Fantasy Life General Thread

I've found the pets to be useless compared to the other recruitable NPCs, such as the dude in a huge black armor and Cervantes (the one's who teaching a whole lot about Mercenary). Each NPC starts with its base stats, and they increase exponentially every time you level up. The problem with the weaker NPCs is, they're never bound to outclass the initially stronger ones (not even against you) simply because of the aforementioned leveling up system. Thankfully, you can get most of the stronger NPCs by simply progressing through the main story. The Masters NPCs can be accessed by...
...reaching the corresponding job's rank into God, which is only accessible for those who bought the Origin Island DLC. Oh boy, they tend to be very strong.

The NPCs are there for those who are having trouble beating large monsters and finding anyone who owns a copy of Fantasy Life, but nothing beats the human players. It's because the latter can level up enough to be as efficient as some of the strongest NPCs in the game, and they can easily use tactics on a whim. The AI is pretty much like how Leeroy Jenkins would act. The NPCs are so concentrated on partaking the battle that they never bother dodging the enemy's attacks and then eventually end up dying often. Expect to revive them on a regular basis, even in the middle of a boss fight. I've also never seen them trying to do the same on me. You can somewhat control them by putting your weapons away, thus preventing them to aim against whatever monster that are next to them.
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The NPCs are so concentrated on partaking the battle that they never bother dodging the enemy's attacks and then eventually end up dying often.

Haha, I've lost count of how many times I tried to avoid a battle only to have the NPC go "Attaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!" :p
Be an Archer suits me, I think ^_^ Now I got the three gather Lives, and am ready to continue! Definitely going to make tailor and carpenter soon too to make me some gear. Owh, and blacksmith, since a NPC asked me to make him an armor.

So much to do in this cutesy world! =D
Okay guys. I'm seriously stalking this thread and drowning in my tears... ;A;
I want it now ...I can't wait. *OUT*
Would some kind person Pls help with my following two questions

Where do you buy wool, or do I have to make it from sheep fleece?

Where is Prof Hughes hiding, I need to speak to him and can't so far find him anywhere I have looked ?
@BiggKitty isn't prof hughes in in room in the castel castle ?

and for the wool, not sure but have you look in al maajik with the bonus for the shop to have more things to sell ?
@BiggKitty isn't prof hughes in in room in the castel castle ?

and for the wool, not sure but have you look in al maajik with the bonus for the shop to have more things to sell ?

Not anywhere in the castle when I looked and to find and speak to him is one of my quests, also I need wool to be able to make some of the iron gear items, I have checked all the shops but no one has it for sale (unless I've missed one by mistake of course)
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maybe you need to check the shop with the mmmmmmmmmm I think it's bliss ( i play in french sorry ^^) point to have more things available ?
Professor Hughes' room is near Princess Laura's room you go slightly right and downwards and there's a door and then there's his room, I stumbled across it by chance on Saturday hope this helps :D to reiterate it is in the outside area of the palace.
Professor Hughes' room is near Princess Laura's room you go slightly right and downwards and there's a door and then there's his room, I stumbled across it by chance on Saturday hope this helps :D to reiterate it is in the outside area of the palace.

Thanks Emily. I have found that I can buy wool in the Puerto district, so have answered my other question. What a fabulous area, I just think I have been everywhere and then find a totally new area, this really is such a huge game
This thread is gonna be so handy once I get the game! Thank goodness for that "search thread" tool though.

And you guys will all be pros by then, so basically...thanks in advance for all the great tips (that don't make any sense to me right now lol)! <3
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Fantasy Life for 3DS

Fantasy Life.jpg

Anyone else playing Fantasy Life? What do you think of it so far? I think it's a great game. I've chosen the Alchemist life to start off with. Gonna stick with that for now before i feel ready to try another life.
So far with the exception of a few plants, insects and honey, I have been hanging onto everything picked up just in case I should need it later on, what do the rest of you do?
Has anybody selected the mercenary life? I'd like to know what it's like :p

I became a mercanary today its fairly similar to paladin tbh but if you are a paladin it is worth while to switch to mercanary and do some of the job quests as they are fairly easy once you get the hang of where most enemies are..

Has anyone been to Al Malaak (however you spell it), I unlocked it a couple of days ago but I've been too busy exploring other areas as the game is massive. I'm really impressed with the amount of area there is tbh.
I'd say that once you get hang on how the monsters attack you and properly mastered the controls on wielding the two-handed swords, Mercenary is worth having it enabled because they input the highest damage out of the 4 hunting jobs and tend to have a lot of health as well. This is especially true when you have a Paladin, Hunter, Wizard, or any NPC with you, since the others can distract the monster while you land some big hits against it. As solo, the job is the least viable out of 4 hunting classes, considering that it takes age to swing two-handed swords and the fact there's very little time when a monster is open for attacks.