Fantasy Life General Thread

Getting back into this game now as I never did get around to writing my review before! It's pretty sad how little I did get into the game before but I'm enjoying it quite a lot now. Crazy impressed with how many pages this thread has gotten.

We just love the fantasy life :)
I need help yoooo~~ gimme dem celestial leaf lemme craft mah Joyeuse I killed that Levitanian owl for a mana <//3
the Fantasy Life isnt always about living the fantasy <///3
Getting back into this game now as I never did get around to writing my review before! It's pretty sad how little I did get into the game before but I'm enjoying it quite a lot now. Crazy impressed with how many pages this thread has gotten.
Right? I was just thinking the same thing. We were only in the 100+ pages last time I was around, and now the thread is well-over 300+ pages! Insane.

I still have yet to jump into the DLC pack despite clearing the main storyline back in November. Hopefully I can hop back in after finals, next month. And supposedly Fantasy Life 2 was briefly announced for Japan a couple weeks ago? Fingers crossed for localization :)
Getting back into this game now as I never did get around to writing my review before! It's pretty sad how little I did get into the game before but I'm enjoying it quite a lot now. Crazy impressed with how many pages this thread has gotten.

Wow. Ok.

Just as I was starting to enjoy it again, my game crashed after playing online for like 4 hours and I lost everything as you can't save online. Screw this.
Wow. Ok.

Just as I was starting to enjoy it again, my game crashed after playing online for like 4 hours and I lost everything as you can't save online. Screw this.

I never seen my game crashing on both of my New 3DS XL and my Japanese New 3DS during the 130+ hours I spent in total. I think that it has to do with your 3DS itself if my experience with the buggy Ice White 3DS meant anything. The game could be also glitchy in its nature when it comes to crashing.

I think that you can trigger the game to save while online if you drop or pick up something from the red box from Castele's Guild Office.
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I never seen my game crashing on both of my New 3DS XL and my Japanese New 3DS during the 130+ hours I spent in total. I think that it has to do with your 3DS itself if my experience with the buggy Ice White 3DS meant anything.

I think that you can trigger the game to save while online if you drop or pick up something from the red box from Castele's Guild Office.

I dunno, I think I just got really unlucky, I've never had games crash on my 3DS before. I didn't even know they had a dialog made for it.
Wow. Ok.

Just as I was starting to enjoy it again, my game crashed after playing online for like 4 hours and I lost everything as you can't save online. Screw this.

I played online with someone and it crashed, but the achievements they earned were all saved :s

We cleared through some dungeons and bosses too :O
I played online with someone and it crashed, but the achievements they earned were all saved :s

We cleared through some dungeons and bosses too :O

Yeah, Tina's were all saved. But mine weren't! :(
I got Fantasy Life and played it for a while, but it just seemed to me like getting all of the skills up and everything was just a lot of grinding and so I didn't want to keep playing. It was just taking up too much time to get my levels up and defeat enemies and complete quests. Any tips or things I should know about the game?
I got Fantasy Life and played it for a while, but it just seemed to me like getting all of the skills up and everything was just a lot of grinding and so I didn't want to keep playing. It was just taking up too much time to get my levels up and defeat enemies and complete quests. Any tips or things I should know about the game?

I posted about a certain outfit a page earlier in this thread.
If you'd like to cheat a little just to get exp faster while sacrificing some of your stats, there's the Prince Outfit that has everything to make you gain much more exp. Just enter "Not charming" (US/CAN) or "Princely threads" (UK/AUS) as the password and you get that entire set. If you're not crafting anything at all while leveling up, you can omit Prince Crown, as that's what it only does.
I got Fantasy Life and played it for a while, but it just seemed to me like getting all of the skills up and everything was just a lot of grinding and so I didn't want to keep playing. It was just taking up too much time to get my levels up and defeat enemies and complete quests. Any tips or things I should know about the game?

I feel like grinding is, in a way, the point of a game like this. Maybe I'm wrong, and other people play for different reasons. But to me, after grinding for something, there's a satisfaction of getting feel like you earned it. I get that that's not necessarily fun for some people, but IDK, I don't see the point of a game where everything is easy and you beat the game in a matter of a few hours.

On the other hand, the storyline is also a big part of this game...and, as many people have complained already, its downfall. The story is alright, the characters are cute enough, but JEEEEEEZ they are so chatty. Seriously, they really draw it out. Each chapter does NOT need to be so long. I didn't skip anything because I'm pretty meticulous...but, UGH. That's my one and only complaint about the game.
Does anyone want to craft me a good wand? I have a bad wand atm :p

Do you have the DLC? If yes I may be able to craft you something. I wouldn't know what your definition of a good wand is but if you can look for a wand recipe that you like, and that you are able to equip, do let me know :)
Does anyone want to craft me a good wand? I have a bad wand atm :p

I'd be happy to, I'm a Hero Carpenter and I have to make a Bat Wing Staff, which I recently got the materials for
I'd sell it if you dont want it, I have no need for it nor the money for it anyways
Recently began playing through the game some more. I'm going to start out with becoming a Mercenary and Paladin or Hunter and then probably try to complete the story in the game.
Recently bought a digital copy of this game(totally bought it the day before my b-day), and I don't think this game has any right to be as addicting as it is. Story may be rather dull at times, thus far, but.. Butterfly is hilarious(I think I already knew who Butterfly was when she was first introduced, but I'll let the story tell me when its good and ready to do so).

Also, I want my dragon pet! No.. I NEED my dragon pet. Somebody give me a dragon!!
Need one more thing for someone to craft me since I can't. If anyone could make me some awesome armour for magicians I'd love it. Idk what to offer though
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Thinking about trying this game again after I beat Fire Emblem. Should hold me over until Etrian Mystery Dungeon at least.
I've been complaining about the story being too chatty, and while I'm sticking to that, I also like that they try to include a few more meaningful topics in the story. I can't really give examples without spoilers (so I'll put them in a spoiler box), but just saying, there are some pretty decent themes discussed, and for a video game, they should get some credit for attempting that.

The idea of friendship, and being open to it, as well as bringing people from different lands together.
That everyone has the potential for good and evil (like the pirates or the sultan from Al Maajik).
Also the power of wishes and everyone having secret desires in their hearts.
And in the Ancient Tower trials, where the stone that says there are 3's pretty deep man lol)