Fantasy Life General Thread

2. When you look at your stats, and lets say it says Focus 20 (+3), what does +3 mean? I get the 20, because that's where I allocated my points, but the +3 is...what exactly?

That's just your Bonuses. Your base stat (20) is determined by your regular stats, while your "bonuses" are determined by anything you have which would improve those stats - ie: Wearing a hood with Intelligence +1 would give you [20 (+1)] Intelligence, not [21]. (Although functionally, it's the same - it's just a different way of looking at things)

The Life you're currently in gives you a small bonus to a few stats, and often equipment that you wear provides a small bonus to stats as well.

And yeah, that bonus will stay so long as you're part of that Life or have that Item. You can see the bonuses each Life provides in your "Licences" menu - and likewise, pressing [X] on a piece of equipment will reveal what bonuses it grants.
I've finished the game, and don't have the DLC so what do I do now?

By "finished", do you mean completing the entire main story? If that's so, this isn't where the real meat of the game is. Completing every Star Quest from every Life and get all of the achievements that will grant you Bliss points are what you might need to do in order to complete the game.

If you loved the game and want some more, get the DLC.
I've finished the game, and don't have the DLC so what do I do now?

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I have always wanted an excuse to make that meme lol

No but seriously, the main story may be over but the fun lies in the lives themselves. There are just so many lives to tackle and things to make and do! I recommend the dlc just because it gives even more purpose to craft and kill monsters for the lunares coins.
That's just your Bonuses. Your base stat (20) is determined by your regular stats, while your "bonuses" are determined by anything you have which would improve those stats - ie: Wearing a hood with Intelligence +1 would give you [20 (+1)] Intelligence, not [21]. (Although functionally, it's the same - it's just a different way of looking at things)

The Life you're currently in gives you a small bonus to a few stats, and often equipment that you wear provides a small bonus to stats as well.

And yeah, that bonus will stay so long as you're part of that Life or have that Item. You can see the bonuses each Life provides in your "Licences" menu - and likewise, pressing [X] on a piece of equipment will reveal what bonuses it grants.

I see, that's as I suspected. I wish the game itself would have explained this a bit, especially since it may be somebody's (well, mine actually lol) first RPG game. Thank you for explaining. :)

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Haha, this is great! And I will, I will! (Try to anyway...) :D
There is a facebook group also called Fantasy Life 3ds... It is a lot more active then this thread fortunately. I wish I would have been around this thread when the game came out, it seemed like it was sooooo busy and active lol
Yeah this thread was really active until the first few days of february.. then it gradually got less active. I'm on that group as well but I used to go on here more before :)
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Same here. The hype pretty much significantly slowed down after 2 months. There were a lot of us who were eagerly waiting for Fantasy Life to arrive outside of Japan. It was also the reason why I neglected my Multiplayer Thread and the first page of my General Thread for quite some time. I think the activity also ironically slowed down in mid-December and then picked back up at January. Part of the inactivity is due on how difficult is to find a physical copy of Fantasy Life and that eShop is forcing you to perform a search before you can finally download it. At one point, everyone's favorite administrator Justin was about to blog his gameplay but then he procrastinated and eventually decided to scrap the plan altogether.

Even I eventually stopped to play like before December? It's mainly attributed to that the tasks are mostly about fetch quests and craft whatever item they ask for. For a game like this, I've definitely spent enough hours to fully enjoy the game, even though I only put around 130 hours on both American and Japanese version. It's not a bad game by any means, but boy does it becomes boring after doing the same thing for the 100th time! I wouldn't be surprised if The Completionist gets to play this game and rate it "Play it" or "Finish it" if he's generous enough.
Mmm, yeah, I played obsessively for a while (over hundred hours), but then just got burnt out on the game. I mean, I find the Crafting Classes repetitive and boring, so they're just no fun for me. x_x I feel like I've done everything I wanted to do in the game and I can't bring myself to play it again. I guess part of it is that you can't really interact with NPC's, unlike New Leaf where you can become friends with your villagers and such. And I know no one IRL that plays as well, so I can't even talk about the game with anyone. Well, I did talk about it with a co-worker but he's the type who plays GTA and Destiny and stuff, so those conversations were... interesting, to say the least. ^_^'
Also, what's the best mercenary armour? I've got the Beastly set at the moment but I was wondering if there's any better than that
Oh wow! A day after I said I got bored of Fantasy Life, Level-5 is apparently going to make an announcement of Fantasy Life 2.

It's going to take place in Tokyo Dome City Hall from 5:00 to 6:30 EDT on April 7th this year, along with other games such as the seventh installment of Professor Layton and Yo-kai Watch 3.

I'm going to make changes to this thread's first post soon to include the sequel of Fantasy Life.

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Oh wow! A day after I said I got bored of Fantasy Life, Level-5 is apparently going to make an announcement of Fantasy Life 2.

It's going to take place in Tokyo Dome City Hall from 5:00 to 6:30 EDT on April 7th this year, along with other games such as the seventh installment of Professor Layton and Yo-kai Watch 3.

I'm going to make changes to this thread's first post soon to include the sequel of Fantasy Life.


I'm not ready! D:

I wonder if it'll be a new land and characters or use the same ones? I can see it being a series like Harvest Moon, where they sometimes revisit lands, and sometimes create a whole new land.
Oh wow! A day after I said I got bored of Fantasy Life, Level-5 is apparently going to make an announcement of Fantasy Life 2.

It's going to take place in Tokyo Dome City Hall from 5:00 to 6:30 EDT on April 7th this year, along with other games such as the seventh installment of Professor Layton and Yo-kai Watch 3.

I'm going to make changes to this thread's first post soon to include the sequel of Fantasy Life.


Hope it doesn't take two years to translate :\
(Also hope its not new 3ds exclusive @_@).
Oh wow! A day after I said I got bored of Fantasy Life, Level-5 is apparently going to make an announcement of Fantasy Life 2.

It's going to take place in Tokyo Dome City Hall from 5:00 to 6:30 EDT on April 7th this year, along with other games such as the seventh installment of Professor Layton and Yo-kai Watch 3.

I'm going to make changes to this thread's first post soon to include the sequel of Fantasy Life.


Randomly looked in on this thread after not playing for ages, so excited to see this :).
Yeah they announced in an interview that they are planning to make a series franchise out of fantasy life, such as animal crossing, etc. the article even said maybe they will move to consoles as well. It is very exciting
Well, I went to search for the sales numbers for Fantasy Life and to my surprise, it sold around 0.85 millions of copies worldwide according to VGChartz. And that doesn't even include digital downloads, in which could have upped the sales to a million. The highest sales number is from Japan, which has sold over 373,000 copies, which America sold 201,000+ and Europe sold around 212,000 copies.

I'm fairly certain that the sequel will be likely released in Japan first, but probably not as long as the wait for the first iteration to arrive, considering they sold a decent amount of copies overseas. They won't be likely doing a "simultaneous worldwide release" like Nintendo could easily do with games from their biggest franchises.
I kind of found RPG games intimidating before FL, so I never really tried them. So it has opened up a whole new genre to me, in a way. I think they could really profit from extending this series.

But also, as always, their advertising sucks. Only people into gaming ever know about cool games like this, based on word of mouth. That's how I learned about it. I wish they'd do better marketing.

Also, I can see how their best market used to be Japan, but honestly, hasn't the world market changed? Again, it might just be a marketing thing. I just don't get why they operate the way they do, where they wait til Japan loves something, then that hypes everyone else, then we wait and wait and wait, and sometimes forget all about a game, and then they finally get it over to us.

How is that good for business? :confused:
I kind of found RPG games intimidating before FL, so I never really tried them. So it has opened up a whole new genre to me, in a way. I think they could really profit from extending this series.

But also, as always, their advertising sucks. Only people into gaming ever know about cool games like this, based on word of mouth. That's how I learned about it. I wish they'd do better marketing.

Also, I can see how their best market used to be Japan, but honestly, hasn't the world market changed? Again, it might just be a marketing thing. I just don't get why they operate the way they do, where they wait til Japan loves something, then that hypes everyone else, then we wait and wait and wait, and sometimes forget all about a game, and then they finally get it over to us.

How is that good for business? :confused:

I don't think it is, but then again I am no business expert. There has to be strategy to marketing somehow, although it doesn't seem like it a lot of the time lol

I have heard about leveling up your characters stats with candies... What are the candies? I assume this is in the cooking life?
I don't think it is, but then again I am no business expert. There has to be strategy to marketing somehow, although it doesn't seem like it a lot of the time lol

I have heard about leveling up your characters stats with candies... What are the candies? I assume this is in the cooking life?

half of them are from cooking half are from alchemy.. you make them with annoying to get ingredients. But you can eat up a total of 100 candies so that's 100 extra bonus stats