of my island in a big way. I'm coming dangerously close to having an actual cohesive theme at this point.


Absolutely in love with this spooky themed area!!!!! The layering of the pumpkins, the fences... I could see myself sitting there to rest after a long night of trick-or-treating ā™„

This gave me the inspiration I needed to see if I could fit a seasonal area in my own island...
Might have to invest on some spooky fences now haha

edit: can't believe you got Tasha too! I've wanted her so much in NH since I couldn't buy her amiibo in NL, I might go looking for her after I get Whitney's pic and I move her out... She has a truly gorgeous design