Fantasy Life General Thread

Thank you so much for replying! I don't mind the fighting aspect, it's more the fact that it's a RPG that has those "typical" fantasy RPG elements like being able to be a paladin, a magician, etc. and that it seems kind of simple? I'm more concerned that it'll be repetitive and that tasks you get within each life aren't very diverse (I've heard that within a certain life you end up running errands that are pretty similar), but I don't really know.

That seems like a really good path to me, and I really like all the different Lives you can have. Can you change them even in the beginning? I've read somewhere (in one of the many reviews I found, probably) that there are points when you're not allowed to change because of the story but I don't know if that's true or if there are obstacles to changing lives like paying the game's currency or something.

Thanks for the opinions on the DLC, too! I probably won't play online as much as I think I will and it seems like there are no big benefits to getting it so early otherwise, so I might wait. :D

[@Paragraph 1] While the game DOES have simple mechanics, it also has a lot more depth because of that - if that makes sense. I call it the Rogue Legacy syndrome, after the game I first noticed it in - because your battle options are a little limited, you end up using your somewhat limited options in really interesting ways, and you know EXACTLY when your attacks will hit, and what they will do. You end up getting a lot MORE control out of having a lot less controls, in a sense. -- And in response to the tasks you get.. I can see where they're coming from, to be fair. Some of the tasks you get can be pretty generic, in a "kill 5 rats" kinda way - my advice being to just pick the combat class you like and have that active when you go exploring, and the "kill 5 rats"-like quests should just solve themselves.

[@Paragraph 2] You can change your Life as soon as you finish the first story chapter, I believe. Which is about ~30 minutes in? And at that point, you can switch out your Lives whenever you wish. Although do note that whenever you're in a story mission or in online multiplayer, you are unable to switch. Although if you're playing online, you could always just switch to singleplayer, switch Lives, then switch back to multiplayer - it's awkward, but it works. Although, if you ARE in a story mission.. you're probably not going to care about switching Lives during them anyway. They focus mainly on funny dialogue. -- As for "obstacles" to changing Lives.. there aren't any. Changing Lives is free, and you can do it whenever you're in a Guild Hall. Plus, if you're somewhere lost, you're able to teleport to Castele's Guild Hall from wherever you are, too.

And as for the DLC.. I'd say wait until you've reached Level 50, or close. Half the DLC content is locked behind the Level 50 gate anyway, so unless you're wanting to play multiplayer online with those who have the DLC activated on their save file (or you want the admittedly rather cool new character customization options), you're better off just waiting on the DLC.
So, Level-5 has just dropped more details about Fantasy Life 2: Two Moons And The Village of God. First, the only new feature in the game is about building the city and collecting villagers. It will also reuse the locations and characters from the 3DS installment. The game will be released in Japan this summer on iPhone and Android devices. inb4ragestorm

So, Level-5 has just dropped more details about Fantasy Life 2: Two Moons And The Village of God. First, the only new feature in the game is about building the city and collecting villagers. It will also reuse the locations and characters from the 3DS installment. The game will be released in Japan this summer on iPhone and Android devices. inb4ragestorm


Yeah, I literally just made a post about this on my site. Pretty disappointing IMO. Not just that it's on mobile, but just in general it seems like massive wasted potential for a sequel. I mean come on the game is practically screaming for one of those perfect "more of everything" sequels. New lives, new lands, etc...
Oh. That's.. huh. I was kinda excited for a sequel, hoping it'd flesh out the interesting mechanics from this game, but finding out it's gonna be essentially a facebook game? Yeah, I don't think I'll be trying this one out.
Apparently, Layton 7 also went to the mobile route that doesn't have the same gameplay as the earlier main Professor Layton titles.

Considering that Level-5 is a Japanese company, I'm not that surprised seeing them taking this route as well because there's way more people in Japan owning either an iPhone or Android. That's not necessarily a bad thing, because both Layton and Fantasy Life would gain more newcomers that way, but at the same time the software will be difficult to find within a myriad of apps if the game isn't advertised enough.
I've totally lost interest in this game since I finished the main storyline and I'm still far away from level 50... Oh well getting Smash Bros (both versions), and 2 different Harvest Moons hasn't helped... Lol. I might pick this up again once the excitement of my other games wear off. I really need to make use of the DLC that I paid for in Fantasy Life.
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Apparently, Layton 7 also went to the mobile route that doesn't have the same gameplay as the earlier main Professor Layton titles.

Considering that Level-5 is a Japanese company, I'm not that surprised seeing them taking this route as well because there's way more people in Japan owning either an iPhone or Android. That's not necessarily a bad thing, because both Layton and Fantasy Life would gain more newcomers that way, but at the same time the software will be difficult to find within a myriad of apps if the game isn't advertised enough.

Layton was one of my favorite games from the DS era, shame level 5 decided to move both fantasy life and Layton to mobile :\ micro transactions....everywhere @_@

I'm super disappointed and won't be playing either. Hopefully a true fantasy life sequel is in the works. Despite the excessive amounts of text, it's a great game and deserves a sequel.

(On an unrelated note, the siliconera site on mobile is awful!)
helpful reply

Thank you so much for explaining. Yeah, I don't think that not being able to switch lives is going to be a problem during the story sequences, it's just that since I've read that it's a good idea to get your license for gathering lives so you can add up to the tasks while exploring as your other lives, I wasn't sure if it was something I'd have to wait to do.

I don't have as much tolerance for repetitive tasks, how repetitive would you say they are? I'm fine with stuff like grinding in Pok?mon or running errands on ACNL, but a lot more than that is probably too much for me. xD

- - - Post Merge - - -

I think I get what you're saying. I'm mostly concerned because I've heard that some lives are very similar (like the crafting classes, as opposed to lives that end up using different methods like paladin vs. wizard) so I'm sort of worried that I won't feel very motivated to explore some of them more. I've considered that after playing my main character, I could create another one that has the lives I didn't explore as much as their focus lives but I don't know if that's a good idea. I used to play MMORPGs years ago and one of the reasons why I got bored was the amount of quests that were just "kill X of this monster" with just some comestic changes but not much in terms of tangible rewards or things to do. I don't mind repetitive tasks in games if they're more like grinding in Pok?mon or daily errands in ACNL. As boring as those can be, they feel like they lead to more tangible results and those games let you do stuff if you need to take a break from those tasks. Would you say that it's like that?

Thanks for your replies about changing lives and the DLC! Are there more or fewer people who play online and have the DLC? I might want until a later stage to get it, though.
Yeah, I don't think that not being able to switch lives is going to be a problem during the story sequences, it's just that since I've read that it's a good idea to get your license for gathering lives so you can add up to the tasks while exploring as your other lives, I wasn't sure if it was something I'd have to wait to do.

For switching Lives.. to be fair, I've never really felt the need to specifically go into most of the Gathering lives - you get more than enough ore/wood from gathering them normally, and if not - there are always merchants. By the time you end up finding the trees/ore veins which are tough enough that you'd NEED to be in a specific Life to have a chance at harvesting it.. you'd have already finished the main story. Although, not sure how this applies to fishing, as I only barely dipped into fishing!

I think I get what you're saying. I'm mostly concerned because I've heard that some lives are very similar (like the crafting classes, as opposed to lives that end up using different methods like paladin vs. wizard) so I'm sort of worried that I won't feel very motivated to explore some of them more. I've considered that after playing my main character, I could create another one that has the lives I didn't explore as much as their focus lives but I don't know if that's a good idea.

My advice? Keep to one character. There's nothing stopping you from doing EVERY Life as one character, and when you get to the endgame, the 30,000 Dosh cost to reset your skill points is pocket change, ESPECIALLY if you go into the crafting Lives. Plus, if you stick to the one character, you'll be able to use any bonuses you gained as that character to boost your way through the less interesting lives faster. And yeah, the crafting classes ARE quite similar.

Do note that you're NOT expected to do every Life, but it IS possible. Don't feel pressured that you have to do everything! ;D

I used to play MMORPGs years ago and one of the reasons why I got bored was the amount of quests that were just "kill X of this monster" with just some comestic changes but not much in terms of tangible rewards or things to do. I don't mind repetitive tasks in games if they're more like grinding in Pok?mon or daily errands in ACNL. As boring as those can be, they feel like they lead to more tangible results and those games let you do stuff if you need to take a break from those tasks. Would you say that it's like that?

Thanks for your replies about changing lives and the DLC! Are there more or fewer people who play online and have the DLC? I might want until a later stage to get it, though.

As someone who actually HATES MMORPGs for how grindy it is.. I'm pleased to say that this game never felt all that grindy at all, and whatever grinding I did was entirely by choice. (In fact, my grind tolerance is so low that I can't even get into the Pok?mon series, a series I know has quite little grind. It just bores me too much!) There are no "random encounters" or things like that to get in the way of gameplay - all combat flows nicely into the main game. While the tasks ARE of the "kill 5 rats" variety, and the rewards aren't ALWAYS useful (yay, 200 Dosh and a pair of boots I learned how to craft at Apprentice Tailor...) but for the most part, they're ignorable - similar to the errands in the AC series.

You're also able to store up to 30 active quests at a time, and you can do whatever you want while you're doing them. You can even just outright abandon the task you just got given and accidentally complete it 20 hours later, if that's how you roll. They're not like the Story quests where you're locked into a particular cutscene or anything - they definitely act more like the errands in AC: Get given quest with a bit of text, and you're free to complete it at your leisure. You're not even given a time limit on quests, either - you've got all the time in the world.

As for the DLC.. I know most people who play online have the DLC, but players with the DLC can actually use a character without the DLC activated to play with those without - although the player with the DLC won't be able to access DLC features on that character. (Which unfortunately includes the character customization!) I actually have a non-DLC character for this exact purpose: playing with those without the DLC. Unfortunately though, he's only Lv. 5. ;D

EDIT: Oh geeze, that was a wall of text. Whoops! ^^;
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I just noticed that this thread has almost 100,000 views...
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I killed the napdragon, I was around level 28 but I'm level 30 now!
I gained 2 archery skill levels during.
Used about 3 high HP potions (I had Yuelia healing me too)
Used about 3 Life cures
Team of me, Yuelia and Odin.
Used the flaming bow too!
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I killed the napdragon, I was around level 28 but I'm level 30 now!
I gained 2 archery skill levels during.
Used about 3 high HP potions (I had Yuelia healing me too)
Used about 3 Life cures
Team of me, Yuelia and Odin.
Used the flaming bow too!

Aw he's so cute though! Or is it a she? lol...she has babies and lays eggs, so I guess he's a she. Congrats on MURDERING her, she has babiessss! :p
Aw he's so cute though! Or is it a she? lol...she has babies and lays eggs, so I guess he's a she. Congrats on MURDERING her, she has babiessss! :p

It's just a mock battle, she doesn't actually die. If you win, you put her into the box (MAGIC) and the bounty clerk just sets her free again. No dragons harmed. :p
It's just a mock battle, she doesn't actually die. If you win, you put her into the box (MAGIC) and the bounty clerk just sets her free again. No dragons harmed. :p

lmao I never thought about the bounty clerk setting monster free, no wonder they always come back! That actually explains a lot. :)
Wondering why in the heck Fantasy Life 2 is only going for mobile devices? Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino has his say:

Akihiro Hino said:
I’d say Fantasy Life has elements and mechanisms which adults find soothing. Although children play games on dedicated game systems, recently many adults have been playing on smartphones.

He also thought that “The supported hardware for this game was decided based on thinking of an environment where more adults play.”

This thread is dead ;_;

But I recently bought Fantasy Life with the Origin Island DLC and I love ittt!!! I'm still a magician in training and boy there's so much to explore in this game!
This thread is dead ;_;

But I recently bought Fantasy Life with the Origin Island DLC and I love ittt!!! I'm still a magician in training and boy there's so much to explore in this game!

Oh, what a shame. I got Fantasy Life as a gift from my Dad on my birthday, since I was feeling a little down.. I'm a tailor and I can't wait to get dat Dosh! I really love this game so far, and can't wait to explore the other Lives!
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Isn't the fact that Fantasy Life 2 is heading to mobile instead of dedicated gaming handhelds is causing a lot of people turning away from my thread? Or perhaps that there's a lot of people who already owned the game got bored of it or fully completed it.

Speaking of which, I modified my first post again. It now acknowledges more details on Fantasy Life 2 and also have some minor adjustments in order to make this post even more enjoyable to read.
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