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Falling asleep moments while playing ACNL😴


Nov 6, 2017
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I fell asleep a lot of times while playing ACNL and I remember this time when I was getting very sleepy and my character was walking slowly while I'm falling asleep, and then I heard the strange sound and I saw myself fainted on the ground from a tarantula, I was like "WHAT HAPPEN WA" also that was my first time seeing a tarantula.
That was a weird day in ACNL

So what was your strange days while falling asleep or actually sleeping while playing the game kinda.
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Yes, I fall asleep often while playing... which can be dangerous at times haha. I usually only get to play late at night after I finish chores and work so I'm already quite tired. One time I was helping a friend store some of their items in my town while they reset so I left my gate open for them to come in and out as they please. I was going to reset too, so it wasn't such a big deal what happened to my town. I guess I fell asleep while waiting for her (good thing my ds was plugged into the charger all night). When I woke up the next morning, my friend had left but had rearranged my flowers in front of the station to make a heart LOL. It was a cute.
While visiting lots of dream towns around night time. Whenever I got bored and don't know what to do, but I still wanted to play for a little bit, I visited tons of dream towns and most of time, I got sleepy while walking around through the town. And I got even more sleepy when it's also night time in the dream town itself. It's just to relaxing for me kinda.

I also get sleepy when I'm on the island and catching bugs at night time. Especially when I'm waiting that more bugs are showing up, I start to get bored and then even fall asleep almost.
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Yes, I fall asleep often while playing... which can be dangerous at times haha. I usually only get to play late at night after I finish chores and work so I'm already quite tired. One time I was helping a friend store some of their items in my town while they reset so I left my gate open for them to come in and out as they please. I was going to reset too, so it wasn't such a big deal what happened to my town. I guess I fell asleep while waiting for her (good thing my ds was plugged into the charger all night). When I woke up the next morning, my friend had left but had rearranged my flowers in front of the station to make a heart LOL. It was a cute.

oh my you were alseep that long while have 3ds on, wow.
But that was nice to make a heart front of your station

- - - Post Merge - - -

While visiting lots of dream towns around night time. Whenever I got bored and don't know
what to do, but I still wanted to play for a little bit, I visited tons of dream towns and most
of time, I got sleepy while walking around through the town. And I got even more sleepy
when it's also night time in the dream town itself. It's just to relaxing for me kinda.

I also get sleepy when I'm on the island and catching bugs at night time. Especially when
I'm waiting that more bugs are showing up, I start to get bored and then even fall asleep

a lot of people do fall asleep when catching bugs because catching bugs is very boring.
I've never actually fallen asleep while playing, but I came close while hunting for the tarantula and scorpion. It was late in the evening, but I had my time set to something like 1 or 2am in game. The calm relaxing music at that time combined with the fact that I was just walking slow circles around town and doing literally nothing else made me soooo sleepy.
I wouldn't even be playing games if I was tired enough to fall asleep during them. since at that point, screens are just excruciating on my eyes
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For some reason I love to watch the TV programs, so when my character sits on the couch watching TV I tend to get very, very sleepy. Also when I'm just wandering around the town, not doing anything in particular.
I fall asleep all the time.
I come home from work late Each day and I always try to include some gameplay at night .
I’m always so tired though and a lot the time I just end up falling asleep.
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I fall asleep all the time.
I come home from work late Each day and I always try to include some gameplay at night .
I’m always so tired though and a lot the time I just end up falling asleep.
^ Same way. Passing out on my 3DS, waking up to the battery dying. All. The. Time.
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I was in a popular horror dream town ,and I was kinda sleeping off. I was just about to close my eyes until I entered a.. interesting room. I just kept my eyes open and went "wow, um, that's something."
I?ve fallen asleep a few times, most of the times it isn?t an issue but I?ve had a few times when my ds died and I lost all the work I?ve done :/
No, I can't say I've fallen asleep while playing late at night, but I have gotten sleepy a few times. Normally when I do play late at night, I usually stop playing when I get really tired and so I put my game down before I fall asleep. :)
I fall asleep pretty often when it?s raining in my town at night, especially if I?m by the campfire. The sounds are too good.
I once fell asleep playing, and woke up to find I had trapped a villager in their house by falling asleep in the doorway. And I think I fell asleep on the beach and that house was near the train station so... I don’t know how I got there.
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I've never fallen asleep while playing a game.
AC's music is super peaceful at night, so it does help me get sleepy, but when I hit the really tired mark, I cut off my system and go to sleep.

Plus I wouldn't want my system to die, and I lose progress.
I've never actually fallen asleep while playing, but there have been plenty of times where I was so exhausted that I probably shouldn't have been playing tbh. The only example that comes to mind, though, was when there was only two days left of summer and I wanted to catch a tarantula because it was the last bug I needed. I think I played until 4 am before finally catching one, and I remember getting off the second after I donated it just to go to bed. (Yeah, probably would've been easier if I had just time traveled at a reasonable hour, but I'm too anxious to TT most of the time lmao)
I can't say I've actually fallen asleep while playing, but some of the more calming nighttime music can definitely make me a bit sleepy! Especially if I'm just catching bugs/fish, or doing something slower-paced.
I haven't fallen asleep yet, but there are times when I feel like goin to sleep. It's on days after work, I feel fine then when I star the game up maybe 15 mins later I feel really tired. I could be doin anythin, decorating my houses, landscaping, doing villager requests ect...
Although we haven't done it much recently, my boyfriend and I used to play Animal Crossing together in the evenings a lot. Over the summer, when he didn't have class, we would often play as late as four or five in the morning, just talking or whatever, and he'd usually fall asleep while playing. Sometimes we'd both fall asleep and wake up to find ourselves still sitting on our usual bench. Good memories, I guess, but we haven't played together in awhile since we've both been so busy with school and life and stuff.
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