I wanted my (current) lineup to look a little bit like a display case. Otherwise, just 2 pretty sets and the patches from the fairs I've participated in :]
So after putting a lot of time and thought into this, probably too much for some pixels on a forum, I've come up with my current dream line-up. This line-up represents my two towns.
The bottom row is devoted to my first town, Sakura. It has two cherries, which are Sakura's native fruit and Sakura means cherry blossom. It has the Sakura Egg for obvious reasons. Mint is included because she was a starter and permanent resident in Sakura. It's a bonus that her colors look nice next to the Sakura Egg. The Zen Egg is included because my town is partially zen-themed. Leif is present because he is my favorite NPC in New Leaf and I first met him when I started playing in Sakura. I'd love to include the Spring Sakura collectible, but the date unfortunately doesn't work.
The top row is devoted to my new town which is still under construction, Nocturne. The Aurora Sky is included because the town is always going to be set at night and the dream address will probably be set during either an Aurora or a Meteor Shower. The Aurora Egg is included for the same reasons as the Aurora Sky. The Purple Bat Potion reflects the mayor practicing alchemy in her basement. The Nightmare Egg is included for similar reasons as the Purple Bat Potion; it feels mysterious and purple flame might be associated with alchemy. The Cool and Glam Feathers represent the main colors of Nocturne, which will be purple and blue. Feathers are also sometimes ingredients used in potions.
So that's my very lengthy explanation. I currently have all of the pieces for this line-up except for the Glam Feather and I plan to start my search for that with the New Year once I've sold some of my collectibles from the current events to build up my funds. I'm not in a rush. I've been slowly planning this line-up for over a year now already. I'm in it for the long haul.
I have my Aurora Sky up because it's my new favorite collectible, and I wanted to display my two balloons because I love then both dearly. Today I also threw in the Sapphire and Emerald to match the colors of the balloons, and because I'm a big fan of the birthstones :3