Explain your lineup thread

I'm kinda ashamed to admit I have no collectibles in the color of green to match the rest of my green vibe avatar and signature lol

But my line-up is built to be cohesive with my usual Avatar which has pink background. It consists of the beloved eggs I found from my first ever egg hunt on TBT, puppies, cakes, and the pink house
I’ve combined my various flower and cake collectibles to create a new favorite dream lineup! Behold, I call it... uh, actually I don’t know what I call it, but I know I love it! :D

I was going to go back to my usual line-up of 5 Black Hybrid Roses x 5 Flick Eggs, but red is my favourite colour so I need to make the most of our temporary dual red Magical Fireworks collectible!

Screenshot 2021-05-25 at 14.52.15.png
I love the new TBT fair patch so I wanted to show it off! It’s the first patch I’ve gotten and I love the colours but I’m having a tricky time figuring out what will go with it.

I opted for a bottom row of different coloured roses because I thought they would compliment the patch and then I just picked my other favourite collectibles that weren’t roses. I’m not sure what I’ll put in place when the fireworks disappear since I wasn’t sure if I loved the idea of two eggs but I suppose my current lineup has two plushies so. The dream is to one day have a mums plushie but they are expensive 😔