Thank you so much for replying! I don't mind the fighting aspect, it's more the fact that it's a RPG that has those "typical" fantasy RPG elements like being able to be a paladin, a magician, etc. and that it seems kind of simple? I'm more concerned that it'll be repetitive and that tasks you get within each life aren't very diverse (I've heard that within a certain life you end up running errands that are pretty similar), but I don't really know.
That seems like a really good path to me, and I really like all the different Lives you can have. Can you change them even in the beginning? I've read somewhere (in one of the many reviews I found, probably) that there are points when you're not allowed to change because of the story but I don't know if that's true or if there are obstacles to changing lives like paying the game's currency or something.
Thanks for the opinions on the DLC, too! I probably won't play online as much as I think I will and it seems like there are no big benefits to getting it so early otherwise, so I might wait.![]()
[@Paragraph 1] While the game DOES have simple mechanics, it also has a lot more depth because of that - if that makes sense. I call it the Rogue Legacy syndrome, after the game I first noticed it in - because your battle options are a little limited, you end up using your somewhat limited options in really interesting ways, and you know EXACTLY when your attacks will hit, and what they will do. You end up getting a lot MORE control out of having a lot less controls, in a sense. -- And in response to the tasks you get.. I can see where they're coming from, to be fair. Some of the tasks you get can be pretty generic, in a "kill 5 rats" kinda way - my advice being to just pick the combat class you like and have that active when you go exploring, and the "kill 5 rats"-like quests should just solve themselves.
[@Paragraph 2] You can change your Life as soon as you finish the first story chapter, I believe. Which is about ~30 minutes in? And at that point, you can switch out your Lives whenever you wish. Although do note that whenever you're in a story mission or in online multiplayer, you are unable to switch. Although if you're playing online, you could always just switch to singleplayer, switch Lives, then switch back to multiplayer - it's awkward, but it works. Although, if you ARE in a story mission.. you're probably not going to care about switching Lives during them anyway. They focus mainly on funny dialogue. -- As for "obstacles" to changing Lives.. there aren't any. Changing Lives is free, and you can do it whenever you're in a Guild Hall. Plus, if you're somewhere lost, you're able to teleport to Castele's Guild Hall from wherever you are, too.
And as for the DLC.. I'd say wait until you've reached Level 50, or close. Half the DLC content is locked behind the Level 50 gate anyway, so unless you're wanting to play multiplayer online with those who have the DLC activated on their save file (or you want the admittedly rather cool new character customization options), you're better off just waiting on the DLC.