Fantasy Life General Thread

I found the bombs to be pretty useless as well. But no where near as useless as things made to cure you if you're stunned, which can't be used while stunned. When exactly are these useful!?
I found the bombs to be pretty useless as well. But no where near as useless as things made to cure you if you're stunned, which can't be used while stunned. When exactly are these useful!?

LOL I know! I used one or two when I was electrified but now it says I cant. I don't know, waste of alchemist resources
The anti-paralysis potions in this game are meant to be used at your friends, if I'm actually right. I've seen some NPCs that can cure paralysis from you at times. But still, I would just retreat myself for a bit just for the effects to wear off and then return to the fight.
So I am having trouble catching the golden swordfish for the hero angler challenge. I just don't have enough sp, and that fish regenerates hp too fast. I get it to about 90% then it keeps flailing and I lose my momentum, so by then I am out of sp. Someone told me to invite people to spam sp potions for me, how does this work? I invite them and they just throw potions at me? I didn't even know that was possible in multiplayer
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Ok, I feel better that everyone else is finding them useless. I guess there needed to be items for crafting, so that's why they were put in the game. But the could have done a better job with this aspect, imho.
LOL I know! I used one or two when I was electrified but now it says I cant. I don't know, waste of alchemist resources

Yeah, I've managed to use one once while stunned and couldn't figure out what I'd done differently and now I just accept it. Alchemy was my first Life choice, and now I only use it for the occasional accessory and if I'm running low on Life/SP cures.

The anti-paralysis potions in this game are meant to be used at your friends, if I'm actually right. I've seen some NPCs that can cure paralysis from you at times. But still, I would just retreat myself for a bit just for the effects to wear off and then return to the fight.

S: Well that may have been useful if I'd ever played the game with a friend. And judging how few items there are in the game that are only useful with others, I would have expected more use out of these. Retreating for a few seconds does seem the easier case .
S: Well that may have been useful if I'd ever played the game with a friend. And judging how few items there are in the game that are only useful with others, I would have expected more use out of these. Retreating for a few seconds does seem the easier case .

Yup, relying on friends in battle is not my preferred m.o. either. lol Though it's nice to have the option, I want to know how to fend for myself.

Man, this game is deeeeeep! It truly holds a mirror up so you can see your inner self... XD
So I am having trouble catching the golden swordfish for the hero angler challenge. I just don't have enough sp, and that fish regenerates hp too fast. I get it to about 90% then it keeps flailing and I lose my momentum, so by then I am out of sp. Someone told me to invite people to spam sp potions for me, how does this work? I invite them and they just throw potions at me? I didn't even know that was possible in multiplayer

what are your stats like? I caught that even before i got the challenge but I had 100 focus and the rest are in int.. it was a bit of a struggle but not to the point where I lose sp.
Someone told me to invite people to spam sp potions for me, how does this work? I invite them and they just throw potions at me? I didn't even know that was possible in multiplayer

They might have been referring to items which affects the party's stats. So, basically, yes, they keep using the items and thus restoring your sP.
Yup, relying on friends in battle is not my preferred m.o. either. lol Though it's nice to have the option, I want to know how to fend for myself.

Man, this game is deeeeeep! It truly holds a mirror up so you can see your inner self... XD

Haha! Don't say that, I'm still determined to work in chemistry, and I can't fall back and become a wizard if that turns out to be crap too. xD
what are your stats like? I caught that even before i got the challenge but I had 100 focus and the rest are in int.. it was a bit of a struggle but not to the point where I lose sp.

Focus is only 50. I just finished main story so I think I can max out at 100 now right?
Oh yeah, i have the dlc. Just started the origin island story

Lunares coins i have ben hearing about start after you finish the origin island quests? It also really sucks when you reach a certain level in a life and have no more quests and have to go hunting for npcs for challenges
Oh yeah, i have the dlc. Just started the origin island story

Lunares coins i have ben hearing about start after you finish the origin island quests? It also really sucks when you reach a certain level in a life and have no more quests and have to go hunting for npcs for challenges

Lunares coins "start" after you've finished the Origin Island story. Go to your room, and I think Pam will contact you about them.
Haha! Don't say that, I'm still determined to work in chemistry, and I can't fall back and become a wizard if that turns out to be crap too. xD

oops! lol...ok, well sure you can! Be a wizard, be a wizard! XD (Seriously, how awesome would that be?!)

- - - Post Merge - - -

OK, another couple of questions for the experts:

1. I can't find an answer to this anywhere. Is there a reason to buy the prepared food dishes from the shops?

(I think it's supposed to raise your stat if you eat a particular food, but is that permanent or just for a short while?)

2. When you look at your stats, and lets say it says Focus 20 (+3), what does +3 mean? I get the 20, because that's where I allocated my points, but the +3 is...what exactly?

Thanks for all the help guys! :D
(I think it's supposed to raise your stat if you eat a particular food, but is that permanent or just for a short while?)

For a short while. I've never timed it, though. I never found them very useful, but then most of the time I was being a Paladin, smashing the buttons on my 3DS and going "arghdiealreadyokaythanks!" ;)

When you look at your stats, and lets say it says Focus 20 (+3), what does +3 mean? I get the 20, because that's where I allocated my points, but the +3 is...what exactly?

Not sure what Life you're currently in, but I think that might refer to your Life Bonus Stats? You get Bonus Stats depending on the Life Class you're in. And also the outfit you're wearing but I can't remember if that shows up as "+X" or not. Been too long since I played this game. ;(
For a short while. I've never timed it, though. I never found them very useful, but then most of the time I was being a Paladin, smashing the buttons on my 3DS and going "arghdiealreadyokaythanks!" ;)

Haha, pretty much what I do too, as a magician...then I spend the rest of the time dodging and running away to "catch my breath" and heal my team, before jumping back in for more of the same.

I finally thought it would be nice to figure out what little details I've missed that could have been helping me. Like the food. Or the bonus items you can add to recipes to make better weapons, etc. I still haven't figured out if any of that is worth the effort either.

Seems like there are a lot of things you can do and make in the game, that really aren't worth the effort (unless you do them just for the sake of experiencing that aspect of the game.)
Haha, pretty much what I do too, as a magician...then I spend the rest of the time dodging and running away to "catch my breath" and heal my team, before jumping back in for more of the same.

I finally thought it would be nice to figure out what little details I've missed that could have been helping me. Like the food. Or the bonus items you can add to recipes to make better weapons, etc. I still haven't figured out if any of that is worth the effort either.

Seems like there are a lot of things you can do and make in the game, that really aren't worth the effort (unless you do them just for the sake of experiencing that aspect of the game.)

I used the focus foods to help me catch certain fish when I wasn't level enough to get them on my own. The buff from the food seems to last like 10 seconds sometimes, so I don't see it as worth doing that constantly. Maybe it's just me or I haven't advanced far enough in the game to understand the benefits lol

The +x to your stats is a stat bonus from either your life level (hero, creator, etc) or God items like helms and armors. I Have seen some armors or charms that have been created by others on my facebook group that give you some sick bonuses.
The +x to your stats is a stat bonus from either your life level (hero, creator, etc) or God items like helms and armors. I Have seen some armors or charms that have been created by others on my facebook group that give you some sick bonuses.

So the bonus is only there as long as you're on that life or have the item? So if it says Focus 20 (+3), your focus is actually 23 in that moment?

In that case, when you eat a food, does it change that +... number? I only tried eating something cheap like an egg I think, and it didn't change anything in my stats. Maybe I should try a more expensive dish. I haven't lived as a cook yet so IDK about food you can make yourself.
So the bonus is only there as long as you're on that life or have the item? So if it says Focus 20 (+3), your focus is actually 23 in that moment?

In that case, when you eat a food, does it change that +... number? I only tried eating something cheap like an egg I think, and it didn't change anything in my stats. Maybe I should try a more expensive dish. I haven't lived as a cook yet so IDK about food you can make yourself.

That's the thing.... I ate a dish and it didn't raise my stats either but there was an icon above my name that shows a upwards arrow... I am assuming that is because it worked but it doesn't show up lol