Giveaway Fast Villager Cycling, check often...I hold them for 15 minutes or less...Poncho

Bam has been cycled through already today, so guessing going to be quite some time before I see him again...:(
awe darn :c
i just had to be called into work today haha
thanks anyway though!
Bam has been cycled through already today, so guessing going to be quite some time before I see him again...:(
Have you cycled through/have in your town Sterling recently?
Just seeing if I need to keep watching this thread like a hawk or not XD
Welp, time to grab snack and get ready for some thread camping then xp

/sets up tent
Zucker came through two days ago... he is long gone... would have to wait until he comes through again... Chrissy is presently wanted by one of my friends, but her and a friend of hers are cycling too, so that is subject to change...:)
I'm assuming one of your friends/family wants Phoebe since she's adorable, but just in case if she rolls through i know someone who totally wants her!
Lopez came through roughly a week ago... Phoebe two days ago and Yuka came through yesterday... all were put out for adoption, not on our dreamie list...:) So if they come through again, they will be offered up here. Have not seen Eugene yet...but he is not on any of our lists...:)

Now fast question, Gladys in in my campsite ...yes or no? Please give fast advice as she is not on our lists, don't know if its worth trying to bring her into town?

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Just got word from a friend of mine, they are setting up their cycle town and will be posting under this thread tomorrow, so good chance of getting all you have named, fresh new system will be posting on here... so two of us will be offering on this one thread...:)

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Since no one is offering an opinion on Gladys I am going to pass on her, not sure but think she is not that popular... cycling on now
Graham the Smug Hamster is now available, if you would like Graham and has an open slot, please post... Will Give Graham about fifteen minutes only...
Graham the Smug Hamster is now available, if you would like Graham and has an open slot, please post... Will Give Graham about fifteen minutes only...

Graham is one of my Dream Villagers! :eek: I also have one more spot for an animal in my town! Can I have him?
Have you come across Marshal or is he on your dreamies list? c: