Explain your lineup thread

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made a new lineup to incorporate the sheep plush i was able to acquire today :blush:
Decided to mix my recent event collectibles together and go full-on splash art mode for my aesthetic. I have to say, the amount of colors that mix and match between my avatar, signature, and lineup are very pleasing to me right now. 💚

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I was originally going to stick to my Tera Orb mini lineup, but after a while, I thought it was boring. So I decided to make do with what I got after the accidental purge of almost half of my collectibles, and this was the best I could come up with. It's pretty great! You got these flowers, these balloons, and a New Leaf token to represent the fact that ACNL was my first Animal Crossing game. All the colors are perfectly coordinated (for me, at least) and it's so satisfying... My favorite collectibles in this lineup would have to be the Tera Orb and the Purple Balloon. The former is because it's a reference to my favorite Pokemon game and there's a quote from Kieran, my beloved... The latter is because purple is my favorite color, a friend randomly gifted it to me, and it contains a PaRappa reference!
In honor of my team's achievement of winning TBTWC, I wanted to showcase the crown plus some of the collectibles from the shop in the top row! Bottom row consists of the TBTWC patches plus my other winning team collectibles + a golden egg! I really enjoy it and feel really lucky to be able to put together a lineup like this! also my username blends into the backdrop, which is funny
