So far with the exception of a few plants, insects and honey, I have been hanging onto everything picked up just in case I should need it later on, what do the rest of you do?
I've sold a few things (flowers and such), but at this point in time I'm not sure what I'm going to need when, so I'm keeping most of the stuff I find. I'm probably going to have to start putting items in my closet, but it's kinda nice you can carry so many with you. The maximum is 300 but apparently if you have the DLC you can have up to 500.
Has anyone been to Al Malaak (however you spell it)
I've just started the chapter and entered the city, but my battery died so it's recharging now. I'll probably won't play today so it'll have to wait until tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, though; I was very pleased with Port Puerto (which I haven't even fully explored yet).
Does this game have a lot of repetitive grinding/ questing?
I'd say you make it as repetitive as you want. There is a lot to do and each Life gives you EXP so you can level up and gain points you can allocate then. Certain stats help each other, like if you've put points into Strength as a Paladin, that's also going to help you as a Miner and such.
I collected enough Bliss Points to unlock a new Bliss present, but I didn't unlock one at the time cause I couldn't decide.
Later on, I collected once more enough Bliss points for a new present, but now I could only unlock 1. So I guess you need to decide immediately which present to take.
When you check your Bliss Points, you have to choose a present. The only way around is it to quit without saving (or I might be mistaken, but I seem to be unable to
not choose a present). You don't have to check your Bliss Points, though; I know I have enough for a few but there's nothing I really want at this point so I haven't bothered yet to unlock them.
I entered the password all in capital letters the first time and was told it was incorrect, it must be exactly as Libra said Reveria and then I got my honey pudding, thanks for the tip, how did you find that out?
Yes, it's Reveria. The keyboard is in caps so if you don't pay attention you'll end up typing REVERIA which is incorrect. I saw a mention of it in an article I read somewhere. There are many more, but it's a matter of finding them.
The one thing that does annoy me is that when talking to people the keyboard is abcdefg instead of qwerty so it can get confusing to type :S
There are four quick messages you can assign. I'm thinking a good choice for two of them would be "Need help!" to let another player know you need help and "On my way!" to let another player know you're on your way. You can also assign gestures such as your character waving "Come here/This way". It's probably faster than typing words (which was something that also bothered me in AC:NL).
The game has been recieved fairly well in Europe which is great.. If it does this well in America we may have a sequel one day if it sells well but who knows
Yes, fun fact; now Amazon France says the game will be in stock again on October 7.
Yeah when we are all further into the game we will have to get a group together to beat all the Napdragon's in our worlds the Paladin award for that is 500 stars ;o
Do we get the stars in multi-player? Can someone confirm this? In any case, I'm nowhere near being able to even scratch the Napdragon, so it'll be a while before I try to fight him.