Fantasy Life General Thread

I haven't played this in ages... I only just finished the quest thingy for my first life.... imma binge play it noaw..
I can't play this game anymore, I just can't push myself to do it. I'm at the beginning of chapter 3 and I am so bored...
I made Creator Wizard. Im an Hero Paladian. Master Angler,Woodcutter,and Miner. Enjoying this game even more.
I finally decided to get the DLC a couple weeks ago, and I'm glad I did. I was starting to get bored of the game, but now I'm addicted again.
I finally decided to get the DLC a couple weeks ago, and I'm glad I did. I was starting to get bored of the game, but now I'm addicted again.

I agree, the DLC is pretty good. I thought it might not be worth it, but it does add quite a bit of new content.

One thing I'm not enjoying right now though, is that I put off being a paladin and mercenary until now. I've mastered all the other lives, and even got creator on a few, but just started on paladin. I'm SO glad I chose wizard as my first and main life. If I had chosen paladin, mercenary or hunter instead, I would have NEVER gotten anywhere with the harder monsters. Not even the super hard monsters, but the kinda hard ones. Being a wizard is actually pretty fun, but these others are just plain WORK!
One thing I'm not enjoying right now though, is that I put off being a paladin and mercenary until now. I've mastered all the other lives, and even got creator on a few, but just started on paladin. I'm SO glad I chose wizard as my first and main life. If I had chosen paladin, mercenary or hunter instead, I would have NEVER gotten anywhere with the harder monsters. Not even the super hard monsters, but the kinda hard ones. Being a wizard is actually pretty fun, but these others are just plain WORK!

And that's why there are four different combat options. Each person has their own preferred playstyle, and the four combat classes represent that. Personally, I much prefer playing as a Hunter than I do any of the other classes - the non-Dagger Melee weapons are a bit too slow for my liking, and Magician just seems to be far too heavy on the SP usage, as well as being a little awkward to manage in general.

To each their own - and that's why there's four options there! ;D Play the one you enjoy.
What the heck is this game a rip off of harvest moon?

uh no not really, id probably say this is better than harvest moon no matter how much i love the series. this is more about adventure and fighting and quests rather than farming
IS this game good? I'm thinking about buying. c:

The game is quite fun. It's highly recommended.
Check out some LP's on youtube if you're unsure.

(also, you're asking a pinned thread dedicated to the game with 330 pages. the answers /will/ be biased)
IS this game good? I'm thinking about buying. c:

I was really skeptical about purchasing this game for a long while before actually going ahead and buying it, but I very much don't regret the decision. Although, it depends how much you want a MSORPG (Massively Singleplayer Offline RPG) or not. ;D Because that's what the game feels like - an MMO with less of a focus on being online, although there IS online play with friends if you want to do that. And plus, with the fact that it IS mostly offline-based, the gameplay itself can actually feel a lot nicer because of that, with combat which actually feels nice and responsive - with enemies which react to being hit and instant hit detection. (Things I've never seen an MMO do.) It's pretty great! ;D Plus, you're not restricted to any sort of class-based system like in most RPGs, you're able to switch your Lives (classes) whenever you want. (Mostly.) -- So you could switch to Alchemist, cook up a bunch of potions, then switch to Paladin and go for a dungeon delve or something ;D

"It's like an MMO except YOU are all the players."
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IS this game good? I'm thinking about buying. c:

Honestly, I am not an RPG fan at all. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But, it hooked me in immediately. I fi sines the whole main story in less than 4 days.. Haha, getting DLC soon!
I'm considering buying this game but I have some questions and figured this would be the right place to ask.

I'm not a big RPG fan or a fan of settings like the one this game as, but it looks really fun and I've read that it's great even for people who wouldn't normally consider it. Do any people who were in the same situation have any experiences they could share? Is it something you ended up loving and were surprised? My biggest reservation is the genre. I've been watching a Let's Play and it seems like a lot of fun, though.

I've read that there are a few recommended orders in which to go through Lives. For example, I've seen people recommend that you start as a gatherer Life and then add other Lives to that and people say you should start as a fighting life to not worry about monsters but also do the tasks for other Lives. Is it easy to switch Lives and how early in the game? After I start out as a certain Life, how long would it take to be able to do tasks for the others? Or is it just instant?

Should I get the DLC immediately? I've heard mixed opinions on getting it right away so I'm not sure, I'd rather see how much I like the game before I pay more for it, but I'd like to be able to play with other people and have a bird pet.
I'm considering buying this game but I have some questions and figured this would be the right place to ask.

I'm not a big RPG fan or a fan of settings like the one this game as, but it looks really fun and I've read that it's great even for people who wouldn't normally consider it. Do any people who were in the same situation have any experiences they could share? Is it something you ended up loving and were surprised? My biggest reservation is the genre. I've been watching a Let's Play and it seems like a lot of fun, though.

I've read that there are a few recommended orders in which to go through Lives. For example, I've seen people recommend that you start as a gatherer Life and then add other Lives to that and people say you should start as a fighting life to not worry about monsters but also do the tasks for other Lives. Is it easy to switch Lives and how early in the game? After I start out as a certain Life, how long would it take to be able to do tasks for the others? Or is it just instant?

Should I get the DLC immediately? I've heard mixed opinions on getting it right away so I'm not sure, I'd rather see how much I like the game before I pay more for it, but I'd like to be able to play with other people and have a bird pet.

I can give my opinion on the last 2. As for the first, I'm not a fighting game sort of person, if that's what you mean. But this game is cute, and it's a fairly simple system, once you figure it out, so I like fighting the monsters in it. They're usually not tough, if you have the right skill level, weapon, or fighting partner(s).

As for life order, I like what I did so I'll recommend that. It's easy to switch lives, and you can do it whenever you like and in whatever order you like, etc. But I started out as a magician. As a magician you get the ability to heal yourself and your party, as one of the magical things you can do. That came in VERY handy for me. Also, I just really liked battling with magic skills. :p

I still gathered everything in sight as I walked by it. Or when the monsters you kill drop items. Just keep everything. Eventually when I switched to the other lives that required items for making things, I had a lot of the items I needed. After magician, I would try in no particular order, the following: miner, woodcutter, and angler. I'd just get the skills/abilities for them as fast as possible then switch over. Because those 3 are part of the gathering of supplies, by mining ores, cutting trees for logs, and fishing.

Then once I had gotten pretty far in the others, I switched to the Artisan classes (carpenter, blacksmith, tailor, cook, alchemist), and last I did the other fighting ones, just for the sake of completing...although I still prefer to take out my wand and fight as a magician when something big is going down.

As for the DLC, I got it early on, and it just sat there. I didn't roll around to it until I was over 100 hours in. But I play really slowly and took my time moving to new places on the map as I unlocked them. It really depends on your pace. Also, I prefer playing solo, so that wasn't an issue.

I may be wrong, but you can still play with others if you don't get the DLC. But they have to also not have the DLC, or at least not have it activated...or something. Sorry, IDK I'm no help there. But I suggest you play the game for at least a bit, to see if you like it before spending extra.

Good luck, and I hope you have a lot of fun if you decide to get it! I love it, personally. :)
I can give my opinion on the last 2. As for the first, I'm not a fighting game sort of person, if that's what you mean. But this game is cute, and it's a fairly simple system, once you figure it out, so I like fighting the monsters in it. They're usually not tough, if you have the right skill level, weapon, or fighting partner(s).

Thank you so much for replying! I don't mind the fighting aspect, it's more the fact that it's a RPG that has those "typical" fantasy RPG elements like being able to be a paladin, a magician, etc. and that it seems kind of simple? I'm more concerned that it'll be repetitive and that tasks you get within each life aren't very diverse (I've heard that within a certain life you end up running errands that are pretty similar), but I don't really know.

That seems like a really good path to me, and I really like all the different Lives you can have. Can you change them even in the beginning? I've read somewhere (in one of the many reviews I found, probably) that there are points when you're not allowed to change because of the story but I don't know if that's true or if there are obstacles to changing lives like paying the game's currency or something.

Thanks for the opinions on the DLC, too! I probably won't play online as much as I think I will and it seems like there are no big benefits to getting it so early otherwise, so I might wait. :D
Thank you so much for replying! I don't mind the fighting aspect, it's more the fact that it's a RPG that has those "typical" fantasy RPG elements like being able to be a paladin, a magician, etc. and that it seems kind of simple? I'm more concerned that it'll be repetitive and that tasks you get within each life aren't very diverse (I've heard that within a certain life you end up running errands that are pretty similar), but I don't really know.

That seems like a really good path to me, and I really like all the different Lives you can have. Can you change them even in the beginning? I've read somewhere (in one of the many reviews I found, probably) that there are points when you're not allowed to change because of the story but I don't know if that's true or if there are obstacles to changing lives like paying the game's currency or something.

Well, there are points when you are on your own, to do your life, or switch those points you can do whatever you want. But there's also the story, which forces you to follow along for,TBH, very long periods of time sometimes...depending on how fast you go through the dialogue and tasks it asks you to do. You kind of get to start those episodes of story though, so you can change your life, then trigger the story, but in it you can't change lives. You really won't need to though, since it makes you follow its own agenda at those times anyway.

I guess a lot of the game is repetitive tasks as well. So if you're concerned with that, it's pretty valid. I may have a higher tolerance for that, since it took me a long time to get tired of that aspect. But the repetitiveness and the long and chatty story scenes are my only 2 complaints about the game. I've put in about 150+ hours so far, and still like the game a I guess they didn't get in the way of my enjoyment.