Events & Collectibles General Discussion

Is there anyone that could help me collect more money? If I could trade with you for bells, I'd be more than willing to learn how!:)

Any easy way to do so is to breed hybrid roses and sell them for TBT. Pink, Yellow, and the like go for around 2-3 TBT per, and Gold, Black and Blue go for 4-5 TBT per. If you aren't afraid to TT (time-travel), you can stockpile a bunch of hybrid roses and create a thread in the "TBT Marketplace".

If you have any questions, you can PM me :)
Is there anyone that could help me collect more money? If I could trade with you for bells, I'd be more than willing to learn how!:)

You'll need to post somewhat in order to be able to get the points.

PM once you hit at least 50 posts and get an avatar.
going for this lineup next once I find a trader for the blue feather zzzzz


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I guess it didn't come out right? How do people even organize collectibles if they go on the list in alphabetical order?

They don't. They show up by date. Going from most recent at the top left to the oldest at the very end.

edit: sorry i think i processed what you said incorrectly, so just ignore me! lol
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I guess it didn't come out right? How do people even organize collectibles if they go on the list in alphabetical order?

Still working on it, I found someone with the correct balloon date, just waiting for them to respond :)

as for ur question, i just unhide them until I find the correct one lol
I missed the restock again??
These randomly timed restocks are ridiculous.. I get that it's done that way so that not too many candies go into circulation at once but still, even just a tiny hint of prior notice would be nice..
I missed the restock again??
These randomly timed restocks are ridiculous.. I get that it's done that way so that not too many candies go into circulation at once but still, even just a tiny hint of prior notice would be nice..

They should bring back the countdown clock, I just loved it last year, helped me NOT panic about missing a restock
They should bring back the countdown clock, I just loved it last year, helped me NOT panic about missing a restock

I agree so much, I really liked the countdown clock from last year. I took a screenshot of the candy corn one if anyone wants to see it (lol):

I agree so much, I really liked the countdown clock from last year. I took a screenshot of the candy corn one if anyone wants to see it (lol):


Was it that that caused all the lag because of the animation? Or was it the people trying to enter the shop? Or was it both?