Okay, does anyone know where I can find Hugues (the scientist)? He's not in the Castle nor the Library and I have no idea where he could be.
I figured I'd finally explore Port Puerto today and it's amazing! I haven't gotten very far yet, but I'm really loving this new area!
By the way, I tested the Bliss Bonus where you can own your own horse and it's absolutely worthless. Seriously; spend your Bliss Points on something else. The horse will wait for you if you dismount it, yes, but it'll still run away when it gets attacked, so it's not that much different from when you rent a horse.
And fun fact; the game is out of stock on Amazon France. It'll be in stock again on October 3rd. I'm not sure if they had a small stock to begin with or if the game is more popular than they'd thought it'd be, but it kinda made me smile to see that.
Do any of you follow any strategy in this game?
Not really. I started as a Paladin because it seemed to be a good choice for a beginner (good balance between offense and defense), but that's pretty much it. There's so much to do that I have a hard time choosing. And I'm still not sure what I want to be as a "final" fighting class, so I haven't used my points yet. Needless to say that's hurting me while in battle, but hey, I've managed to get to level 11, so being stubborn and persistent helps, haha!
From what I've heard, you'd still be able to finish the main story quests. My guess is that you indeed can, but you'll be behind in level compared to your combat/gather-Life friends who also gain experience from monsters and gathering.
Yeah, from what I've read, as long as you place
some stats in combat, you should be fine. So just play the game how you want.
We might want to try and trade in-game as well. I think there's a limit, though, on how many items you can trade; three or so? And I'm not sure either how exactly it all works, but I'd be more than happy to share whatever I have that can be useful for someone else!