I really hope there's a lot of farming stuff, and that it's permanent. I can make my farm both useful and better looking! Also gonna add a lot of spooky stuff to my Faerie forest, Castle Ruins, and the area around Coco's house. Looking forward to it! Glad they're doing this sort of thing. :D
This update. Pumpkin growing. Love 🥺

It seems like a really interesting update for October and I can’t wait to see the recipes fully.

The only thing I’m kinda a little meh about is the new outfits/character customisation. I was kinda hoping for some more character customisations... but something better then nothing.

Plus the Halloween outfits, I’m guessing there’s more than being shown. Would have loved to see a few more but, I’m open to wait.

The animal costumes... they’re adorable. I honestly can’t wait to see stitches the bear in his.
I'm so shook they actually added farming in the game, sure it's only pumpkins for now, but I can totally see them adding more in the future, that's super neat! The thing I'm actually most hyped about though is the new eye colours lol, the skin colours are cool too, but something I often ranted about with my friends was how they only have natural eye colours. I really wanted. unnatural eye colours and the options they've provided are super nice! I really hope these are all permanent options and not exclusive for Halloween, and I don't see a reason for that to go away so I'm gonna assume it's permanent. This also makes me hopeful that they'll add more hair colours in the future, as that was another gripe I had with NH. I'm not a huge fan of decorating for Halloween, but I love that there will be more spooky/halloween furniture and items for those who do, as I know many people in the community love that kind of aesthetic! Overall this update seems to be pretty promising and I hope we'll all enjoy it, and maybe it'll suck some players back in who started feeling bored/burnt out? :0

This picture shows a lot of the new goodies we'll be getting. That pumpkin fence/gate is my favorite.
I'm really excited about this! I'm just kind of disappointed that it seems like Brewster won't be in this update or the November one, but right now I'm guessing that if they're planning on adding them they'll do it in January when it's slower. This is going to be really fun, especially the new items!
I'm a weirdo and not really big into autumn/Halloween, so my fave part of the update is getting reactions in the smartphone app and the dream suite update 😂
part of me is disappointed that this update is purely focused around halloween and we're not getting brewster or anything... but equally pumpkin farming alone is amazing!! this might just be enough to get me back into AC after my burnout-induced hiatus. my farm can finally have some actual things growing and not just yellow hyacinths 😭
I don’t really care for Halloween to be honest, but at least they’re giving us something. I planned on playing more soon anyway, so at least this will help the playtime feel more refreshing.
i love autumn/spoopy items so i'm really excited for this update in particular. wasn't a fan of the summer update since it's not a favorite season of mine irl either and the mermaid set isn't personally up my alley sorta vibe so this fall update is totally my cup of tea. really happy that we actually get two new emotes specially for halloween though, that's super neat!

also can't wait to be able to cook/see what they'll do to incorporate cooking into the game. please let me use my kitchen!!
I am so excited about the pumpkins!! I've been decorating my island with those pumpkin hat designs, and custom designs on lanterns. The jack o' lanterns look amazing and I can't wait to litter Medfield with them. Also love that the villagers dress up in different costumes, not just similar to Jack like in past games. However, I can't wait for the update at the end of November. Halloween is fun, but holiday decorations, Jingles, and Christmas trees? Oh yes.
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Pumpkins for crafting only? :(

I hope the items are a decent quality.
PC is still getting the better treatment. (Their Halloween items are awesome.)

Still hoping for NL items to make a return.