lol she is so cute why dont other people bid on her
Idk I'm kind of surprised tbh. :')
You work was wonderful, I am also a colors 3d artist and you just blew my mind as to what you could do on it
Wow ty so much! And oh you have colors 3d too? Do you have an account?
Yeah I sell art on here DX I am terrible though
Yeah I've seen your thread before. :3
It seems pretty popular though, I don't think you're bad. ^^
only 500 posts aren't me, a lot of people just veiw, I dont get any sales usually only get free requests
Awwww thanks
I think you're good, I would buy art from so many people if I wasn't saving up for expensive collectibles pff.
I am working on chibis so I hope that will be a selling point
My chibis need work tbh haha. And oh good luck with that then.![]()