aaaaaaa this update announcement has lit a fire under my creative booty i am now animal crossing thoughts 24/7!!! ive been really into looking at stardew valley screenshots and not playing animal crossing lately because both games are cool but i just really wanted an update for either to start playing again. im soooo excited for "farming" even though its really just daily watering. wilting flowers succ'd in the previous animal crossing games but man!! it was a chore in a game and that's what made it fun. im hoping, like others have said, that the other datamined fruits and vegetables are placed in our little dirt covered sphere hands in the November because,, i really want a tomato garden. the new skintones and eye colors are actually really unexpected for me lol i saw the red-eyed character at the beginning and i thought, "dare i hope?" and hope i did and it turned out to be for good reason. it would be nice to have a character that looks like me irl but purple eyes are pulling me in like a siren song. it stinks we had to wait this long for an update, and it stinks we still have to wait for updates for more content in this game, but i am more than content atm.
Everyone so far who I've seen mention disappointment all had one thing in common: they had expectations.

Setting expectations is easily the #1 way to cause disappointment in something.

As for the update, I'm happy with what we got. It was a Halloween update, and we got Halloween stuff. The little extras are just a bonus. Now we wait for late November's update!
It's been 6 hours and I'm still hyped. My head is only filled with the thoughts of pumpkins and spooks.

I'm already planning to make changes on my island. Like making a small pumpkin patch on my personal mountain and moving Stinky to make way for a bigger graveyard behind my home.

I want to get back home as soon as possible and hibernate until this update drops on the 30th.
I am so ready for this Fall Update. Pumpkins! C'mon September 30th!
Everyone so far who I've seen mention disappointment all had one thing in common: they had expectations.

Setting expectations is easily the #1 way to cause disappointment in something.

As for the update, I'm happy with what we got. It was a Halloween update, and we got Halloween stuff. The little extras are just a bonus. Now we wait for late November's update!

Also, to add to this about the next update, Animal Crossing generally uses US dates for holidays, and Thanksgiving is on Nov 26th for the US, so we should see the update more than likely around a week prior, hopefully.
After seeing the video 10 times, I have some questions:

1. When will Nintendo add another shop upgrade? We've had the same upgrade since April and it's getting kind of old. I don't know if they want us to see all seasonal decorations both on the inside and on the outside, but I'd rather see them in a bigger shop with more to choose from.
2. Will we need to use the Nook Link app to use the new reactions? I can't be bothered to pull out my cellphone only to use a couple of reactions lol. I hope they include in the in-game reaction roster.
3. Does being able to grow pumpkins now mean that they're preparing to add full-on harvesting and cooking? I hope so, since Franklin is coming back in late November...
4. Will we get the Halloween DIYs from balloons? God, I hope not, because I can't get seasonal DIYs even if this game's life depended on it. I think I have like 6 or so, I only get useless skirts I'll never wear because I play as male lol.

As for the rest, basically what I was expecting. I was kind of hoping it'd come in late September and I was right. I hope Halloween works in a similar fashion as in New Leaf, I'd just have to be careful not to wear anything I like (or anything at all) lol.
This is probably gonna be my favorite out of all updates so far! The new skin tones and eye colors looking beautiful, also did I saw that right, a comeback of the wings?? 😍 And pumpkins! That's exactly what I hoped for, I love that you can now plant your own ones and be able to use them for crafting. Sure, no Brewster, but I can kinda live with this. Otherwise, I really like that new werewolf/cat (?) costume, looks adorable!
Everyone so far who I've seen mention disappointment all had one thing in common: they had expectations.

Setting expectations is easily the #1 way to cause disappointment in something.

As for the update, I'm happy with what we got. It was a Halloween update, and we got Halloween stuff. The little extras are just a bonus. Now we wait for late November's update!
Couldn't agree with you more. I am still a daily player, and will take whatever Nintendo wants to give me, especially those Iron Pumpkin Fences.
Honestly I'm just trying to figure out what I can do with the pumpkin plants aesthetically. Those fences, too.
I already plowed half of each of my orchards in preparation for a pumpkin patch or 20. My kids used to call my mom Punkin, so this entire update is an homage to my mother; I couldn't be more excited.
I'm so excited for this as Halloween is my favourite event. I'm not a big fan of crafting though but I am looking forward to the actual day.
Pumpkin themed furniture confirmed? I spot a stool very sneakily placed that I've never seen before. It looks like a pumpkin cut in half, I even see a small leaf beside it, looks like it is part of it 🤔 😍


so cute! the pumpkin with the lollipop sticking out is suuuuper adorable too. I want it! i wonder if there will be more aside from the furniture we already saw? That’d be great if there are but I’m really happy with what I saw in the clip 😊.
so cute! the pumpkin with the lollipop sticking out is suuuuper adorable too. I want it! i wonder if there will be more aside from the furniture we already saw? That’d be great if there are but I’m really happy with what I saw in the clip 😊.
In the last-ish scene, there's a little hay bale with a bucket of candy resting on top...perhaps that's another?
Everyone so far who I've seen mention disappointment all had one thing in common: they had expectations.

Setting expectations is easily the #1 way to cause disappointment in something.

As for the update, I'm happy with what we got. It was a Halloween update, and we got Halloween stuff. The little extras are just a bonus. Now we wait for late November's update!
My expectations were that Halloween would come in the update. If that did not happen, than I don't even know what they're doing over there lol. I am impressed that they actually added more than just the event. I hope crafting doesn't require an insane amount of pumpkins. I'd rather have a small patch and not have to dedicate an entire large section for crafting the Halloween stuff.