• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

English videos incoming!

So then let's make a big sticky for all the Youtube discussion then.

Justin or mods or someone I know you're reading this let's do it.
So then let's make a big sticky for all the Youtube discussion then.

Justin or mods or someone I know you're reading this let's do it.

I was argueing against you.
We get so much information from youtube, that there is a need for the conversations spawning from it to be separated. Otherwise no one would be aware of half the information because they'll have to trawl through hundreds of pages to find it.
I was arguing against you.
We get so much information from Youtube, that there is a need for the conversations spawning from it to be separated. Otherwise no one would be aware of half the information because they'll have to trawl through hundreds of pages to find it.

Then let's make the thread after release date. Sound good then?

And how much major new information are were actually getting?
I'd just like to say I made this thread for the attention of people who want to see an English version of the game being played (And seing some more localisation!) and because I thought it was worth getting excited over.
All the fuss going on I consider off-topic, which last night I thought about asking the thread to be closed for, but the whole conversation would just start again elsewhere and people seem to be enjoying voicing their opinions over it. Though I'd rather talk about the game, than the youtubers, and I can't help but think Josh would feel the same if he were to read all this.
However, I do feel 'these threads' have a very valid reason for existance seeing as youtubers have been our biggest source of information on the game.
Ah. I know what your intentions were and was not at all directing my words towards you, but rather the people that are constantly throwing negativity against Josh and his videos. Though his actions aren't ideal, I don't believe he deserves such resentment as he's providing what many of us want- AC:NL footage. It's one complaint after another.
I don't blame Josh for making small mistakes in his commentary as it's his first time playing New Leaf. There are so many new features introduced in the game (not to mention he can't understand the Japanese language) and most players would probably do the same if not for this forum.

I acknowledge and appreciate the purpose of this thread, but they will always run off-topic and move towards creating an excuse for people to complain about Josh. He's a nice guy. People aren't giving him enough credit.

I sincerely apologize for any misunderstanding between us, Jinglefruit.
Then let's make the thread after release date. Sound good then?

And how much major new information are were actually getting?

I would guess once the games have released there will be a ton of English Let's Plays appearing on youtube. Then we'll have 1 thread covering a whole host of different series. Maybe have 1 thread for each youtuber? - obviously unstickied.

Really? How much information have NOA/NOE given that we didn't know from youtube first? Our only other real source is the Guides, and people who imported and aren't filming.
I give Josh a little leeway with the fan thing. I've worked in bars and restaurants since I was 15 so I know first hand what it's like to have to deal with obnoxious people in a professnal setting and it is NOT easy. It absolutely should not be considered his 'job' to cater to people who don't treat him with any kind of respect. If you can't act like a rational, respectful human being why on Earth would you expect a non-snarky response?
I have yet to see any hostile discussion in this thread. Everyone is handling it just fine for the most part and if it stays that way the thread will remain open. Yes, I have locked some YouTube threads in the past because they were topics such as "Linandko or Bit Block", this thread is nothing like that and is perfectly fine. That being said, let's move the discussion closer to Jinglefruit's intentions if we can rather than complaining about Josh.

If you really despise these threads that much, stop posting in them. Seriously. Every time you post to complain, you're bringing them back up to the top where they will remain popular.

I can agree with having a YouTuber let's play thread a bit later though if it is warranted.
WiiFolderJosh announced that his latest video will be his last in his Jap. town as he has the English version coming next week! Link to his latest video.

I guess we'll be getting a host of localised names through him now, and I guess other reviewers and such will be getting the games next week too. Feels like we're entering the final stretch of waiting now.

"Jap" is not such a nice thing to say.
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He said Jap. not just Jap, it was referring to the country not a person/people, much like you would say aus instead of Australia, really.
Ah. I know what your intentions were and was not at all directing my words towards you, but rather the people that are constantly throwing negativity against Josh and his videos. Though his actions aren't ideal, I don't believe he deserves such resentment as he's providing what many of us want- AC:NL footage. It's one complaint after another.
I don't blame Josh for making small mistakes in his commentary as it's his first time playing New Leaf. There are so many new features introduced in the game (not to mention he can't understand the Japanese language) and most players would probably do the same if not for this forum.

I acknowledge and appreciate the purpose of this thread, but they will always run off-topic and move towards creating an excuse for people to complain about Josh. He's a nice guy. People aren't giving him enough credit.

I sincerely apologize for any misunderstanding between us, Jinglefruit.

Sorry if I came off as a bit defensive, I was just weary of the use of 'This thread' when I hadn't intended the thread to run away quite like that and I didn't really want the thread to be locked and it to reflect bad on me for creating the thread.

"Jap" is not such a nice thing to say.

I only meant it as an abreviation of Japanese, it's a bit of a labour typing it out everytime in comparison to just US or EU. Sorry if it's used racially or offensively, being on the other side of the Planet kinda leaves you unaware to such things. xP

And thank you Justin.

Back on topic, I hope that Nintendo don't ask reviewers to not post videos until a later date, I'm kind of hoping that a few new people crop up so we can watch their towns unfold.
I was initially thinking of just watching the first couple of videos and then leaving it until I got the game, but I feel I've spoiled so much now I might as well go whole hog and fawn over and thoroughly enjoy every new image until release. And I've been skipping holiday events and people showcasing their public works so far, so I'll just skip English videos for those as well.
Well Josh did say in the upcoming week, which would put it right around the "month left" mark.

I'm not going to watch the entirety of the videos, I'm more so hoping for dream journals to pop up again so I can see English names for the new characters. That's all I'm interested in. The rest I could find out for myself.
It's funny how I have the Japanese version but I'm still addicted.. Yes addicted! To watching the YouTube vids, luc, linandko, josh and the others. When I'm not playing I'm watching.. Seriously addicted to animal crossing new leaf.. I have my English console ready for June too.
Well for more Dream Journals we'll have to wait for him to get the game and then unlock the Dream Suite. So I'm guessing we're a while off of English ones of those. xP I would imagine there will be a reviewer or two that will keep making new towns and meeting new villagers to find out a load of new names for us. I do hope the Unicorn and Flamingo get suitably punny names, I shall be looking out for word on those.

I wish I knew how long this wait would be in November, I kind of regret not importing now. I felt the height of my AC addiction when I pre-ordered the bundle, a physical copy and the guide book. I have only been watching Linandko and Josh, but I have now seen all of their videos twice. <_<;
Oh! You just reminded me, I hope they kep the unicorn male. :( I know that with Gracie they went from being a male fashion giraffe to a female. I hope they don't do the same with Julie the unicorn because its name and appearance are too "feminine"

And I know it would take a bit for the dream journals, but he visits random ones so it will still be different ;P
Also I hate to break it to you guys but dont be expecting much from Josh. He said he would do it in his review style of videos, who knows whether he will only do one or two videos, he probably wont be doing any video journal type videos at least.
I would guess he'll stay male. I didn't think he looked too feminine... - okay I just looked him up again and the eyeshadow maybe speaks otherwise. But they haven't changed a villagers gender before, and he's one of only a few smug villagers. - Also wouldn't that mean he'd change gender if you made him move between a Jap and a US town? Or if you visited a foreign town. :/

Also this made me lol;
Julie is a new horse in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, who is actually a unicorn, due to the horn on his head.
As opposed to being one of those unicorns with a single horn coming from their knee. xP

EDIT: @Torotix: He could split the review many ways though, like he has with other games. It can still grant us a handful of localised terms too, which is what excites me most.
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Since he's in a contract with Nintendo, he has to do reviews within a certain time period, it's not whenever he wants anymore. And since its legally binding, bad things will come to that channel if he doesn't abide by whatever rules are stated in that contract

I've never seen another villager, besides maybe Ed the horse look feminine, and even then, I still though Ed was a guy.. But Julie I had really thought - and kind of hoped - he would've been female. It all depends on how NoA would've perceived it, as it wouldn't be the first time they've changed genders of certain characters because they didnt want to start problems with people. :(
I guess, but I would have thought he wouldn't announce he's getting the game so soon if he can't show it until that much later. Though he could be sneaky and make his town and then visit it via Dream from his Japanese town. ;P

I had never questioned Ed's eyeshadow. Apparently I am just blind to purple eyeshadow on horses. 8P
I just went searching through villagers and found somewhere else people thinking Filbert and Paolo were female at first. Though all 3 of these have rather male names so I never questioned it. Now I could easily see them becoming Edina, Paula and Filbeatrix.
Though still, they have never changed a villager, and it would mean changing their personality and everything.
It would really mess with me if they starting changing genders around. Too much confusion because of the worldwide play.
I have a feeling we will see a video turn up around May 9th

It could be a possible theory as to why the localization process took some time ._. I thought Filbert was female at first as well, until I heard the little animalese male voice. I've always known and never for once though Paolo was a female.. But I did think Pate was male because of how ugly I found her lol